Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

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The theory of everything sounds interesting, at least we'll see some Greg in this one. There is a scene between him and Brass I am looking forward to. It has to do with the green blood and they exchange WTF looks with each other.
Thanks for the promo, Alex! :)

Oh boy Drops is we go again. This is going to be interesting if Nick and Brass are regretting doing something. Really hope they don't get him out of jail....he's there for a reason.
But we gotta wait two weeks to see it! I can't believe they are having another re-run already. (A lA Cart)
I'm glad Drops is back. I love how he gets under Nick's skin.

Hmmm, wonder why he is finally in jail?

However, I'm not happy we have to wait 2 weeks for the episode. :wtf:
Isn't this like the third time the have played the rerun of Ala Cart... show a new epi we have waited so long we deserve it... and if you have to show a rerun show Grave Danger ;)
Two and a Half Men 'Writer's Crossover' Episode Title: "Fish in a Drawer"

Basically, as of now, from what I've read, they're making fun of CSI. They got CSI investigators wearing hot tank tops, the episode will have CSI shots, and overall, the Two and a Half Men episode will have a CSI theme to it.

Charlie finds a dead body and ends up in prison.

Oh, and there might be a cameo from one of the actors of CSI in this episode.
Wow, sounds interesting! I don't watch TAHM but I think I'll make an exception this time. Thanks for the info Shane.
Being that the next ep is a repeat I will not be putting up the thread for the new ep until the normally scheduled time frame. So if your wondering were the discussion thread for "Drop's out" is it will be posted on the 18th or 19th of April. ;)
Does anyone know when this will air (fish in the Drawer I mean) ? Also I think the csi episode is called two and a half deaths. I hope that episode is funny!
Since the article was put in the Season 9 thread, it still affects this season.

If Gary Dourdan is really leaving I wonder what they will do with his character?

I think it will probably have something to do with the mob story. I'm thinking he will either be killed (which I hope not, and CM has said she doesn't like killing off main characters, which of course could always change) or he will get fired for interfering with the case again.

This really does suck. I really liked Gary and they should have used him more. I loved scenes with Warrick & Nick, they had great chemistry together.
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