Signature Banners #3 - Showcase and Request Them Here!

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All of these banners are AWESOME guys! Macayla I commented on your LJ, but that sMACked banner and the Danny ones.............OMG!!! Lizzy, I could not even begin to choose between yours!

If someone is at all interested in making a personalized banner. I'll give you 3 pictures, but if you have better ones it's ok to use something else. I'd like a Mac, FLack, and Danny banner with my name on the bottom of it. My name is Susan.

Here's some pics

This Flack


That Flack either one

This Mac


This Mac minus Stella (though that is a dynamic picture of them! Maybe I need a sMACked banner out of this picture! )

This Danny


That Danny

Just some pics to choose from if anyone wants to play!
I took a shot...

I'm going to put in a banner request if that is alright with you guys Well it's going to be two requsts cause I'm greedy lol. Both are going to be Mac Requests so brace youselfes!

Banner request No1

Size: 500x150

pics: ,, ,

Text: Dtective Mac Taylor, Devotion shows

Colors: None

Banner Two

Size: 220x75

Pics: Same as above or as many as you can fit in

Text: Mac Taylor
Those are all GREAT! I'll use them all! Macayla, you are GREAT what are you talking about???

Hey Lizzy.........How hard would it be to take the two you did and animate them into one that flashes from one to the other? Is that possible? If it's too complicated, it's not big deal! I like them both!
Lizzy, that is cool! I love that! I like the way it swishes into the other picture! I'm going to use yours next. I'm using the one Macayla made right now!

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