Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P2

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McKeen is, like, MAJOR liar here. I mean, does Brass REALLY believe this? He sounds so fake it's not even funny. If no one gets suspicious about him, I will seriously doubt the mental capacity of the CSIs. They don't all need to be giving him suspicious looks, but at least someone should notice that he is obviously lying.

By the way, desertwind, you might enjoy this:
I expected to see the team working directly on Warrick's case, examining the evidence, but I'm wondering if another team will be put in charge of the official case. You'd think that because of the grief factor, another CSI team would be in charge. If the Under Sheriff ever gets charged for Warrick's murder, I would expect that his defense attorney would be all over the fact that Catherine, Gil, Nick, etc., would be too griefstricken to pay full attention to the evidence. He or she could turn it all around and finagle it so the Under Sheriff wouldn't get convicted.

Just a thought.
That's what I'm wondering. Are the team even going to be allowed to work on the case given it's one of their own who has been murdered.
I guess this is the whole "willing suspension of disbelief" thing one must do in order to enjoy fiction. I mean, I would assume that the team would normally not be the first in line to investigate the death of someone who's been their friend and colleague for 10 years ... but then again, how exciting would it be if we watched a bunch of unknowns from day shift processing the scene and solving the crime?

I'm still really surprised that McKeen is going down so quickly. I really expected him to be better at covering his tracks ... from the video, are we supposed to assume he left his handprint on the car window? He may not be a CSI, but sheesh ... wouldn't someone in his position know not to touch anything with his bare hands? Even I know that, and I'll be the first to admit I'd be a lousy murderer.

Obviously McKeen needed to watch more forensic shows.

The problem with the "McKeen is caught quickly" theory is that in the episode ten summary, Warrick's murder case is considered "cold". If they catch the real murderer in the first episode, it wouldn't be a cold case. Lily Rush is my source of info on that.
Yeah, but the casting calls for epi 9 (19 down) and 10 (one to go) that were posted on a Site We Shall Not Name seem to be focused specifically on tracking an active serial killer. I think the plots have changed, or maybe the first spoilers were not really accurate.
I mean, yeah, maybe the first spoilers weren't accurate, but still.

"When a dirty cop the team has been trailing for months shows up dead the cold trail of Warrick's killer gets hot again, and this time the CSIs won't rest until his killer is put to justice."

That's the summary for Episode Ten. That seems pretty obvious to me, and's never been that wrong before, as far as I can remember.
It might have been written at a time when Billy was supposedly still going to be on the show, however, when word got out he was leaving the story arc changed to centre around him.
That's probably how it happened myfuturecsi. With the whol "McKeen's caught quickly" scenario, maybe they catch McKeen but the trail leading to Pritchard and any other crooked cop is lost with him, making the trail cold. But, then it heats up again somehow around the ninth/tenth episode. Maybe the serial killer is a cop! Maybe they have an actual serial killer/mole in the department and that is why the trail gets hot again?
seriously, is Canada that far off of America? It sucks when videos like this come out and we don't even have access to the full thing:(
I didn't know that Canadians, or anyone outside the US for that matter, couldn't access the CBS videos :( . I feel for you guys.
we used to be able to, its only this year that it hasnt worked. and it seems they have stopped putting new stuff on their youtube channel as well :(
I'm thinking the first spoilers that came out were not accurate, if you remember last season the first 4 eps came out rather quickly and were completely wrong. Certain sites can be edited by anyone, so I think it was just someones overactive imagination.

I seriously doubt that TPTB didn't know WP was leaving, he's been hinting at it for quite some time, it wasn't a secret. I think we are just now getting the real spoilers.

I read details on the site-that-must-not-be named that Grssiom and Nick process the alley/crime scene and discover McKean is lying because he claimed he heard the gunshots. But Gris remembers there was loud music playing from a nearby club at the time, making it impossible for MCKean to hear gunfire.
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LAME! So lame. I'm sorry guys. Are the YouTube links people have posting working for you guys?
well it only has 2 out of 3 videos posted, and somebody before..I'm not too sure who and am too lazy to check said that they weren't the entire video's that were posted on CBS, like they were cut off or shorter :eek: oh well, thanks for the sympathy! we'll be surprised when it airs!

IN 9 DAYS, 13 HOURS, 20 MINS :bolian:
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