Show Hill Harper some love!

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I totally agree! Hill totally suits facial hair and any hair style, whether it be a buzz cut or a mini afro. But hey, I'd like my guy to have hair somewhere :devil:.

*eta* Girls, I know TONS of Greek men. You can have some of 'em if you want. *shudders*
Woah, thanks for those lovely photos! I'd love to get in between Hill & Adam to make a nice multi-cultural sandwich. This is one of the few times where I prefer white wasn't on top if you know what I mean :devil:.

*eta* In the first photo it looks like Hill is having a deep thought of what we did last night. I guess I'm improving :devil:.
jorja_fan86 said:
Woah, thanks for those lovely photos! I'd love to get in between Hill & Adam to make a nice multi-cultural sandwich. This is one of the few times where I prefer white wasn't on top if you know what I mean :devil:.
You're welcome :D
I'd totally be apart of any sandwich with those two! *claims her spot* "I'll be the mayo!!" :p

*eta* In the first photo it looks like Hill is having a deep thought of what we did last night. I guess I'm improving :devil:.
:lol: Well, practice does make perfect ;) :lol:
Wow, you girls have been busy! So many great things to respond to. I love it. This Hill thread is really moving these days. :D

Amber - Carmine didn't laugh his ass of over the LBB or anything like that. :( Though I knew I wouldn't get any kind of reaction like that out of him the instant I layed eyes on him. He pretty much stays in character and stays extremely focused the whole time he's working. He was very nice, but his response was along the lines of, "Thanks so much. I really appreciate all the support."

Thumpy - There's a man in the picture? :D *rushes to PM you*

jorja - Excellent song! That's destined to be classic.

And the book idea too. :D Hill is an accomplished author so I'm sure he could have some excellent suggestions on how to turn tales of freaky nights with him into best-selling erotica. ... Hmmm, he is a dirty boy and he can write -- I bet he could pen some seriously fantastic pornographic letters. Dear Hill, I am a major fan of your work. Please write me back at your convenience ... I'm not wearing any underwear. :devil:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
This Hill thread is really moving these days. :D

That's 'cause we love us some Hill. MMmmm mmmm good.

Amber - Carmine didn't laugh his ass of over the LBB or anything like that. :( Though I knew I wouldn't get any kind of reaction like that out of him the instant I layed eyes on him. He pretty much stays in character and stays extremely focused the whole time he's working. He was very nice, but his response was along the lines of, "Thanks so much. I really appreciate all the support."

But he did say something about it to his cast mates, since Hill was the one to reference it in the joint interview he did with Eddie back in the spring. That sort of gift cannot go unnoticed. I'm still a little bitter/jealous that I was still a lurker at the time of the LBB. I know better now.

Dear Hill, I am a major fan of your work. Please write me back at your convenience ... I'm not wearing any underwear. :devil:

If you're lucky, he'll go Theodorus Melville on you: "I love your pussy like three-berry pie..."
Guys like Carmine are sexy as hell, but it's so hard to get a read on them...You know, did they like the [CENSORED] you gave them last night or not?? lol.....Just tell me! :lol: :rolleyes:
I get the feeling though that Carmine went home and gushed like my six year old niece after getting an autograph from the chick from That's So Raven. I still think the LBB was a totally rockin idea...That took a lot of guts to even give a man something like that.
I love you girls! :D

Amber, I had to edit two words out of your post. Though I did laugh my ass off, we can't explicitly state sexual acts. You can find some cutesy way to phrase it or use "[CENSORED]". So, while I liked your wording better, I had to change it to [CENSORED]. Sorry, girl. :(

Yeah, you know Carmine ran around bragging about that LBB to his co-workers, even though I didn't get the benefit of seeing that. Hill had to find out about it somehow. :lol: I am sad for any lurkers who didn't get a chance to participate because that was fun. He actually does add people to the LBB if you ask him to, but then you miss out on the fun of having something naughty written next to your name as obviously no one is gonna email the man with "Hey, can you please add my address to the LBB and next it, write 'I wanna ride you hard, baby?' Thanks." :lol:
I'm sure Hill would tell you if he did, if not he would probably give you "something" in return if you know what I mean. :devil:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Thumpy - There's a man in the picture? :D *rushes to PM you*

:lol: MrsG you are cracking me up, woman!!! Ahh, quite possibly in the making, we will see ;)

Dear Hill, I am a major fan of your work. Please write me back at your convenience ... I'm not wearing any underwear.

We aren't wearing any underwear because we sent it all to Hill! :p Which BTW, has the trunk been given to him yet? just curious....
^^ Hill is a very well-spoken man. I'm sure he'd find some more intelligent way to articulate the usual guy mumblings of, "...oh ... yeah ... uhh ... like that." :lol:

EDIT: Thumpy - I suck. That PM hasn't happened yet. :( It will though. I swear. :lol:

No, the trunk hasn't been given to Hill yet. Was soooo close to being able to give it to him in person a couple weeks ago and then the scheduling fell through. :( I've still got a couple more weeks in LA and will have my contact try again. Otherwise, I'll have to leave it with one of his representatives. That wouldn't be nearly as much fun, but it will still get to him one way or the other.
:lol: I can see Hill handing Carmine a couple of panties and saying with a smirk, "Here, take these. I already have too many!" Carmine would then demand that he gets a set of panties to go with his LBB. Besides, I find that a set of panties is a much better way to show off how wild you are :devil:.
^ Hopefully Carmine didn't brag *too* much about the LBB. If so, that will come back to bite him when Hill comes into work wearing a big ass smile, with undies dripping from every available spot on his body going, "Addresses? All you got is some addresses? Check this out, beeeee-otch!" :lol:
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