Shrine of Archie-goodness

My apologies if someone's posted this pic already, but I came across it in a Yahoo! search:

It was from a University event:
read about it here
Yeah, saw that, it was from a George Mason University function. Thanks for posting the pic!

Anyone in SoCal wanting to check out "Fast Money" - it will screen this Sunday, April 23, at the Riverside Multicultural Youth Festival. It will be at 2:30 p.m., at the California Museum of Photography located at 3824 Main Street, Riverside, CA 92501, and Jerry will be there to answer questions. Also, the VC Film Festival screening will be on Sunday, May 7, at 9 p.m., at the Laemmle 5 Sunset Theatre, 8000 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, CA 90028...most of cast/crew should be there...I'm hoping to go to that (as long as we get transportation sorted out)...may be my one opportunity to get out of the house and celebrate my "Big 5-0"! (Dinner and a movie? And how, LOL!)

Those not in/around L.A....fear not, the film will be getting around to various festivals around the country this summer, and per Jerry Chan (the filmmaker), the DVD will (hopefully) be available for purchase later in the summer as well.
Laemmle 5 Sunset Theatre, 8000 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, CA 90028...

Oops, lemme correct that...Laemmle Sunset 5 Theatre, 8000 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles (West Hollywood), CA 90046 - that's near the corner of Crescent Heights, for any of you in/near L.A. who might be able to make it...I need to stop posting in the middle of the night when I'm running on an average of 2 hours sleep per...
Bumping this for a good reason...

Talked to Archie at the VC Film Festival today, and he's agreed to do a question-and-answer thing for Pronounced "kay-oh". I'm going to start taking questions for him (please, nothing too invasive/intimate/"stalkery") over the next several weeks, and once he gets back from vacation I'll get them to him and later post his answers on the site.

Again, it may be mid- to late summer by the time he's able to get his answers back to me, but that gives you that long to get your questions in. Right now I'm going to make the cut-off date sometime in mid-July (I'll give a more precise date later). Include your screen name and/or first name and location and e-mail the questions to

By the way there's more goodies in the Visuals section. :cool: More to be added over the next month.
korbjaeger you might also want to check out a thread we have in this forum, called "If you could Interview an LV Star" I don't know if there are any archie questions, but there might be, that you can use to see also what some want to know about. Congraduations.
Thanks Destiny! Didn't see anything in there directed to Archie, but I went ahead and "pimped" the Q&A so hopefully we'll get some good questions. I'm posting this on some LiveJournal communities and, of course, Pronounced "kay-oh", and if anyone who knows other Archie fans could get the word around, it'd be appreciated! He didn't put any set limit on how many questions, but then I'm not rushing him either... :cool:
eek! i'm not around for a month and we suddenly get a Q &A?

i guess that's just punishment for not posting. but what can i say? high school is there for corporal torture.

:squee: i can only promise that i won't be TOO fangirly... i hope... ah, who am i kidding. of course i'd scare him. he'd be very freaked out if i ask him if he would marry me, right? :D

i am not a freak, i swear. :lol:

korbjaeger, did i mention already that i love and envy you? i could have sworn that i did.

oh well. i really DO love and envy you. you lucky, lucky woman.

i'll start sending some questions... oh man, he'd be an old man by the time he finishes answering them ^^

keep up the archie love!

Send 'em on over. We'll weed out what is sure to be the bazillion marriage proposals he gets :lol: ...can't say I blame a gal. He's gorgeous, smart, talented, incredibly sweet, a great hugger, and I could get so lost in those eyes you couldn't find me with a compass and a USAR team.... :lol: Hell, if I was 20 years younger and single...

korbjaeger, did i mention already that i love and envy you? i could have sworn that i did.

oh well. i really DO love and envy you. you lucky, lucky woman.

Oh, I know. ::hug:: Thanks. And I know I'm lucky...sometimes I wonder what I did right to deserve getting to know this guy, so I can keep doing it!

And just so we can have some more Archie-goodness around here...
Cel phone pic my husband took at the festival Sunday

Enjoy... ;)
Oh, and Boston area folks, a "Fast Money" screening near you!

Boston International Film Festival
Sunday June 11, 2006 6:30PM TO 9:00PM
Massachusetts College of Art
621 Huntington Avenue, Boston

Check the festival website for updated info on ticket sales, and keep checking the "Fast Money" website for info on additional festival screenings! (And naturally I'll do my best to keep ya up to date too! :cool: )

BTW - Also screening on the same program at the Boston Festival is another short called "Bunny & Clydo", which I saw at the VC Festival - it's an absolute riot - these two films on the same program makes it a must-see!!

For those of you who tried (successfully or otherwise) to sign up on the Pronounced "kay-oh" forum...I've about had it with PHP, so I'm coverting over to ezBoard. Graphics aren't all settled in yet, but you can reach the hoard and join over here . We'll have it integrated into the site over the next day or two.

I apologize for the inconvenience and the loss of the old posts, but this will prove to be less headaches all around. I'll also make up for it with more Archie visual goodness this weekend... :cool:

U.S.-based Archie fans - Check out "The Today Show" this Wednesday morning the 14th...I have it on authority from The Man Hisself...he was all Joe Mysterious and didn't fill me in on the specifics, but if it was a big enough deal to fly to New York for (and quickie-e-mail me about), something must be up, eh!

BTW, if you haven't been by Pronounced "kay-oh" lately, there's some new goodies on the Visuals page (caps from "ER"), and a new postboard - not fully integrated into the site just yet, but you can access it from the site. Should be fully meshed in by the end of the week but please stop by and register/post when you get a chance! :cool: