*Sexy, Sassy, Steely, Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

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I'd love to see that, too, but I'm not holding my hopes. Let's just not forget how they dealt with the aftermath of Grave Danger. Poor Nicky. He didn't deserve that. So, until I see it on my TV screen, I don't trust TPTB to deal with the Cath/Sam storyline well, or even deal with it at all.

You see, that way, I'm never disappointed. You know, sometimes I'm nicely surprised.

(Cath certainly has had some of the best lines ever.)
Rissa, I didn't mean those photos...Which are gorgeous, btw.

It was a true TVGuide cover, if I remember well.
Ok, I'll post it in the Eye Candy thread ^_^
Yay, it seems like we weren't the only ones impressed by Marg in BTK. Here's an article about Cath/Marg from the New York Post, which has Naren Shankar talking about her character.

(It has a tiny drop of spoiler in it, but I hope it's kay, Destiny.)
"she's unique"

EXACTLY, my dear :D

"crying over the bloody body of your shady dad, or applying a rape kit to yourself screams Emmy"

YES YES YES, we do too!!!
Emmy's in the air...:D

Good article, indeed ;)
Marg WAS really wonderful, and CATH was reeeeally strong.
*pats Shankar* Yeah better praise Marg or you'll totally go on my bad side, lol. JK!!! :D
I love the title of the article.. its so true. :lol: And good for CSI they ended up in the New York Post.

Edit: Oh, so one of the reasons they're giving Catherine so much angst is that: "The producers also are fans of Helgenberger, and enjoy giving her powerful scenes."
I sincerely hope that because people are already saying Emmy about that episode that TMTB will have at least their first bit of common sense for the year and submit BtK for the awards.
Guys lets remember that part of the team of "TMTB" are not just the network, but also the producers (such as William Petersen), ect that choose these. Not to mention that I believe the cast does get to have some say in it, probably a vote of what they like, but referring to them as "TMTB" is kind of insulting even to a network that is giving you all a great show. Then again that is my two cents on it.
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