Shrine of Archie-goodness

That "mysterious" "Today Show" appearance was related to the People Magazine thing - they did a mini version of the "Dating Game" where Archie, JC Chasez (N*Sync) and Ace Young ("American Idol") were the bachelors. Silly girl chose Ace (after that lightning-fast-on-his-toes poem Archie pulled off? Appalling, I tell you!) but...if you missed the show, screencaps are up on Pronounced "kay-oh" so you can see our boy in all his (now OFFICIAL) hotness. :cool:

Thanks for the link, BTW! I caught that...sweeeeeeeet!
Robin! Diyana! I'm chaos-theory08 from LJ and the Archie community *waves*

Everything about my username and then later, my avatar is about Archie. Even my siggy is.... I love him since his Power Rangers days and "When In Rome".

Any episode with Archie is always a bit better.
It's been a really long tme since I logged in.Anyway,I would like to say congrats to Archie for making it to the People's Hottest Bachelors of 2006.We'll be rooting for you.To chaostheory08,welcome to the comm.See ya!
Archie's on the list of hottest bachelors? Good lord, I think I'm going to die...
Yeah, you know, I told the news people at CSIFiles about the magazine and the "Today Show" thing but it got no love... :(

Check out those screencaps I posted about...Bet Ms Bachelorette had a look at the guy she chose and the guys she didn't and smacked herself..."I coulda had a K.O.!"...::cymbal crash:: :p
chaostheory08 said:
Robin, let's grill em to put it on the news files!

You bring the Weber kettle, I'll bring the BBQ sauce... :lol: ::mutters and grumbles:: Dissin' my boy like that...oh no they di-int...::goes looking for the spatula::
chaostheory08 said:
I'll start the grill lol....

And while we're on the subject of BBQ...Texas being the BBQ center of the world and all...:lol:

ATTENTION NORTH TEXAS FANS! "Fast Money" will be shown at the Asian Film Festival of Dallas in early August - you do NOT want to miss it! Sorry we don't have an exact date/time/venue just yet, hopefully soon, and when we do I'll post it...(I'm all jazzed, I have a lot of buddies in "Big D" and they'll finally get to see it!)
Last I asked Jerry about that, he said late summer sometime, and it'll be NTSC, Region 0 so format shouldn't be an issue...He's still busy with the festival stuff right now but as soon as I hear when he's putting the DVD out I'll be posting all over the place with the info. :cool: Trust me, it'll be worth the wait...GREAT film!!