xfcanadian said:
I am NOT BASHING! I am stating my opinion, and it doesn't matter if GSR fans don't like it, because it is MY OPINION
I totally agree with that (actually, I've agreed with most of what you've said, but that's neither here nor there)! Proves shipping is subjective.
Personally, I'm not a fan of the current storylines either, and after that little ship-arguement, I'd like to make a couple of suggestions to anyone who isn't a fan of the show as of late:
1. Find yourself a good fanfic to take your mind off of the show. Heck, even write your own. It keeps me sane.
2. If you're like me and still can't decide if you want to continue watching the show after how twisted it has become since the earlier seasons, when watching the show, keep a soft object (ie. A pillow or a stress ball) nearby in case you need to throw something. A bucket never hurts either.
3. Stop watching the show and move on.
4. Try to avoid getting into arguements with other shippers, no matter how tempting or how right you think you are, because everyone has their own opinions and that will never change.
5. Try to keep shipper stuff in shipper central. Personally I can barely stand discussions that relate back to a ship. Nobody wants to have one ship rubbed in their faces.
Getting back on topic, what is with Grissom's hair? I know that it may be the lighting, but if you look at his scalp, it has a red tinge, almost like dye. It is really bugging me. I think that I'm more excited to finding out of Gil actaully dyed his hair than the actual ep (mind you, I haven't been excited about an ep in a long time, so I'm not too surprised)