Show Hill Harper some love!

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^ Hell yes, I'm gonna sue! Damn crap ass online rental company provided me with a defective product, thus causing me to suffer extreme emotional distress the other night. Bastards. :lol: Actually, I just got home and checked my mail. The replacement copy was waiting for me. ... But it's 10:15 pm. Little late for an old lady to be starting a movie, but the man did work in a porn shop and I don't know if that kinda fun can wait. I've got plans (with CSI Files girls, in fact :D) tomorrow and Saturday nights, so if I don't fire up this bad boy tonight, it'll have to wait a few days. :(

EDIT: Oh yeah, Hill can strip for me anyday. Take it off, baby! Wooooo!
Stayed up way past my bedtime last night to watch Love, Sex & Eating the Bones. It was time well spent. This flick rates high on the MrsG scale of what's important in a film viewed solely for the purpose of oogling one of the stars. I'll run through the basics for you: partial nudity (including a side view of the ass), lots of making out, a couple sex scenes, a hot oral scene (focused on girlfriend's face only), multiple masturbation scenes, phone sex (which Hill plays very well), brief clips of porn, lots of profanity. Woo hoo! This was such a gift, it almost felt like Christmas! :lol: :lol:

Okay, as you're not all as warped as I am, I will cover the things that I reluctantly concede really matter. This is a well-written and directed low budget indie flick. Romantic comedy. Hill plays Michael Joseph, a security guard/aspiring photographer with a porn addiction. He connects with a beautiful advertising executive, Marilyn, who happens to be celebite. Without spoiling too much, the movie is about their struggles to reconcile their very different sex lives and build a relationship. The characters are well-written, though only the two starring roles have any complexity to them. Hill impresses me. He's able to make a character some women would find distasteful into a rounded, sympathetic guy the viewer pulls for. Two thumbs up! :D

As an added attraction for me, Hill is obviously a dirty boy because he handles material that might be uncomfortable for some actors with a natural ease. :devil:
Thanks so much for the synopsis, MrsG. Now, answer me this, why would a woman want to be celibate around Hill Harper? I wonder if he claims to be as lonely as Carmine does...

At any rate, I appreciate both versions of your summary. I think I may have to bury the hatchet with Blockbuster and see if they have the movie in stock...
Do you get the extended digital cable channels?? Because the Starz networks play Love Sex and Eating the Bones all the time. In fact, its coming on tomorrow. By the way...This film is my FAVORITE romantic comedy..and I'm not even a RC kind of broad.
Springmoon said:
Now, answer me this, why would a woman want to be celibate around Hill Harper?
Note I said the movie is about reconciling their sexual differences. ;) I think she abandons that ship pretty quickly. :lol: ... BTW - thanks for spelling celibate correctly. I knew I didn't, but the correct spelling was elluding me and I was too lazy to look it up. :lol:

I wonder if he claims to be as lonely as Carmine does...
Sadly, no, I don't think he's begging for the fangirls to hit on him the way Carmine does. :( In pics, he's usually surrounded by beautiful black women. I'm guessing there's no shortage of sweet ass in his life. :lol:

I think I may have to bury the hatchet with Blockbuster and see if they have the movie in stock...
Get your ass to Blockbuster, girl. You can't hold a grudge when they've got a Hill fan's equivalent to crack just sitting right there on their shelf waiting for you.

Do you get the extended digital cable channels?? Because the Starz networks play Love Sex and Eating the Bones all the time. In fact, its coming on tomorrow. By the way...This film is my FAVORITE romantic comedy..and I'm not even a RC kind of broad.
Welcome, AmbersDream! Don't think I've seen you before. Glad to hear this is your favorite romantic comedy. If you like this one, I think you'll fit in nicely around here. :lol: :devil: Also, thanks for the info about Starz. Girls, anyone who gets that really needs to watch this.
Thanks so much for the welcome Mrs. G!! I've been browsing you guys on this topic for MONTHS and have been too lazy to join in the conversation. By the way Mrs. G...We share the same birthday...December 17! How is the "panty drive" going? lol
I"m not buying that crap about Danny being lonely....NOT for one minute!
Also, this movie Love, Sex, and Eating the Bones is like crack to any Hill fan. I can't get enough of this damn movie! Whenever its on, I must stop what I'm doing and watch. His skin coloring is so gorgeous on screen! Gotta love those caramel sundaes.
AmbersDream said:
I've been browsing you guys on this topic for MONTHS and have been too lazy to join in the conversation.
That's normal. Most people lurk for awhile before joining in. I know I did.
By the way Mrs. G...We share the same birthday...December 17!
Damn it! Does this mean we're gonna have to share Carmine on our birthday? :eek: :lol: :lol: You may not have been lurking long enough to catch on to this, but we each get Carmine to ourselves for the day on our birthday. Don't have to share him with anyone. Just have to return him to the rest of the girls in fully functional condition the next morning. :lol: So far, I don't think we have many girls who have to double up on their birthdays. It's okay though. I'm a sport. We can share. :devil: ... Or, since you are posting in a Hill thread, perhaps you're not even a Carmine fan and want Hill for your b-day instead?
How is the "panty drive" going? lol
Magnificently well. :D There aren't too many girls who post in the Hill threads, so I was kinda worried at first. However, the man has got some closet fans coming out of the woodwork so it's going well.

I"m not buying that crap about Danny being lonely....NOT for one minute!
No kidding! Like being on every "sexy" list on the planet doesn't translate into some major ass for him. :lol: Pleeeease!!! I don't buy that for a minute either.

His skin coloring is so gorgeous on screen! Gotta love those caramel sundaes.
Mmmmmm ... *imagines licking caramel off him* :devil: He does have gorgeous skin. Wouldn't mind seeing more of it. We get teased with the partial nudity in his films, but so far, he's yet to give up anything spectacular all at once. It's like a peek of abs here, a glimpse of ass there. You kinda have to piece that hot body together in your mind.
Dr. Sex God. lol That is so damn funny, yet so accurate.

Mrs G....I'll let you keep Carmine on the 17th, but I need him back before Christmas...Don't trip! I do need my Caramel on my birthday though. There is no negotiation for Mr. Harper. I'll also be needing Eddie for post birthday celebration. Hill is the absolute favorite though.

He does tease us in his movies. He also teased me on City of Angels when he showed his whole backside. *Still waiting to see that front prize*
Wait--why hasn't the City of Angels cap been making the rounds? :confused: Maybe we can't compare abs, but we sure could compare assets... ;) :devil:
ZOMG! I clearly didn't see that particular episode of "City of Angels!" :eek: If I'd seen the booty, y'all would have known about it in 10 seconds flat (after I'd mowed down family members and destroyed furniture to get to the computer). :lol:
I'd love to compare asses, I mean abs. lol I just don't know how to post caps.

Oh Girl, it was a good episode. He has the nerve to be wet, coming from the shower, and have his WHOLE ass out. Vivica A. Fox sees him and says "Nice Buns Doctor". Priceless.
So...does that mean you have caps? ;) If so, you could upload them to a Photobucket account and then post them as links in here...not that I'm saying you should or anything... :p

Anyway, that sounds like it would be a hot scene to see on the show--pity I didn't start watching until they were about to stop showing episodes for a while (or forever for all I know). :rolleyes:
You know I don't know how to upload links! I have the caps someone sent to me and I'd be glad to E-mail them to you if you want. Damn, I wish they'd put this scene on YouTube because it is hot.
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