*Sexy, Sassy, Steely, Smart* - Marg/Catherine #4.0

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they just need to release cb on dvd. buy the danged rights, they'll make the money back for sure.

and what ep are we on?
We're now on Friends and Lovers. I love how she already shown her leadership skills on this ep..

Gil's phone rings again. Catherine walks to Gil's desk and gets the assignment sheets.
Catherine: "Don't answer it."
She hands the papers to Gil.
Catherine: "We've got work to do ... boss."
Gil takes the assignment sheets from Catherine and follows her out the door, not answering the phone.

LOL! Actually I think she's the boss in this ep. lol! She can charm Gil and make him do things. Oh and when she was looking for Nicky she said,"You're coming with me." That's Cath for you, she's confident and the boss even in Season 1. :D
Friends & lovers is a bit fun at times because you still see Cath enjoying her work like a little kid yet.
NICK: What did you find out?
CATH: Heavy on B.S., zippo on truth.
NICK: You don't seem too bummed about it.
CATH: Hell, no. I'm stoked. We drew the best case, Nicky. I can feel it.
NICK: Mm-hmm. Then there's only one thing left to do.
CATH: String it.
NICK: String it.

- - -
and still teaching Nicky that Grissom isn't god.

CATH: No, no, this isn't over.
NICK: For all forensic purposes, it is over. They're going to eat bread and bang a metal cup against some bars. That's it. It's over for us.
CATH: We still don't know why.
NICK: It's not our job to know why. It's our job to know how. You heard Grissom. The more the 'why', the less the 'how', the less the 'how', the more the 'why'.
CATH: Hey, Nick.
NICK: Yeah?
CATH: Grissom's not always right. Do yourself a favor and think for yourself. I mean that as a friend, okay? Okay, detective, we got some more homework to do.
*break* :D

I'm posting this for Lizzy and for those who are not regular visitors of the Gil and Catherine Shippers thread. LOL! :D MargCathfan1 was able to visit the CSI set while Marg is filming her scenes for the Season 7 opener.

"Marg is so gorgeous and glowy and teeny - and really, really nice. Not to mention she had some hilarious one liners she'd throw in between takes and what not. I had never seen her in person before and was just as impressed as I thought I'd be. I may go back later this week to watch some more, I like having the week off from work! Spoilers...

Click HERE to read the rest of her post. Warning: Spoilers"
^^Don't worry her post is not about Gil and Cath, its about Marg and what she saw on the set. And the people there are friendliest on Talkcsi uh-uh! :D That's why its called purejoy and we have a Sandles poster there so we got a bit of her positivity vibe. :lol: And oh a Nick/Cath shipper also posts there.. iheartnickcath is there uhm so yeah we're crazy.. so yeah you're right, better not go there, lol! j/k.. :lol: ( Love ya Lynny! )Back to serious stuff, yup if you're planning to stay spoiler-free then yeah better not click the link. :D
^^Yeah and maybe you can bring some of the spoilers over to your own thread, Kelly. Her experience pretty much confirmed the initial spoilers.. Oh no! I don't know if I'll be thrilled about them though. But yeah, I can't wait to see her in that black dress. :D

Oh dear me, I cannot remember the scenes/case of Catherine and Nick in Friends and Lovers. Is that the gnome episode?
^ Nah. It was two ladies (one of them was the principal of a school) who were actually lovers but pretended to be just friends in front of other people. The guy found out about them and blackmailed the principal and the girls murdered him in her office.
Hottie_Cath said:
^^Don't worry her post is not about Gil and Cath, its about Marg and what she saw on the set. And the people there are friendliest on Talkcsi uh-uh! :D That's why its called purejoy and we have a Sandles poster there so we got a bit of her positivity vibe. :lol: And oh a Nick/Cath shipper also posts there.. iheartnickcath is there uhm so yeah we're crazy.. so yeah you're right, better not go there, lol! j/k.. :lol: ( Love ya Lynny! )Back to serious stuff, yup if you're planning to stay spoiler-free then yeah better not click the link. :D

It's not about the spoilers actually. I wanted to stay spoiler-free but I didn't managed. I heard a rumor, and I just had to read the spoiler tags since then. Bad me..
But yeah, it's about the Grillows thing. There's just some ships I need to avoid. But I know the cool people hang out there (no offence to the rest of you), so it must be fun. Maybe I'll pop in some day :)
I think the gnome episode is Face Lift, the scene from Friends and Lovers that sticks out is the one where Catherine puts her hand on Nicks shoulder when they're talking about Grissom after they finish interviewing the two women.
Ok Lizzy Im gonna PM her post to you instead. :D
Oh I remember Friends and Lovers now, thank you E and Kelly. I forgot that the gnome episode is Face Lift, because a certain fan fiction corrupted that episode. :lol:
"Marg is so gorgeous and glowy and teeny - and really, really nice. Not to mention she had some hilarious one liners she'd throw in between takes and what not.
This reminds me of the behind-the-scenes interview Marg had done on TV shows. The scenes they were filming were emotionally draining but she always manages to crack some jokes.
friends and lovers is a great cn ep. i love the stringing of the room (great cap). and that she basically tells nick that gil is definately not a god.

lizzy, we'd love you to visit. the only person we abuse is goober and we just abuse her everywhere (it's in the tos)
coolcatz said:
lizzy, we'd love you to visit. the only person we abuse is goober and we just abuse her everywhere (it's in the tos)

Ok then. But convince me. Someone has to PM me the best Grillows fic there is... I'll read it and let's see if it'll change my mind :D
^^Nuh-uh coolc.. :p Lizzy just visit but stay yobling mkay.. you see if you come and stay there you will be abused like goober aka iheartnickcath.. and coolc tortures me with a paper airplane. :lol: You want me to send to you the cheesy gnome fic? :lol:

friends and lovers is a great cn ep. i love the stringing of the room (great cap). and that she basically tells nick that gil is definately not a god.
Oh the stringing of the room ala Matrix! And I also remember she's wearing a purple turtle neck on this episode. And I was able to watch a CSI music video (Catherine/Sara) that featured a scene from Friends and Lovers, I was cracking up at the F&L scene the vidder used, Cath was interrogating the girl suspect and there was a moment that Cath was staring at the suspect's cleavage. :lol: Check out the episode again and see if you can catch Catherine. lol!
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