Snicker RP -The Secrets out

Sara looked at Warrick and Nick "Yeah I mean Nick and I fight over little things like who gets the remote but we always seem to work it out" she sighs at Warricks last words "who exactly does she think you're cheating on her With? Maybe she's excusing YOU of cheating because SHE is" she didnt really want to say it but she knew they were all thinkning it
Warrick sighed, he'd never thought of it that way. What scared him though was that he didn't care if she was having an affair. That isn't the way newlyweds are supposed to think?
Catherine glanced down at her hand and noticed that it was still on Warrick's. She smiled and quickly moved it. He was married and she had to keep reminding herself that.
"Well, Warrick, whatever happens you'll always have us."
Warrick smiled, feeling a little more reassured. "Thanks and sorry for ruining your big anouncement" He shrugged an apology.
Nick nodded, "Right...if you can't notice something going on between two csi's then your in the wrong job. I get it."
Sara looked at them "and I mean honestly I'm not hiding this very well anymore its hard to hide at the 5th month" she Looked at Catherine knowing she'd understand that
Catherine glanced back knowingly at Sara and smiled. Memories of her own pregnancy began to resurface in her mind. She remembered how happy she was and how scared she was. She could tell that Sara was nervous about becoming a mother. She sighed before speaking.
"Believe me, Sara, its really hard to hide pregnancy in the fifth month, especially for someone as fit as you."
she Looked at her and grinned "so I take that to mean you already knew" she was nervous but on the other hand happy she was having Nicks baby and not someone elses
she grinned at her "I guess in away thats a good thing because no one else knows yet" she raises her eyebrow as she touches her belly "well atleast I dont think anyone knows"
Catherine hugged Sara and offered another congrats on the baby. Sara was like a daughter to her and Catherine couldn't imagine Sara having anyone else's baby but Nick's.
"So, is Nick excited about being a dad?" she asked.
Sara smiled as she held Nicks hand "I think so I mean he's the one buying the baby furniture ,the clothes, and all of the essentials I'd be surprised if he wasnt excited"