*Sexy, Sassy, Steely, Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

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OK then.

My name is *ahem* Marg. (hey, I said it was anonymous, right!) And I'm pleased to say I'm a Marg-a-holic. Thank you. *sits down*

ETA: *pops back up again* Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Marg ROCKS!!!

My name is *ahem* Mini CatMarg *points at Lynn, she created it*. And I'm proud to announce that I am a Marg-a-maniac. Nice to meet you all. :)

My current motto is "Be Marg's Straw."
I take full blame, because you are!

..Hmm, I wouldn't know what to name me..Kay done took Marg, *glares*
Oh somebody please HELP!!!!

My local tv channel has replaced my CSI weekends with CSI Miami!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!! I need my original CSI fix. E, do you have those caps done yet.

hmmmmm. A CSIM episode with Kim Delaney. Kind of intrigued now. ........OK, even that didn't help.

*runs to dvd collection*

*pops in LHB, and smiles* Ahhhhhhh! there we go.

ETA: Hey, Lynn- I think we are all named Marg (or some variation of Marg) in this group.
*shakes fist* Just wait. I'll think of some form of revenge on you Lynn. I can't think right now, because I just finished watching LHB, followed by the 38th viewing of the built to kill ending, and am in Marg heaven right now and feeling the love.
She does the "drugged" scene so awesome. It would have been hard to play because she's never felt it in real (I guess). I've watched the last 10 mins so many times.
But I couldn't close my mouth after watching the episode. She was so awesome. Let's cross our fingers and hope they'll pay respect to it at the Emmy nominees. Even though it's far.
aww thanks squishy.

..yeah, you do that, Kay *laughs* You still got Miami! :lol:

*looks at mini catmarg* What was that?
*gives goober a name* you are now goobermarg
LMFAO! :lol: That fits Ldizzle.

I have only seen the end scene thrice, I can't let my friends see me teary-eyed or something, lol. But I will watch it a million times once Im all alone. But yeah WWB our jaws dropped when Catherine started to process herself and we couldn't close our mouth too, lol.

Oh and btw, Marg likes saying the word "gargantuan". She said the word both on her David Letterman interview and her Podcast. She said the "f****ng" both on the Mea Culpa outtakes and the Podcast, lol. :D I think she loves using that word too.
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