Seventh Season "LV" Return Date - NO Spoilers!

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Re: Seventh Season "LV" Return Date

Barbarella said:
Eh, I'm not that excited about it this year. The finale was so flat that it doesn't rose any anticipation for me personally. Plus the potential GSR business makes me want to puke. I may be taping a few at the start of the season, but I won't be waiting breathlessly for thursday night.

I voted "excited!" because I'll always be excited about CSI. That was about it. I found teh season finale a bit of a flop. It went to the case at hand fro most of the show, which I guess is what it's supposed to do, but then only flashed back to either Brass flatlining (again! it can only happen so many times!), Ellie crying/smoking, or Grissom looking pensive. The acting was good. I did enjoy finally some sort of personal life from someone other than Nick, even if it had to be GSR. I would have much preferred Sandle :p. But I won't get into teh shipping war.

I'll be waiting for thursday night, but I won't be jumping-up-and-down excited. I'd reather watch reruns of the better seasons. :rolleyes:
Re: Seventh Season "LV" Return Date

I think season 7 is gonna be really good because I thought there were only a couple good shows in season 6
Re: Seventh Season "LV" Return Date

Agree about GSR. My ideal first epi of new season: Grissom lying in bed, saying "I just had the strangest dream." An unseen female, apparently next to him, says "Tell me about it, Mr Grissom." :D (It could happen; Years ago "Dallas" did it with the "Who killed JR?" season ender/next season starter)
Re: Seventh Season "LV" Return Date

I am very excited!
I think that just like the comparison of seasons 4 and 5, after a not so good season, there comes a great season!
Season 6 wasn't bad, but also not kinda seemt messy, I don't know how to describe it. Not many things happened character wise and we needed far more multiple case episodes to make things interesting and even out screentime.

But this is probably the most excited that I have ever been for a new season. I can't wait to see how the writers will handle the GSR relationship. I find it great and I have faith that the writers will keep things subtle, like they should be.
Re: Seventh Season "LV" Return Date

Since we now have spoilers for the first episode of "CSI - NY, do you think we'll soon be getting spoilers for "CSI - LV"? I can't wait to see them, and I hope we'll get to see how they are going to handle Brass' return to duty, not to mention one of the most disasterous couplings in TV history.

Most of all, I hope we'll see more of Greg.
Re: Seventh Season "LV" Return Date

Okay lets see first I am going to untack this so it will free float. Please feel free to continue the discussion. :)

Second Here are the poll results as of July 3, 2006
Time: 7:30 pm est.

Feelings About Season 7? (116 total votes)

Excited!! 82
Fairly Excited 14
Not Excited 14
Other (Specify Please) 6
Re: Seventh Season "LV" Return Date

Toots, I do not think we will be getting spoilers for LV, or at least I won't because I am, until further notice, spoiler-free for Season 7. But still, judging by how closemouthed TPTB managed to be for WTG? We get NADA. Zip-zero-zilch. The opposite of something.
Re: Seventh Season "LV" Return Date

See not lost just on page two. (So people don't think I have finally totally lost it, someone pm'd me about this thread). :)
Re: Seventh Season "LV" Return Date

I went with "fairly excited," because of the rumors I have been hearing about it being WP's last season. There was no "bittersweet expectations" vote available, but if he does leave, that would pretty much be an accurate description. Since I am not a shipper, I can't get too excited at the prospect of the GSR possibly being put in the forefront this season, either. *Shrug* I guess I'm in the "We shall see," camp.

-And we all live in tents in the "We shall see" campgrounds.
Re: Seventh Season "LV" Return Date

I think im pretty excited to see what will happen this season. Although I don't want any GSR at all. Im pretty interested in what the writers are going to do to make CSI still be the best against its competetors.
Re: Seventh Season "LV" Return Date

CSI will always be the best. The writes of the show haven't lost any creativity so far for 6 seasons, how can they lose against lucky number 7? :) And I agree with you, janisha_csi, no GSR please.
Re: Seventh Season "LV" Return Date

Jasmine said:
EXCITED!!!!! Cant wait till i see my gang again and of course GSR! :D
I agree so much series 6 has just finished in the UK and I cant wait for some GSR action ive been waiting for 6 years!!! :D
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