"Secrets and Flies" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

For all I know, the appearance of the genital area of a woman who gave birth changes a little, since the birth canal is stretched quite a bit during birth. I guess that's how a doctor can determine whether a woman gave birth or not.

The hyman can already tear during excessive exercise. On the other hand, it can be so flexible, that it even doesn't tear during intercourse. So, that wouldn't be a reliable thing to check.

Identical twins have the same DNA. So, if one gives birth, but the child is raised by the virgin twin, and nobody knows about this, then you can confuse the coroner later during autopsy.

My 2.5 cents. :)
True, true. I can't wait to see this ep!!! Only 3 hours!!! SQUEEEEEEEE.

I'm betting that it was in-vitro fertilization or something.
Do they schedule tours to jr highs and high schools across the country? I bet they'd be more interesting than the teachers who already do teach those things.
in a cruel twist of fate, we started Sex ed the day after our teacher got married. Of course that inspired lots of pervy questions from the guys.

SQUEEEEEEE. Waiting for Liz to appear.... So Excited....

<edit> HERE SHE IS!!! Sorry, but I'm really excited!!! She seems to be a cool character too. Hopefully she'll stick around.
So much Greg goodness!!! :D

Heh heh... and that guy, trying to be funny like Greg. So cute.
Abandoned embryos. She was still a surrogate though--interesting. I wonder how Doc Robbins didn't discover that immediately?

He was too distracted talking to Nick about dry humping...

I wondered that too, you'd think he would have mentioned something along the lines of surrogacy.

"Lindsay told me that when she was 3," LOL! :D
Great episode!!!! Very little Nick but I still enjoyed it. Greg was great -- what a cutie. I loved Hodges little lecture to Warrick. Grissom did a great job. I even liked Ecklie. And Bobby! What a doll! Sarah and Catherine worked well together again.

Besides the character development, I thought both cases were interesting and not predictable at all.

One minor detail-type peeve. The mother was a size 12? Pfft! I don't think so! I'm a size 12 and I'm at least 30 pounds lighter than she looked. Anyway -- technicalities. :p :)

I'm glad Nick got a wee spot in there but, after his great work on Gum Drops, I guess it was okay that Grissom and others got some extra time this episode. And the new lab tech? She's loopy! But cute. :)
I like the new lab tech, she's hillarious.

Not much Nick, but it was still okay. Course they bring him in for the 'dry humping' talk.

Okay, as for Catherine, I wasn't exactly thrilled with how she interviewed the doctor at the embryo clinic, so thank god Sara was there to at least bring the conversation back to the crime at hand. So good for her. I know Catherine gets a little emotional about these things, but we're not talking about you Catherine. Get over yourself. I love the woman, but I saw some of that high horse Catherine again and I didn't like it.

Grissom was Grissom. I'd love to know what he was going to put in those evaluations. Hopefully, no more silk, silk, silk for Nicky after what that guy's been through.