Signature Banners #3 - Showcase and Request Them Here!

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You're welcome MedicWarrickLvr & Big_B :D
And Big_B, you can just credit in your bio, don't have to write it in your sig. Just to to My home --> personal info then scroll down it will be under location. :D
Dana, those are so cute, I snagged a them all :lol: I really like the last one, her smirk is so cute.

CSI_mania, that's awesome.
Ok I'm gonna be a real pain, but can someone make me a sandles and yobling banner??
I've asked before, but everyone only makes me a sandle one (not that I don't like those ones, I love them, but I'd really like a Sandles AND YoBling one) :)
Those banners are really cool, it just amazes me where you get your insperation from to make them!
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