*Sexy, Sassy, Steely, Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

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Rdizzle! We're gonna have to find a you punk'd icon! lmao.. uh oh, Rdizzle's gonna have another ship!.. She's a Cath!Whore... Im a Mac!Whore. *nods*
Welcome aboard sienna! Glad to have you here for the Marg love. :)

So...what do you love about Marg? Or if you have seen her other works, which one is your favorite?
unfortunately i've only seen her in csi ...she's such a great actress i soo want to see her in other movies too but i don't know in which she played ...
i think i'm going to search the internet if i find something or could you maybe suggest me something ?
hmm i love her first of all because i just like the character catherine willows also because she looks amazing , i mean her smile is adorable and there are soo many things (i even love the way she holds the flashlight ... ok that's a bit crazy :D)
that's not crazy, that's the MARG-LOVE! And you're reeeeally in GOOD COMPANY here!

OMG, Cath/Phone...
That's a pair that's worth to ship. Especially when she's mad at someone.
I don't know why, I love it when she gets mad at someone (Gil Gil Gil) talking on the phone.

I still remember that Way To Go scene, with Lindsay.
"You know what? i have a friend who's fighting for his life, I would appreciate a little understanding. Goodbye"
She SOOO looked like a mother. :D SOmetimes I kinda forget she's. She's too hot to think of her as a parent. :lol:
Dardeile said:
I still remember that Way To Go scene, with Lindsay.
"You know what? i have a friend who's fighting for his life, I would appreciate a little understanding. Goodbye"
She SOOO looked like a mother. :D SOmetimes I kinda forget she's. She's too hot to think of her as a parent. :lol:

oh yees !!! totally !! that scene was great ... i mean i would've been mad at lindsey too at that situation ... but it's kinda sweet when she's mad ^^
Welcome sienna!
omg is that Wendy in your avatar? I love Wendy!!! :D And er, flashlight?!?! I bet you're talking about this flashlight scene in Viva Las Vegas. Hehe. :D
And if you want to check out Marg's movies.. Marg was in the movie Erin Bronkovich (the one with Julia Roberts), its one of the more popular movies she was in.

Rdizzle! We're gonna have to find a you punk'd icon! lmao.. uh oh, Rdizzle's gonna have another ship!.. She's a Cath!Whore... Im a Mac!Whore. *nods*
Yes please help me find one.. so you ship Big/Mac too? ok i know lame, lame. :p
Dardeile said:
She's too hot to think of her as a parent. :lol:
Normally, I would agree with that statement, but after seeing Lindsey's rescue in BTK2 - Seeing her as a HOT mom-in-action is really fun to watch.
Yeah I'd recommend Erin Brockovich too. It's one of those which are easier to find. Marg is brilliant in this movie. Also, In Good Company is also great. Her part is small, but you're so going to love her in it. If you watch this movie on DVD, don't miss the deleted scene with Marg and Dennis Quaid because it's the best scene of that movie. Too bad they decided to cut it.
oh thx for the information i saw that movie a long time ago so i don't remember her in it but i think i'm going to watch it again

oh and Hottie_Cath i was sooo talking about that scene ;)
kaylyne said:
Dardeile said:
She's too hot to think of her as a parent. :lol:
Normally, I would agree with that statement, but after seeing Lindsey's rescue in BTK2 - Seeing her as a HOT mom-in-action is really fun to watch.
Guys have an acronym/term for a hot momma. I don't know if I can post it here though.. it starts with the letter M. :p They always use it for Marg.

Oh my most fave rescue scene was in Lady Heather's Box when Cath slid down the sewer and swam to rescue Lindsey. But I also loved the Lindsey rescue scene in Built to Kill part 2 too. It was a very powerful scene.

EDIT: sienna Marg played a sickly villager in Erin Bronkovich.. she was the one who got a cancer and lost her uterus and breast.
Lol Rissa, it might be okay as long as you only use the letters. :lol:

It's hard to choose between the Cath/Lindsey scenes in LHB and BTK2, they were both really great scenes.
sienna How many threads does this make us now?

Rdizzle do you want one with Marg and punk'd? :lol: that was lame, Rdizzle, Lame! :p
Hottie_Cath said:

EDIT: sienna Marg played a sickly villager in Erin Bronkovich.. she was the one who got a cancer and lost her uterus and breast.

oh i remember she was that woman with the children ... oh oookay i got it

iheartnickcath said:
sienna How many threads does this make us now?
sry i don't know what you mean :confused:
Oh, E I got the word, I think it's the same they use for Julie Cooper (The OC) :lol:

I couldn't decide between LAdy heather's Box and Built To kill.
They were both moving and very powerful scenes, both with a strabiliant performance from Marg.
If I had to choose I'd say...Built To Kill. It was really desperate that one, my heart missed a few beats while watching that. Imagine having your daughter kidnapped, then finding her wrapped to a chair and not being able to touch her.
That'll be one of my fav Marg moments ever.
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