Signature Banners #3 - Showcase and Request Them Here!

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I'm makeing a request. I would like a Danny/Aiden shipper banner please. Whatever pics you think would look nice would be fine. I'd like the phrase Love me when I'm Gone on it and any other lyrics from the song "When I'm Gone" by 3 Doors Down that you think would fit on there nicely. Thank you very much to anyone who even takes the time to consider making it. Also here's a link to the lyrics of the song if you want to check them out.
Catherinesmyidol, made some Lady H banners for you.
Not my best work, but I hope you like them.



One More
Imzadi83 said:
I'm makeing a request. I would like a Danny/Aiden shipper banner please. Whatever pics you think would look nice would be fine. I'd like the phrase Love me when I'm Gone on it and any other lyrics from the song "When I'm Gone" by 3 Doors Down that you think would fit on there nicely. Thank you very much to anyone who even takes the time to consider making it.

Here's my attempt. Didn't know if you wanted it animated or not. :)

Hey, Imzadi83, you wouldn't happen to be a Riker/Troi fan would you? And I love your current Aiden banner.
Ohhh I like it a lot :]! I'm going to try something myself first but I suck at that kind of stuff, So i'll probably use yours x]
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