*Sexy, Sassy, Steely, Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

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Season 6 was the season with the greatest lack of cath ever.
I really watched it withoput that interest I used to have while watching season such as the third or the fifth.
I'm a Cath addicted, they really got it wrong. -_-
Hey Ru! *hugs*

LOL. As I said earlier, there really wasn't real Cath!Drama in season 6. The limo scene in KKBB might be the high of it. Hehe.
ITA!!! She makes the show interesting. I like catherine's personality. I also LOVE when someone says something to shock her because she is usually one that is strong...and keeps her emotions in check.

Hahahh...when Grissom told her he missed her tush. Or when Nick asked her if she still likes to dance. So funny.
Whoa! I just had a Marg-flash.
I've had my computer randomly playing my music throughout the day, and Melissa Etheridge's "Precious Pain" just popped on. Every time I hear the start of that song, I get a flash of Marg piloting that helicopter in "Keys". I totally love that movie & wish it would have been able to make it as a series. Although, that red jumpsuit was really hideous, and Gary's dreads were WAY too long. (but he was cute rolling off the hammock & trying to get his pants on)

I think I'll end my night with a viewing of "Keys". Haven't had that out in a while.

ETA: OK, back from watching "Keys". This is freaky. I don't think I ever noticed before (or maybe just forgot) the deputy's name in this show is "Bobby Lee Grissom". Also scary how C.J. was talking about how the evidence doesn't lie and all the same stuff that Grissom normally preaches on CSI. I wonder if A.Z. watched this movie and took notes before coming up with CSI. There are MANY similarities here.
i have never seen "Keys", I'd love to.ùYou think I could find it somehow, to rent it???
or is it hard to find?
Ah, but you only get a silhouetted nekkid Marg. You get the real deal in Frame by frame. I'd like to see Marg do another movie with Brett Cullen. They were great together & I wish the story could have gone on to explore that relationship.
As much as I love seeing nekkid Marg, I don't like the scene in Frame by Frame. Well, I'd love it if it was Catherine in Gil's tub. LOL. But that belongs to another thread. ;) Anyway I think the silhouetted nekkid Marg was beautiful. I love seeing her body framed by the moonlight. Those curves were just...*sigh* Marg in a bikini was definitely a bonus, BUT! Did they have to have her wear that vest? UGH!
I agree. She looked so uncomfortable there in frame by frame, but so natural in Keys. LOVED the vest, hated the red jumpsuit (why RED? why not a nice blue or dark green?) So cute when she did that little twirl in the vest, heels and painted-on jeans (could they have BEEN any tighter?)

Fra - I think Keys is probably only out on vhs, not dvd. So if you still have a vhs player, try searching online for that movie. It's definitely a must-see if you like Marg movies (and if there's anyone here who DOESN'T like them.... well that's just... *shudders* unthinkable!) Gary Dourdan is in the movie too!
just jumping in here...silhouette would be my preference. just a general opinion on the subject most of the time plus i think that it makes more sense artistically in most instances.
The vest that she wore with the skin-tight jeans going into that shop to inquire about buying a kid. Maybe I liked it just because she was out of that hiddeous red jumpsuit. Then again, maybe my jaw was just dropping when I saw the jeans and only paid a little attention to that vest. She was so cute when she held up her hair in a pose just before walking through the door, then that little twirl.

And yes, the silhouette shot was by far more sexy than the one in the other movie.
LMAO I was talking about the life vest she was wearing in the ending scene. They should have had her in just the bikini. No vest.
Well come on now, E! She was with a young boy. You couldn't have her parading around a young boy with just a bikini! Think about it. The image of her in just the bikini would be saved for just her & Chief Wasser.
I loved that scene on the boat where she was getting changed. He was shot and trying to be such a gentleman, and here she willingly gives him a nice peep show.
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