*Sexy, Sassy, Steely, Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

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I watched "Werewolves" last night and it totally reaffirmed my love for Catherine/Marg. The way she was so sweet to Allison really shows that Marg is simply more than a pair of giant breasts- she can act, and act bloody brilliantly. I loved how she said she would be there for Allison... brought a tear to my eye.
Lynn, it was nothing. *whistles*

MikeW, your description was interesting...giant breasts. LOL. Marg may have big boobs, but they're not THAT big. :lol: Plus she said she uses push-up bras. :D Oh she SO can act. I totally agree with you on the Werewolves comment, but lemme tell ya, comparing to the last scene from Built to Kill, Part One, this is nothing. :) I'm glad it reaffirmed your love for Marg/Catherine, though. And I hope it stays. :)
^ The "giant breasts" bit comes from an injoke between me and a friend who refer to her as "Tits Willows"- you gotta admit for a 47-year old, they're impressive lol!

Oh, my love for Catherine will always remain robust! She's gorgeous, witty, funny and she's not afraid to voice an opinion. I love strong women on TV, women with balls- and Catherine is the epitome of that. And like most women on CSI (Stella NY excluded) Marg makes me wonder whether there is a hetro underneath this Greg-loving ho!
I agree with ur idea bout having the shower and dance seen other wise the episode would be boring.
*looks at Rdizzle* is that so?

*raises eyebrow at mini catmarg* I know you said something, out with it!

*thinks of ways to whack MikeW* Nope, can't come up with anything. Your lucky, really.

Hey Rdizzle are you gonna ship Cath with the shower? :lol: .. *points at Squishy* Her idea! *runs*
I still haven't been able to see the season premiere..from the picutres (screen captures) I can see the expressions on Cath's face and it eats me up. Even with never have seeing the episode I can feel her pain and fear.
Oh god. Ok, it's quite embarrassing.
First off, HI GUYS! My name's Frà :)
I've been hanging around for a bit now, and only to read your posts in this thread( and the Eye candy one, of course!)...And as I'm a big - and when i say big I mean HUGE- fan of Cath/Marg, I decided to join you in this crazy Marg-obsessed group!

it feels great to be here, really!
I hope u'll forgive any mistake, considering english is not my speaking language ... even though i prefer english to italian!

Lots o' kisses 2 everyone, cath's fans!^_^
well if we let marg be marg then anne can be bad marg. or marg with the flaming sword? i like that one myself.
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