*Sexy, Sassy, Steely, Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

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:lol:I kno it was priceless that her seeing her mother she had absoloutly no reaction to her face~ ;)
Lastnight was priceless when katherine was standing infront of her mother and father but when she didsed her mother..lol...And i cant believe that her father got sho0t and died...,tears,I am so0o upset..But at least katehrine and her daughter lived~
actually, that wasn't her mother. It was just some girl-of-the-day that Sam had with him. As he told Catherine, she was "just for show", as Catherine's mother was on a cruise at the time.
if I were Cath, I would have killed that blonde stupid show-girl.
I love Catherine's mother, she's such a genius...She's so much like her daughter.
I still remember that Grave Danger scene, when she goes to ask Sam the money 4 Nick. THAT was priceless, when she told that woman to shut up.
I'm a Catherine-ShutUp shipper.
Love it when she says it to anyone :lol:
Holy crap, BTK Part II was awesome. Marg... amazing! Poor Catherine. Everything she went through... Im not only naturally relieved that she wasnt raped but also cuz that at least provided her some good news. I love that some stuff made a few of the horrible events up for her, up until the end.

At least Lindsey was found and she was fine. But Im so heartbroken about Sam, despite him slapping her. From the promo I did figure that she said something to him but I was discussing it with RC and she has a point; it was just wrong to slap her for that. It wouldnt have surprised me if she had said something worse but she was under so much stress. Meh, I'll just blame it on the stress for Sam too.

Anyway, this was fab. Too bad I'm sure they wont submit this for Emmy.
I'm sure we won't mind a SAG, though, if not an Emmy. Will we? :lol:

And CSI won the ratings. Cath!Drama saves the day. Mwahahahahaha.
I'm holding out hope that Sam isn't dead. He can't be, we need his Old Vegas Badness to stir up trouble every now and then. If so don't tell coolcatz.

If the voters had a brain they'd be engraving Marg's name right now on the Emmy statuette, the SAG. She was incredible. Did anyone else catch shades of KC (China Beach) when Catherine stood in front of the mirror at the end of Part 1.? :)
Jango, I got the KC deja vu during Catherine's scene with Sara. Somehow, Cath with the damp hair, dress and high heels gave me a major KC flashback!

iheartnickcath said:
Kay's a few miles from crazy, yall should remember that.
Hey now, Lynn - be careful. I resemble that remark! :lol:
My definitely fave scene was the kidnap one. Marg played so damn amazingly. My heart BROKE when saw her scream Lindsey's name with so much pain and fear. And the ending scene... She was awesome.
I love Catherine. She calls Sara. She doesn't say anything but she got raped. No details. Dunno why I love it, but I do.
I could tell you guys again she's sooo awesome, but you already know this. ;)
About the shipper-thing, I'm with Erica: Private life is private life, and job is job. Don't mix'em. ;)
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