Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 2

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S_Bright said:
vexus said:
Wojo said:
Ep Hello,Goodbye - another bit of info. Hanna & Marlon's parents are dead, they died since we last saw them in season 6. And according to Marlon, Hanna has been acting stange ever since.

Hanna's a brillant girl. I believe that since she "got" away with murder before, she probably believes that she can get away from it again.

But Hannah ever killed anyone before - she just fooled Sara about it.

I hope it's Sara and Nick and Sara has to fess up to Nick that she was fooled by a 12-year old and that Nick was right from the get go.

I don't think anybody killed the parents - that seems too soapish, duh what am I saying, this is the new and improved CSI :D

I might watch this just to see Sara having to confess that she has no skills in assessing the human part of crimes. Nick kicked her butt and she never told him that she swallowed Hannah's lies without blinking.
This was a little too much don't you think? Wasn't Sara the one that could always tell when a man was abusing his wife? Wasn't Sara the one that could tell that the kidnapper's daughter knew something about Nick's situation in Grave Danger? Yes, Sara made a mistake here, but Hanna had very good explanations for all the evidence they presented to her. How many times have the CSI's been wrong? Sometimes they can realize their mistake before the end of the episode and sometimes they can't. This time it was Sara's turn to make a mistake. That certainly doesn't mean that Nick is better than her or that she should humiliate herself (cause apparently that's what you want) by telling Nick that she was wrong and he was right and she didn't know how to do her job or "has no skills in assessing the human part of crimes". Cause Sara is a damn good CSI. One of the best. And when it comes to the human part of crimes, Sara is probably the one that can understand that more. She has proved that many times ever since the beginning of this show.

And could someone point out to me an episode where Sara acted like she thought she was smarter than Nick? Cause I never saw it.
Cause Sara is a damn good CSI. One of the best. And when it comes to the human part of crimes, Sara is probably the one that can understand that more. She has proved that many times ever since the beginning of this show.

And could someone point out to me an episode where Sara acted like she thought she was smarter than Nick? Cause I never saw it.
i agree. i think sara has really good intuition, and none of the csi's are perfect. catherine-far from perfect, warrick as well, nick's made mistakes, and grissom has too. they ARE human. don't bash someone like that w/out being able to back it up. in fact, don't bash someone like that, AT ALL....*sigh*

i thought Hannah did it too until her little confession at the end. granted i'm not a trained csi, but whatever. and nick thought that hannah and marlon did it together, so he wasn't completely correct either!
whatever... can we keep it semi-civl in here at least? please?!!
vegaslights said:
Wojo said:
Just discovered this about Louise Lombard:

Louise Lombard is returning to CSI as a previously-established recurring character.

So she is staying in the opening credits? Interesting.

Thanks Wojo.

Recurring character. To me that means she won't be in the credits. But we'll have to wait & see.

About Hello,Goodbye.
Also there is no proof either way that the spoilers for the Hanna case are foilers, just because some of you want to believe they are, does not make it so. fact is we don't know Jorja's status yet. Let's wait and see on this too.
Hey folks can we also keep in mind a couple things, While "Jorja" is a real person, "Sara" is a fictional character, now this doesn't mean go ahead and bash the crap out of either, it means take a deep breath and calm down. *Sigh* again everyone is entitled to their opinion, everyone is entitled to disagree with said opinion, but when it gets out of hand then folks step away from the keyboards and breath! Otherwise you all have Myself or Tally coming in here and taking your keyboards away. ;)
I think that this episode will be great. I'm pretty much more stoked about this one than the premier.

Agreed. I thought Hannah was amazing. And the best part is that at the end of the episode, you still don't know whether to believe her or not.
Destiny, it seems you beat me too it, I was just going to comment that its really pissing me off that there isn't one post that doesn't have to do with Sara!

Lets see...What about Hannah possibly framing Marlon for killing a girl named Kira (that's what I picked up anyway) apparently since their parents died, Hannah is acting clingy, and Marlon thinks that even though she is his sister, she is in love with him and got upset about him dating Kira.
I'm excited that they're bringing Hannah back. I think she will have actually committed a murder this time because she'll think that it will be easy to get away with it.

