Show Hill Harper some love!

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Springmoon said:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
He looks like a teddy bear in that brown blazer.

I finally got around to watching Loving Jezebel last night. He was certainly freaked out by all the teddy bears that one hookup had in her room. Don't know how much he would like the comparisons to the teddy bears in here :lol:
:lol: That's right! But that girl just had waaaay too damn many bears in her room. Hell, I was getting freaked out for him. :lol: I'm sure he wouldn't mind being the only teddy bear on the bed. ;)
I thought I'd never say this but dayum Hill looks HOT in a doo rag:

I've got to see Loving Jezebel...All my friends have seen it though and loved it.
Is this the movie where Hill's character is in bed with some chick for the first time and he puts it in the "bad place" instead of her Va-Jay-Jay? lol
AmbersDream said:
I've got to see Loving Jezebel...All my friends have seen it though and loved it.
Is this the movie where Hill's character is in bed with some chick for the first time and he puts it in the "bad place" instead of her Va-Jay-Jay? lol
:eek: Not that I recall. What movie did that happen in? Must rent immediately! ... BTW, nice use of a cutesy expression in lieu of the real thing. ;)
^Uhhh.... that wasn't in this movie :lol: This one had the
less than 30 seconds of action on his first time out. The [censored] part is that he looked so damned pleased with himself afterward!

I really enjoyed the movie!! Extra credit on the "va-jay-jay" reference! First time I heard that I just about died laughing.
I love Hill's romantic comedies. He seems to play the dirty boy a lot. I can't wait to work my way through all his movies.
Va-Jay-Jay is something I've been saying since I was five and thought it was funny when my Mom was explaining body parts to me...I"ve always been a jokester.

God bless any woman who is doing it with a virgin for the first time....30 seconds. lol Man, I'm really gonna have to see this film.
"Va-jay-jay" was used with excellent timing to great effect on Grey's Anatomy last season.

Yeah, and 30 seconds was generous, trust me. I looked over at my hubby and asked him if it took him that long the first time. He gave me the dirtiest look! Hopefully mr. Harper evolved beyond 30 seconds by now :eek:
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