Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P2

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Awww...but as I've said before that would be a personal storyline other than Grissom...and that cannot ever happen on CSI-it's written in blood..

So when Grissom leaves somebody is going to be next in line...aww crap its the bugs! I hate those characters, there so ugly..and mean!'s offical I ate to much chocolate
I was wondering something, what ever happened to Wendy going out into the field? I wonder if that storyline has been changed, and wasn't Liz supposed to be in the opening credits now too? Neither has happened.
Superdave was supposed to be in the opening credits too and that has yet to happen. What the heck is going on over there at CSI headquarters? :lol:

What if it's Grissom who gets shot? But, of course not fatally, but he's already on edge and this would push him over. Why do these shows have everyone but the boss get physically injured?

And yeah, the promos are very misleading. Remember back when the promo for a then new ep said the CSIs lose one of their own, making it sound like one of the CSIs would be killed and it turned out to be Det. Lockwood who was only in a handful of episodes (if that much)...
The discussion thread for (#906) "Say Uncle" is now up all discussion for this ep should be taken/done in that thread, as this is for future episodes. :) Thank you.
I just read something on Wikipedia, so I don't know how good this source is but it said that the new character Dr. Langston will be an assistant night supervisor consultant.

How can that be, the guy can't just waltz in a be a Supervisor of the lab.

So what Nick is going to get sidelined again!
I just read something on Wikipedia, so I don't know how good this source is but it said that the new character Dr. Langston will be an assistant night supervisor consultant.

How can that be, the guy can't just waltz in a be a Supervisor of the lab.

So what Nick is going to get sidelined again!

Wiki is wmistaken. The producers have said he's going to be Level 1 CSI. Theres confusion cause at first they said his character was replacing Grissom which people took to mean he would take Grissom's position. But later the producers/writers, etc clarified that he was not going to be taking Grissom's job, just his place in the opening credits. :)
Wait, so he's going to be placed in the credits ahead of Marg? Hmm. Not sure I like that. I understand Lawrence Fishburne is a big star, but Marg has been on the show longer - and she's quite famous in her own right.
Wait, so he's going to be placed in the credits ahead of Marg? Hmm. Not sure I like that. I understand Lawrence Fishburne is a big star, but Marg has been on the show longer - and she's quite famous in her own right.

True, but I guess TPTB in all their logic (or lack thereof) figure he's there to draw the thinks..
Well in the past after WP and MG it was in alphabetical order (for the CSI's) but they didn't put Lauren Lee Smith before Eric Szmanda which I expected them to do, so who knows what they might do.
Well in the past after WP and MG it was in alphabetical order (for the CSI's) but they didn't put Lauren Lee Smith before Eric Szmanda which I expected them to do, so who knows what they might do.

I was glad to see to LLS behind ES because frankly, Eric's been on the show the entire run and deserves to placed ahead of her.

By the way, Wikipedia did have something written about LLS being in a new pilot for 2009.

I hope she stays on the show. I like her quite a bit. Plus she's Canadian! And she's not googly-eyed over Grissom which is nice a for a change. In fact she's not googly-eyed over Nick either-which is nice too.

I also like her bantering with Greg. He's a found an equal in the bantering department.

Anyways, hopefully the old guys don't get put to the background for the sake of character development for the new guys-as much as I like Riley and I think I'm gonna like the new guy. I hope.
No matter who has come and gone from the opening credits, PG has always been dead last. Is that some kind of special honor or perk? :confused:
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