As for season 6, Unusual Suspect, I think Sara related to Hannah a little bit because although Sara was not a genius, she was smart and understood the pain smart kids endure from bullying. So, I think Sara believed it was Hannah more than Nick because Sara related to Hannah more than Nick did. Sara understood that you can only take bullying for so long and they you want to do something about it. She obviously believed that Hannah did the wrong thing about it.
Vanessa said:

This was a little too much don't you think? Wasn't Sara the one that could always tell when a man was abusing his wife? Wasn't Sara the one that could tell that the kidnapper's daughter knew something about Nick's situation in Grave Danger? Yes, Sara made a mistake here, but Hanna had very good explanations for all the evidence they presented to her. How many times have the CSI's been wrong? Sometimes they can realize their mistake before the end of the episode and sometimes they can't. This time it was Sara's turn to make a mistake. That certainly doesn't mean that Nick is better than her or that she should humiliate herself (cause apparently that's what you want) by telling Nick that she was wrong and he was right and she didn't know how to do her job or "has no skills in assessing the human part of crimes". Cause Sara is a damn good CSI. One of the best. And when it comes to the human part of crimes, Sara is probably the one that can understand that more. She has proved that many times ever since the beginning of this show.

And could someone point out to me an episode where Sara acted like she thought she was smarter than Nick? Cause I never saw it.

Re-watch 'Feeling the Heat'. Sara smacks down on Nick and his abilities. And Kelly Gordon knew squat about Nick's kidnapping, there was nothing for Sara to find out from her.

All through S4 when they were competing for the promotion - Sara acted like Nick was a dumbwit and she was so much worthier of a promotion than he was.

I look forward to Sara having to step down off her high horse - she's always held herself entitled. Nick readily admits his shortcomings - Sara doesn't. It's high time she does, that will make her a better CSI.
All through S4 when they were competing for the promotion - Sara acted like Nick was a dumbwit and she was so much worthier of a promotion than he was.

Uh... when was that? Cite your source, please.
sarahvma said:
Uh... when was that? Cite your source, please.

Wrong thread, but did you ever see the ep where she found out Griss had recommended Nick and confronted him about it?

And that's why she needs to be plucked down off her horse - and I hope Ecklie will do it this season.
Sara didn't treat Nick like a dumbwit, she was just upset that she didn't get the promotion.

Also Sara does admit her short comings. Look at "Empty Eyes," she admits that she lost perspective or "Coming of Rage," she admits that the girl played her. Both Nick and Sara have made mistakes in the past. Remember, Nick had that whole problem in the first season when he kept complaining about not being able to go solo and it was because he was not ready.

Anyway, I wonder if we'll get any spoilers for upcoming episodes regarding Sara if she lives?
question: wasn't there a news about them filming in san francisco? if that's true i'll be arming myself with a camera. :D

so excited, can't wait for the season premiere!
I agree with you that this topic has gotten completely off topic and it should be dropped, but as far as I can tell S_Bright’s original comment did have to due with a spoiler dealing with Hannah.

Yes her opinion was strong, and maybe you don’t agree but as far as I know that is allowed on a discussion board (the mods have made this very clear). Not liking a character or storyline is not bashing, plus other members did ask her to explain herself, so I don’t think it is fair to get mad at her when she does.

If you don’t like what she has to say then ignore it, but don’t ask her to leave. If you, or other Sara fans, only want to hear pro Sara/Jorja comments then maybe other threads would be better for you. Once again we all are allowed our own points of view here.
*pushes all this sara crap to the side* sara and nick love to work together and they are AMAZING together. Sara, you have to admit, did kinda try to act smarter then nick so grissom could notice her. but now, she deffinatly doesn't do it. ok.. end of topic... MOVING BACK TO 'DEAD DOLL' DISCUSSION!! no more quoting anyone. drop it and move on...

i can't believe it's only 2 days away. and i'm so hapy that it's on at 8 on CTV (yes yes, i live in canada!) and 9 on CBS <correct?

i REALLY hope sara lives. i can't picture CSI the same without her. she makes CSI what it is. she brings a certain vibe to the team and completes it. and as George Eads said... 'If Sara/Jorja leaves, CSI's in big trouble'.
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