"Secrets and Flies" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

I missed the scene with Hodges and Warrick and the flirting comment. Can someone please explain what happened? Thanks! :)

Warrick and Catherine were talking with Hodges. Catherine remembered something she learned in school (a detail about granite) and then admitted that she only took the course because of the TA. Yadda yadda... Warrick said, "I bet you got an A." Cath: "As a matter of fact, I did." Funny look from Warrick.

Hodges is watching this. Then he turns to Warrick and says, "You are married. Don't flirt." Then Warrick and Catherine exchange an "okaaaay" look.
From a medical standpoint, it is entirely possible (not common though) to become pregnant without actually having sex or divine intervention.

I was just thinking...wasn't there a similar episode awhile back I think in season 3 where some teenage girl (who as memory recalls was also a virgin) who, by sheer willpower, was able to shift her own hormones around so that her body was convinced she was pregnant even though there was no guy to help her with it.

It's Burden of Proof season 2
I'm sure I'm not the only one who believes that Dr. Thayer will be back one day to get even with Grissom for proving that his video and testimony were a bunch of lies.

I don't think we have seen the last of Thayer, either.

He certainly wasn't very happy with Grissom.

I'm not sure if all of you saw this, but Thayer got arrested for screwing with the evidence. Isn't that a felony? :rolleyes:
If he lives, yeah, he probably will be back.

As to the not blinking-if-you-want-to-see-Greg deal, meh. It's a reflex, I do it every time I see their sunglasses. They're just so... weird.
My thoughts on episode:

Read spoilers that Sara was too look "concerned" when Sofia ran in looking for Grissom. I just don't get the idea behind these writers. Here is a tip from someone who ISN'T A FILM PRO but this should be common knowledge: if you want to convey an expressive emotion on your actor's face to provide evidence of a certain feeling....DON'T HIDE HER BEHIND SUNGLASSES THAT COVER HALF HER FACE!!! There, my daily tip.

I was irked by the whole pro-life/pro-choice talk. It seems awkward and so unnecessary. Are we supposed to feel shocked that Catherine is pro-choice? I also don't understand her comment "Thank God I didn't go down that road" when questioned if she had an abortion. I'm not saying a woman can't be a pro-lifer than choose NOT to have an abortion, but wasn't there a better answer for that? Like "I chose to have my baby but support other women's right to choose?" For some reason I get that this scene was merely to point out that Grissom can handle an arguement better than Catherine. (Not to get in a pro-choice vs. pro-life. I just think this whole plot was poorly done).

The case was good and I was actually more interested in Grissom's court case. I couldn't wait to find out how he dubunked that guy's theory.

Loved Greg, not enough of him though. I expected not as much of Nick since Gum Drops he was in almost every scene. Sara and Catherine getting along is nice to see as well.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who believes that Dr. Thayer will be back one day to get even with Grissom for proving that his video and testimony were a bunch of lies.

I don't think we have seen the last of Thayer, either.

He certainly wasn't very happy with Grissom.

I'm not sure if all of you saw this, but Thayer got arrested for screwing with the evidence. Isn't that a felony? :rolleyes:
If he lives, yeah, he probably will be back.

Yes, I saw that he was arrested. But plenty of people have hired someone on the outside to take care of a problem for them.

Thayer can still easily cause trouble for Grissom even while in prison.
Not a bad episode...Not the best of the season, but not the worse either...

I thought the whole mystery of who the baby was, how the vic became a mama, was well done. I was a bit annoyed with Catherine in Dcctors office, but it was so in character for her to do that it didn't brother me to much. And I loved the conversation with Grissom in the hallway. Catherine may be more political then Grissom, but Grissom is better at debate... he keeps his emotions out of it...

The B story was good as well. I liked how Grissom was ducking Ecklie thinking it was about paperwork...(which we have seen in the past is not his strong suit.) This was instead about Grissom as bug man... And it made me wonder if one of the reasons we a rerun last week was they weren't able to film the B story without WP. This was not like Gum Drops where they could have used ANY CSI, (Nick was the best choice but the story could have worked with Gil or Catherine) but in this episode Grissoms story was about him as a bug man... You could not have put any other CSI in there..
one of my favorite episodes of the season so far, aide from Gum Drops of course. I loved the whole courtroom thing, and may I just say that Grissom looked damn fine in that last scene? Not too keen on the new lab tech, however. She's just a little too peppy for my tastes, and I think that she might have frightened Catherine just a little bit. I agree that there was way too little Nick, I actually forgot where he actually came in in the episode, but Greg was hot as well, even though he was barely in there. And for once, Eckley wasn't a complete jerk, so that was a plus. Plus I loved the end where Grissom asked the sheriff to do something about him being late on his evaluation forms. That is so like Grissom. Once again, awesome episode.


