*Sexy, Sassy, Steely, Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

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Hottie_Cath said: And D, can I still mention the acronym in the Shipper Central though? *poof*hides* :lol:
That would be up to the mods there, look you all are saying you mean it in a 'respectful way' right? all were asking is that you kind of stress that or make it known, as some who might be new or new to that acronym might not think of it the same way, basically we trying to prevent it being used in a non-respectful way.

I can't believe I am saying this about that specific acronym but keep it respectful and you can mention it in here as well. But if it seems like its going to goto the non respectful side we will make mention of it. Sound like a good compromise for everyone?

*off to find more coffee lol*
^^ Don't know about everyone else, but personally I really enjoyed After the Show. That episode is totally Cath-centric, and so well played by Marg. Love it :D
Oh I was asking D just in case my fingers slip, I got used to typing the M instead of the P. :D

Although there's so little cath in Gum Drops, it is a good Nick episode and good episode overall. You might want to catch 6x11 Werewolves catherinerules, that was a great Cath ep.

Season four? If you like funny, then Fur And Loathing and Dead Ringer are a good funny Cath episodes. If you like angst.. oh where would I begin.. there are lots of eps.. lol.. there's Cath angst in Feeling the Heat, After the Show, Early Rollout, No More Bets, Bloodlines.

Since we are on this subject...I'm curious to know about some really good episodes with Catherine for Season 6. I literally missed most of the shows from last season. :(

Anyhow... I love Cath drama...so anyhow just curious. Angst, or anything funny would be great.

^ If you'd like Cath-heavy episodes, the first choice must be Werewolves. Shooting Stars is good, too. I also like I Like to Watch. None of these are Cath!Drama, though. You see gentle, caring Cath in Werewolves and I Like to Watch and you see kick-ass Cath in Shooting Stars. My other choices would be Bodies in Motion, Room Service, Bite Me, Dog Eat Dog, Still Life, Kiss Kiss, Bye-Bye, Pirates of the Third Reich and Up in Smoke. Come to think of it, there wasn't really Cath!Drama in season 6. LOL.
Well the second half of Season 6 kind of stunk.

Kiss Kiss Bye Bye was a wonderful episode with both Cath's mom & dad, as well as Faye Dunaway. Let's see... Werewolves and Shooting Stars were pretty good. I also liked Secrets & Flies and Bite Me. and if you like Lady Heather, she's back in Pirates of the third Reich
I really recommend KissKissByeBye.
Mainly because you get to know more of the Family-Catherine, about her relationshio with her mother, about how she feels now with sam being her father.
Obviousl, if you love cath!drama you will love the Limo-Scene.
A kickass-daughter, really!
Kiss Kiss Bye Bye also has the bonus of Greg's hat flipping ;)

But I do love Catherine in that episode - and the dress she wears at the end :D
I want to thank everyone for all the help regarding the episodes. What about season 2? Any ideas?
"The finger" rulez! :D

And Slaves of Las Vegas too. You there's a particular relationship between Heather & Cath.

And Cross-Jurisdiction!!!!!!!!!! Not to watch it does equal with suicide, if u like Cath!
The most Cathdrama I can remember in Season 6 after Bodies in Motion and KKBB, was her mention of Lindsey in The Usual Suspects.

Is it me or didnt Season 6 just dwindle? It started with so much promise then left me feeling :confused:
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