Should some secrets be revealed? Smacked

Page four I can't beleive it :)


Stella had just arrived back from the pharmacy armed with a purse full of tests. The local pharmacy was only a single block away but it had taken a life time for her to get there. When she walked in she had had that horrible feeling that everyone was watching her. The look that the pharmacist gave her didn’t help her nerves when she dropped about 10 tests on the counter.

She had been sat in the bathroom for about 2 minutes. It had been an extraordinary long 2 minutes, 1 minute left. Stella had had a lot to think about in that time and had asked herself A LOT of questions.

What if it was positive?

Would I be happy?

What would Mac think?

Do I want this to be positive?

What would Mac think?

Would I keep the baby?

What would Mac think?

That was the main question she kept thinking about. Mac’s reaction.

‘Ok Stel,’ she said to herself, ‘You haven’t found out the result yet!’ She glanced down at her watch, ‘Oh come on 30 seconds left! 20 seconds, 18 seconds, 12 seconds, 5 seconds….’ She closed her eyes. ‘Moment of truth Miss Bonasera’

She opened her eyes: blue lines, a few faint lines and the word pregnant was all she could see.


Stella was now sitting alone in her office staring at the pregnancy test that she hadn’t thrown in the dumpster outside. It was the one that clearly said ‘pregnant’ never mind the most expensive. The door opened and she was about to stow away the test when she saw Hawkes enter she just smiled and returned her attention to the test on her lap. Hawkes walked up behind her and looked over her shoulder. ‘So I guess congratulations are in order.’

‘Yeh I suppose so.’ She put the test in the top draw of her desk and turned around to face Sheldon.

‘So when are you going to tell Mac?’

‘I don’t know I haven’t really thought about it, I have spent more of the past thirty minutes thinking about what he’ll think? Sheldon I’m sort of scarred about telling him.’ She smiled weakly.

‘Stel, I don’t think you should be too bothered about his reaction. A baby is the one thing he never got to share with Claire. Do you think he’ll leave you? Of course he won’t. He loves you and the whole lab knows it. I don’t know if you know but I saw you two in his SUV the afternoon nearly a sleep may I add’ Stella laughed, ‘And I think everybody saw you two coming out of the elevator soon after that.’

‘Well I suppose you’re right but then again you’re never wrong! Come on let’s go get a drink before we get back to work.’ Stella now extremely happy led him out of the room.
Happened to track down a computer, so I dont' miss your updates Natty and boy I have to say they're good. With Mac having marriage plans, I'd say he would react absolutely fab.

Take care.
That night the tension in Mac’s apartment had been immense. They were sat at either ends of the sofa. At one end Mac was really nervous but excited because he had brought a ring that afternoon and was planning to propose on Stella’s birthday. At the other end Stella was also extremely nervous but excited because since her conversation with Sheldon she had felt really happy about the pregnancy. However because Mac was acting strange she was losing her nerve about telling him. Mac was also having second thoughts because of how strange Stella was acting.

When he saw Stella yawn he thought it was time to speak for the first time in the past few hours. ‘Stel maybe we should go to bed, it’s been a long day.’

Stella sighed, it had been a long day she thought, ‘yeh I suppose.’ They both got up and proceeded to the bedroom. They undressed in silence and then slid underneath the covers. ‘Night sweetheart,’

‘Night Mac,’ they both turned on the spot to face opposite sides of the room they fell asleep thinking about the same thing, what is happening to us?

However when Mac woke up he was happy when he felt Stella snuggle into him. A smile filled Stella’s face as she felt Mac’s strong arms pull her closer. Nothing really had changed.


It was the day before Stella’s birthday and he had forced her to take the morning off because she had been ill that morning. She had insisted that she would be fine and Mac agreed that she could arrive at work in the afternoon, if she rested all morning. He was trying to finish off his paperwork, fat chance. He picked up his stapler to attach some notes together but when he pushed down he was unsuccessful.

‘Great’ Mac said to his office as he stood up and headed to Stella’s office to fetch some staples. As he walked into office he missed Stella walking out of the elevator.

‘Erm where do you keep your staples Stel,’ he again spoke to himself. He walked up to her desk and opened the top drawer. That’s when he saw it. He picked up the test and just stared at that very moment Stella walked in. They both froze and starred at each other in shock. Stella turned around and bolted back out the door; Mac dropped the test back in the draw and ran after Stella.

As he stepped into the corridor he saw Stella disappear into the locker room. So that’s the direction he headed in. When he walked in to the dark room he saw Stella sitting on the bench in the centre of the room sniffling.

‘Stel, are you Ok?’

Stel laughed, ‘I don’t know, what do think, you obviously hate the news!’