And we start off with a baby, apparently conceived, born, and standing up during one night in Las Vegas. I knew this town was fast, but come on.... That is one cute tot, though.

Cath and Sara: "Okay, like, we're totally BFF, and we're wearing, like, the coooolest sunglasses? 'Cause, y'know, like, we're tight? *giggles*" Seriously, weren't they wearing the same sunglasses? They were!

Yeah, betcha that GSR causes all kinds of tight contact shots. Heh heh heh. Rowr.

Act II

Gil, I'm not sure that colour is good on you... but you're looking svelte, your hair isn't multitoning too badly, and unlike the usual bug-up-your-ass attitude you sport you're actually coming across as a giant squeezable teddy bear. So I'm giving it a pass. For now.

Warrick, don't worry about the money. There are literally gajillions of women throughout the Milky Way who'd blow an ovary at the thought of treating you to dinner. (Of course, you'll have to have sex with them afterwards. I'd drop those blue pills like Dr. House drops Vicodin if I were you.)

"What would you do without me?" Get out of the way; the Grillows are preparing to explode!

God help me, I'm a bigger fan of Ecklie every time he appears. I want to smooth down that bald pate and coax out that reluctant smile. I have obviously been single way, way too long.

Dr. Ruth. Hee! Good thing you're a funny guy, Nick, 'cause that's the last we'll see of you this ep.

Bobby! I could listen to you say "Dwayne McGain" for hours.

Dr. Ent, you look like an ass. Gil better not go too easy on you. Suddenly I'm wishing Dr. House was assisting on this....

*goes off into dreamland where Greg House and Gil Grissom form their own special medical crime-fighting team*

You know something? It's nice to occasionally witness a judge who can see through an attempt to manipulate everybody and can actually do the right thing. (I'm talking at you, Miami. Yes, you.)


Warrick flirting with Cath! Get out of the way; the Yo!Blingers are preparing to explode! (Although on a personal note, Cath? Go find someone who actually thinks you're smart enough to get yourself an A without screwing around for it. I hear Brass is available these days... he'll treat you with respect... and think of how much he's learned about fatherhood since Ellie! Listen to me, Cath!!!)

"That Big Guy owes me an apology, 'cause she was my girlfriend; He should have asked me first." Snort.

Anyone else nearly lose bowel control from laughing when Ecklie smacked down Dr. Ass for working the science to get his answers? Pot, meet Kettle; he has something to tell you. (No! No! I didn't say that! I'm sorry, baby! I'm sorry!)

Gil, I thought Jennifer Love Hewitt was the new Ghost Whisperer. Speak up, for God's sake - it's not church!

"That must have been nice for you." Oh Cath. When it comes to bringing the smackdown, you are second only to Brass. But for future consideration, Wendy is just the nice new girl who wants to take you to dinner and make friends. No need to look so spooked; this isn't Playing With Fire, Part Deux, you know.

And... let's take a moment to bow in silence for the perfection in a red tee that is Archie Johnson.

Thank you.

Um... Gil, I know you're not great at the office politics, but please - at least try not to give away your job, huh?


Sara, why, why, why don't you have an awesome boyfriend? You are so pretty and smart and cool. I want to be you. (Minus the abusive father and incarcerated mother, mind.)

Sure that stripper wasn't you, Cath? Be honest, now.

Catherine smacking down Dr. Sunflower with religious history! And rocking a pantsuit of appropriate attire while she's at it! Whoever rescued this character from utter irretrievable queenbitchdom, from the bottom of my heart - THANK YOU.

"Dead flies tell no lies." You write bad poetry on your offtime, don't you, Gil?

Good Lord, Sara, it's hard enough to defend the age difference between you and Grissom - stop flirting with the professor! He's old enough to be your grandfather! What's next - pulling a Dr. Cameron and only dating those who burn and rave at close of day? Sheesh, girl!

