*Sexy, Sassy, Steely, Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

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Then when she arrives at Holly's scene - she finds Holly's gun, with rounds fired. She's relieved as she thinks Holly fought back - only to find out later that the guy used Holly's own gun to kill her.
And later on, at DNA, Greg proves Holly had DNA from the suspect under her nails. Catherine realized Holly did everything she could to help catch the bad guy; putting the beeper under the couch, scratching his cheek... I think Cath was proud of her at that moment.
Love the part where they bust into the guy's motel room. When Brass comes up the stairs, she asks what he's doing there. He says "Guilt therapy". I think they all needed some form of guilt therapy during that episode.

And this isn't Cath!Drama - but Cath!Humor:
When she calls the guy, while she's in the break room with Sara. She hangs up & says "did I just do that?" That was classic Marg!!! Funny how neither Cath nor Sara knew what "bling" was at the time!
EricaSJ said:
^ But that was a good cry. Made you realize how much Lindsey meant to her and how much she treasured her little girl. It was a very, very powerful and touching scene. :)

I completely agree. :D

ooh Cath!Hummer... what? Am I the only one that liked xover with Miami?
the bling bling scene rocked. when they let cath and sara get along they get great stuff.

now my fav part of this ep was when she admited she might need gil. because it was so sweet. he was waiting for her for that reason.
Oh I definitely loved the "bling bling" scene!!! :D
And I also love the morgue scene, where Catherine took a DNA from Holly's fingernails and she said "Im sorry" it was dramatic without being over the top.

Btw, this is just an update about Marg.. I got this from The Official Yobling forum :D
The release date for Marg's film Mr. Brooks starring Kevin Costner, Demi Moore and William Hurt is March 23rd, 2007.
Gary Dourdan's movie Perfect Stranger (he's with Halle Berry and Bruce Willis) will also be released on March 23, 2007.
Oh the battles begin:
Marg vs Gary = I vote Marg in this one
Bruce vs Demi = Bruce gets my vote here
Kevin vs Halle = Kevin rules in that contest

Therefore, my vote is 2-1 for Mr Brooks!

We haven't covered the Sara-arrival scene yet for CC.
Cath marks her territory over her case:
If you think you're taking my case ... forget it.

BTW - Lynn I loved the xover. I just don't see Cath as a Hummer girl. She needs a fast car.
eh, actually i think kevin vs halle would come out about even. so i guess we'll all just have to go multiple times to both, lol!

cc (hehe, the ep, not me)...cath's pretending she doesn't know who sara is and that she isn't herself. i love it.
Her new movies out in March, hope it's not too much longer after that it's out here.

I love the Sara arrival scene.

Lynn - I love the Cross-over epi.
So, I guess that covers CC. Episode 3 is Crate N Burial
The first time we see Cath, she's at the crime scene with the scooter, telling Warrick how Lindsey wants one of those scooters and thinks she's the only kid in the world that doesn't have one.

See -again you've got Cath with thoughts of Lindsey. I like how, in this scene, Warrick offers to take the case alone (yeah, like Cath's actually going to give it up!!)
oh so not. she's only going to dig her heals in deeper and work harder if a kid is involved. (well at least till the s5 character rewrites).
Ohhh I loved the scene in Crate and Burial were all of the team were giddy for Lindsey's birthday party. But Cath had her little minor blow up..

Catherine: "What do I have to do -- put it on the bulletin board? There is no party. My daughter doesn't want a party. Is everybody clear on that?"
Catherine: "I work 24-7. I have no time for my friends. My daughter rarely sees me having any fun, and all of the sudden she doesn't want a party."
Grissom: "And that's because of you?"
Catherine: "Yes. I'm her mother. She mimics me."
Grissom: "Well, then she'll be fine. I mean, look at you."

I love how the team understands and helps her about Lindsey. Warrick offered to take the case, Gil and Nick gave Lindsey birthday presents, etc. And the chemlab set scene with Nick and Gil was too funny. :lol:
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