*Sexy, Sassy, Steely, Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

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^ Marg with the flaming sword is great, but kind of long, dontcha think? Hmmm we need a shortened form for that one. *thinks*

Thanks to a great girl, I got to watch Where Are My Children? and my oh my, that was so heartbreaking. Loved it. Hahaha Marg was so cute in 60s' outfit. That hair made me giggle. :lol:
ROFL! So far I've been labeled "Drum!Marg"; "Bad Marg" and "Marg with the Flaming Sword"

I have multiple personalities!
Where are my children? is a hard movie to find, I've seen pics from it though. I know what you mean about the hair.

In the post yesterday I got Lethal Vows, Distant Cousins and Crooked Hearts. Already seen Lethal Vows but really wanted to see it again.
I just got Species I and II... loved it, obviously!

I never saw "WAMC?", but from the pics I can definitely say she looks a LOT like Samantha, from Bewitched!!! (is that the english name for the show, right?)
^ Yeah. Can you imagine that her three children all went missing, and after she finally had another child, he died of a car accident? Nice to know that she finally found her missing children after two decades of not having heard anything about them. She really deserved that.
I watched the Letterman interview. I love how Marg bounced into the room and she looked so hot!

And the imitations of her mother were priceless!
^that's part of her charm. when she's interviewed it's not about parties and premieres. she talks about her life and it's just as normal as ours. well other than the perks.
I'll say. When she said about her mother that her mother just has to know everything, I was like...OMG! That's my grandmother!
that's my family! my fav is still her talking about her calling alan and asking him out and how she thought he was afraid to call her because of his crappy car.
I love that too, C. And I loved the interview that she and Alan did with Cujo and she was all shocked that he was intimidated by her!
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