9x09-''19 Down''
Late 20s to early 30s, an Everyman grad student type, but a bit off, this young man in the W.L.V.U. classroom asks a few questions of the serial killer Nate Haskell...
In his 30s, a sharp eyed, earnest, youthful Everyman, a Reno police officer, Ken Martz was one of the arresting officers of serial killer Nate Haskell eleven years ago, a collar that made his career. Now a homicide detective who clearly loves his work, Ken brings Greg and Nick to a recent crime scene, the house of Gerald Douglas, who allegedly has some connection with the serial killer of long ago...
50s, this middle class, slightly worn Jewish woman whose son and fiancee were murdered eleven years ago sits in Brass' office with her husband. She is grateful to have back the Star of David that her son was wearing when he was killed, but she and her husband are taken aback to learn that their son's DNA sample, which they gave to the forensics lab when he was killed, has apparently been thrown out...
Late 20s, these two slightly sleazy slackers at the computer software company are playing a video war game when Brass comes to their cubicle to ask about their presence at a recent concert. They're both terrified when Brass bursts in, thinking they're about to be busted for buying their tickets off a scalper...
Late 20s to mid 30s, this shady looking man in an overcoat approaches Catherine and pulls out a messengered letter, for which she has to sign....
20s, a sexy and pretty grad student, this girl in the W.L.V.U. classroom asks a few questions of the serial killer, Nate Haskell...
30s to 50s, male, this flustered mid-level manager of a computer software company recognizes Brass' photo of two young men as two of his employees...
Asian, male, in his 20s, this student at W.L.V.U. asks serial killer Nate Haskell a question...
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