Season 9 *Spoiler* Picture Thread

:drool: Thanks!!! Greg seems really serious and HOT !!! Maybe finally he is angry or upset about something... Whatever , did i mention he is HOT!!!
WOW! I will say, that that has to be one of hottest pictures of Greg/ES I've seen in a LONG while. He has really grown into his features. I remember when he was a cute, little lab rat. Now he's blossomed into a very HOT CSI. Good for him. And Hooray for die-hard Greg fans. You guys are FINALLY getting some good screen caps of Greggo. You guys are way past due!
I got a Forbidden message saying I didn't have permission to access it on that server. But that could be because I'm not in the US...
That's the case. The site only allows U.S. IP addresses to access.

Anyway, here are the pics from 9x17 No Way Out, kind of a treat for the Greggo fans. :) Click the "original" tab to view them in full size.

Nick/Ray | Riley | Greg/Riley
Greg/Riley | Greg | Riley

From BTA

The jackee on George is the same as the one he was wearing in the bar scene with all the it not???
I got a Forbidden message saying I didn't have permission to access it on that server. But that could be because I'm not in the US...
That's the case. The site only allows U.S. IP addresses to access.

Anyway, here are the pics from 9x17 No Way Out, kind of a treat for the Greggo fans. :) Click the "original" tab to view them in full size.

Nick/Ray | Riley | Greg/Riley
Greg/Riley | Greg | Riley

From BTA

The jacket on George is the same as the one he was wearing in the bar scene with all the it not???
Here are a few pics of Henry Thomas on CSI:

Two pics in one!

*source EW* there another of shot of Nick and Brass interviewing ET.

Brass: Where were you last night?

ET: ET phone home

Nick grabs his gun: I'm goin' after him!!

Brass: Okay Terminator, put it away!

Nick: That's not what the evidence says?

ET: Evidence?

Hands Nick Reese's Pieces.

Nick: I don't like peanut butter

ET: ET phone home?

Nick gets angry, pulls out his gun: I'm goin' after him!

Brass grabs him: Okay Terminator, put it down. has some promo photos up from past seasons. Some I've never seen before. I imagine it's in honor of the upcoming 200th episode.