I knew that grandmother was guilty by the way she held her tea. Honest. That cup screamed guilty.


Gil, it's good to know you still take out your manly insecurities on lowly innocent lab techs. Try growing a pair, huh?

Actually, I hate to tell you this, you two, but that really doesn't make for a terribly intense philosophical discussion, whatever Hodges might think. Try spending some time with Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus in my analytical philosophy class. You'll wish you were being eaten by blowflies instead.

"Only two things scare me, and one is nuclear war!" Sorry, but that's what Cath's comment reminded me of.

Wow, CSI has been really trotting out the sympathetic victims lately, huh? I think my heart actually constricted while that poor, poor sobbing girl was writing that note with a gun to her head. And that grandmother.... I find that the villians on these shows usually make me roll my eyes and think "You're an idiot and almost justify the death penalty simply for the improvement in the gene pool" - but she was seriously frightening. BRRRRRR.

And Good Lord, there he is... Grissom in a suioyj-oweihaweojrywojtpwjrphj=-iy1q5 2m"k\=oh6yj2ph

* * *

*ahem* Excuse me, my keyboard melted and I had to go replace it. As I was saying... Grissom in a suit. YUM.

Ho-ho! Dr. Ass, you are SMACKED DOWN. You can kiss Grissom's eminently delectable derriere! (Although I can think of thousands who'll relieve you of that chore. I'm first in line, suckas!)

Cost of living adjustments, just like that? Shit - knew I should've taken entomology instead of that damned analytic crap.

And, for the piece de resistance... Grissom waxes forth with how "fine" he is in his current position. Oh boy. For your edification, that newly-swollen bump on your head is the result of a ginormous flying anvil. Personally, I recommend Dr. House - for that and all your other medical and non-medical needs.

*goes off to salivate over dreams of a CSI/House crossover*
This definitely wasn't my favourite episode, but it was not bad. I much prefered Grissom's story over the main story though. I had really been looking forward to this episode, as the promo made it look amazing, but the main story was just okay. And I was a bit disappointed that the main story was really heavy on Catherine and none of the other CSIs were really invovled. I know that Sara was working the case with Catherine, but even she wasn't in the episode for about the last 15 minutes. My favourite part, besides Grissom in court at the end, was the bit with Nick and Doc Robbins, and the dry humping comment. And the "Thank you Dr. Ruth" comment that Nick made at the end of the scene.
This was probably my least favorite episode of the season so far.

I liked the battle of the bugmen, but couldn't get into the leftover embryo plot. Why does it seem like every time they have more than one plotline on this show I only ever find one of them to be interesting? Can't they ever come up with two equally compelling stories?

A few random comments:

Archie! And Bobby! Yay!

Ever since “Iced” last season, I've been really liking Ecklie and I love watching his scenes, especially when he works with Grissom. They really play well off of each other.

As Miss Dee said, Warrick basically told Catherine that the only way he thought she could get an A in “Rocks for Jocks” of all things was by sleeping with her TA. Boo Warrick! And why didn’t Catherine say anything about it? I really thought she would.

I’m actually liking Greg’s hair. I wasn’t a fan of some of the dos he’s sported in the past, but the normal hair looks good on him.

I like the new lab tech, not as much as Mia, but we haven’t really gotten to know her yet.

So, the new day supervisor has “a thing for waterfowl.” Tee hee.

I loved the court scene at the end. And I’m not usually one to go for Grissom, but damn he’s sexy in a suit.

I really wish they would explain Catherine’s status on the team. According to the sign on her desk, she’s still a supervisor, but since Grissom was evaluating her, she must still be under him. I don’t understand how that works.

I guess that’s it, but I feel like I’m forgetting something.
I quite enjoyed this one, even though I had the embryo story figured out by around the halfway mark. Definitely had the mother pegged from first sight, but I still thought it was an interesting story.

