Signature Banners #3 - Showcase and Request Them Here!

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eric/calleigh one

I'm not so sure about's kinda stange

great banners, CSI_mania! really cool style and coloring :D

@Detective_Brun hm... a pity it's so, well, scratchy, you know? I assume that came with the resizing and saving in a compressed format. are you still using powerpoint?

@Alexx interesting (and I do mean that in the sense of 'interesting', not in a negative sense :lol:) I kinda like it in its simplicity :)
thank you tianshi :D it means a lot for me ...

alexx I love the Natalie banner very good :D

D_burn your banner is OK for the first time maker.. but pics look very blurry and I can't read the TEXT easily ..

okay I made this banner for CSIWanabe but I want to post it here too :D

:) :lol: lizzy _sander thanks a bunch and i'm using loving it....
thank again and if have new tell me all about it ;) ;) ;)
thanks hun..
Danny banners are very nice - I can't decide if he better looks in green or in blue

but I'm in love with SMACked one :) this promo pic of Mac and Stella is so fine :)
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