Mac seemed slightly confused, ‘What?’

‘You don’t exactly look happy do you? I didn’t even get a chance to tell you myself.’

‘Stel it’s just a little bit of a shock I only went looking for some staples!’

Stella looked up and laughed, ‘So so you are happy about the idea of us having a baby together?’

Mac nearly jumped into the air because he couldn’t contain his joy, ‘Happy? I’m ecstatic! Erm this is not how I wanted to do this…I was going to wait for your birthday but…’

He put his hand in his inside pocket and pulled out the velvet ring box which he had carried around since he had bought it.The ring was a simple white gold band with a small diamond embedded into it.

Stella’s eyes flew open in surprise, ‘Stel I want to give you this now so you don’t think I asked because of the baby. You mean everything in the world to me Stel and I am happier with you than I ever have been in my whole life. Will you marry me?’

Stella nodded as a single tear fell from her eye, ‘Yes Captain, of course I’ll marry you.’

Mac leaned forward and kissed her. The kiss was full of passion and promise. T that very moment Hawkes walked in, ‘Sorry guys’ he quickly retreated out but the couple ignored him anyway, they were in there own little world.

‘I love you Stel,’

‘I love you too Captain,’

‘Oops I nearly forgot,’ he lowered his head and whispered into Stella’s midsection. ‘I love you Baby Taylor.’ Stella just giggled as Mac kissed her once more.
Sorry that it took so long to post we so....


Mac was sat at his desk after insisting that he took Stella back to her office. He told her it was so that he could get those staples he had needed but it was just an excuse so that he could be near her.

He really wasn’t in the mood now to do paper work he just wanted to be with his wife to be. He clicked onto the iTunes programme on his computer and searched for his Michael Buble playlist. He turned the volume up and began to tap out the tune on his desk.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Mac quickly turned down the volume and Flack entered.

‘Hey Mac,’

‘Hey Flack what you need?’

‘I found Mr Kelsey’


‘The owner of the skin that Sid found underneath the Vic’s nails!’

‘Oh yeh I forgot about that!’ Mac stood up and grabbed his jacket and headed out of the door but Flack didn’t move. ‘What?’

‘Are you Ok Mac?’

‘Flack my man I feel on top of the world, now let’s go get our killer!’


Mac opened his apartment door and the smell of Italian filled his nostrils. He could hear the radio on in the kitchen and the sound of someone singing. He followed the sound and smells and lent on the door frame of the kitchen. He stood there watching Stella cook, his future wife, and the mother of his child. He bounced on the spot just at the thought of having a child with Stella.

He walked up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist and snuggled his face into her hair.

‘Hello Captain, I didn’t hear the door.’ Stella closed her eyes to savour the warmth of Mac arms around her.

‘It may have had something to do with the radio being on! Mmmm’

Stella giggled, ‘Can you get me some plates please?’

Mac moaned, ‘I’m comfy can’t you do it!?!?’

‘Very funny Captain, now move!’

‘Okay Dokay!’ Mac let go of Stella so that he could get the plates.


‘Mmmm mm mmmm, that was one tasty meal Stel’

‘Thank you! Well one of us has to be able cook. I remember that you struggle to make pancakes without burning them!’

Mac looked at Stella a little hurt. ‘Hey, I can cook loads of things however pancakes are my downfall! Come on I’ll clean up you go get changed then we’ll watch a bit of TV or something.’

‘You’re being very generous Mr Taylor!’

‘Well you better get used to it miss Bonasera because for the next 9 months I’m going to treat you like the special woman you are!’

Stella’s eyes began to water and Mac wiped away the few that escaped. ‘Come on Stel go get changed and I’ll be with you in a mo.’

‘Ok’ She stood up and headed towards the bedroom.


Mac had finished the dishes and was now lying on the sofa flicking though the channels and waiting for Stella.

‘Boo!’ Mac jumped as Stella entered the room.

‘Stel you really need to stop doing that!’

Stella lay next to him so that she facing him and Mac pulled her closer. ‘Stel, when do you want to tell the others about our news?’

‘I don’t mind. We can tell them about the engagement when we go back to work after my birthday if you want but can we wait until after I see the doctor on Saturday to tell them about the baby? But remember we’ll have to them before I start to show!’

‘You got a point there! What do you want to do now; there isn’t much on the TV at the moment.’

Stella knew what Mac wanted so she grinded her hips against his and felt Mac respond, ‘I got a few ideas!’ She kissed him passionately which was all Mac needed to take Stella to their own heaven.
just catching up on a few chpts.

I especially loved the sequence/moment on the couch with them both both acting strangely! :p

very cuddly, playful, and gently sweet Natty. Nice ;)