I just looooove watching Grissom solve puzzles, even ones involving icky bugs. Very cool. And he should definitely wear a suit more often! :eek:

I am still revelling in all the fun cast interactions, and enjoyed all the Hodges moments as usual. Plus, whenever you get to hear the term "dry humping" it's a bonus! :lol:

I'm really happy with how season 6 is progressing so far. Good stuff.
I enjoyed it too ! I was worried about CSI going all angst all the time this season. Secrets and Flies was in good contrast with a powerful Gum Drops. No more young turks working in the field, Grissom is back, so is Catherine and the lab people. Team work again, and it covered all bases for me : funny situations, tough confrontations and suspense. It wasn't the sister, it wasn't the jerk, it wasn't the emergency worker, it wasn't the biological mother, it was the biological mother's mother. A cold blood killer who wanted to protect her own, sheesh. My favorite ROTFL scenes are :

- the sperm sprint in 3D. Wow, we're in the Matrix now !

- Catherine says to Hodges "WHAT?" after loosing her philosophy argument with Grissom.

- New lab girl says to Catherine she has no problems like Mia with hygiene considerations, she used to work in San Francisco where they got a nice hug each morning, then asks Cath for dinner ! Boy, Catherine, aren't you wild enough or WHAT?

- Sara being more professional than Cath at the clinic, and the look the "doctor" shot at Cath. Mmmmmm, tough women this week.

- Grissom being an ass with the lab guy. Lab guy says "why did the fly fly". Grissom says "the spider spied her" with a superior attitude. Look at lab guy face : he's humiliated, no he's almost crying, no he fights back, no he smiles, no he gives his findings to Grissom who finally, finally, recognizes the good work which will, in the end, win his case. He says "thank you" with a gentle, gentle voice... Jesus, Grissom, you came a long way. In season one, you went ballistic on Nick because he had interrupted your precious interview with a suspect (Table Stakes). Nick had discovered a major point but did you thank him ? NNNoooo, you just granted him a lousy "I may forgive you". Pffff !

- Still, if it's true that season 6 will be Grissom's season, TPTB nailed it just fine. OK Nick, stay away from Grissom and keep discussing sex in the morgue with Doc Robbins :lol:
Suddenly I'm wishing Dr. House was assisting on this....

*goes off into dreamland where Greg House and Gil Grissom form their own special medical crime-fighting team*
Ok, that thought could just fuel some major NC-17 dreams tonight..... :devil:

Good Lord, Sara, it's hard enough to defend the age difference between you and Grissom - stop flirting with the professor! He's old enough to be your grandfather!
OMG I was TOTALLY thinking the same thing. She was REALLY flirting with him. And you could see he KNEW it too! Bizarre.

*goes off to salivate over dreams of a CSI/House crossover*
.....joins Miss Dee in the crossover salivation....sigh.
And... let's take a moment to bow in silence for the perfection in a red tee that is Archie Johnson.

And the Arch-Angels reply...AMEN!!! :cool: Usually we just see him from the chest up, sitting in a blue glow behind a video monitor. Strolling into Grissom's office, in that could-it-have-been-a-more-perfect-color-on-him red tee...I was left on the floor in a gibbering heap of hormone-infused denims...

"Son, I know Greg Sanders. Greg Sanders is a friend of mine. And you're no Greg Sanders." (Extra points to the first person to catch that pop culture/political reference...) Somehow I believe Lindsey knew that little gem by the time she was out of diapers... :lol:

Warrick flirting with Cath! Get out of the way; the Yo!Blingers are preparing to explode! (Although on a personal note, Cath? Go find someone who actually thinks you're smart enough to get yourself an A without screwing around for it. I hear Brass is available these days... he'll treat you with respect... and think of how much he's learned about fatherhood since Ellie! Listen to me, Cath!!!)

Eh, some women would take that jab more seriously than others. Cath doesn't seem the type to respond to an off-color dig like that by getting her thong in a wad. They've been able to zing each other when the time was right and show a lot more sensitivity when that was called for. I just thought it showed their interaction is getting a little more back to normal post-Tina.

Cost of living adjustments, just like that? Shit - knew I should've taken entomology instead of that damned analytic crap.

I gotta say that's probably the warmest-fuzziest denouement I can recall on a CSI ep. Retroactive COL increases...woohoo! Party in the break room...

BTW Greg also looks hella nice in a deep red shirt, even with the jacket...

I loved the episode, more than I thought I would. All deserving parties got their butts jailed (or at least verbally kicked), our dauntless team's hard-earned keep is getting a little more generous, and...and...ahh...ohhh...


KAO-abunga, baby... :D

i loved it!!!!! loved the character interactions, loved the cases, and i totally loved catherine standing up against the religious girl, lol...she got owned!!