Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 1

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Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Actually, WP is doing a crossover with WAT instead of Csi NY.

Article Here

*It's down towards the bottom**
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

AlwaysGSR12 said:
Thats why I hate Grillows fans. They always read too much into the spoilers they want to come true. Fairytales don't always have a happy ending. I think GSR is not coming to a close, rather a standstill. It makes less sense to go through all that, and even having Grissom admit he loves her last season to end it so horribly like the way you guys are saying it will. I agree, alot of the stories you see on fanfiction are GSR, I was just on that site and the first seven were GSR, :devil: the rest just team stories. It is def. not why ratings went down. :rolleyes: Believe what you want, I'm ending this with I'm just going to see what happens. Now I have to go to my GSR safe haven because there I can bash other ships like you bash ours here. :mad:

PS: Sorry this really didn't have anything to do with spoilers, I just had to defend myself.

Uhoh. Lookie who's trying to generalize things. :rolleyes:

Did someone bash GSR in this thread? I must be blind.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I thought WP wasn't about the crossovers with other shows. *wonders what had changed his mind*
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

It was Miami he won't do the crossover with. He make a comment about Miami came too eary. He didn't said anything about NY., they came later.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

It sounded as if William Peterson thought CSI:Miami took away resources from Las Vegas. He needn't have worried Las Vegas is still doing well in the ratings. It is unfortunate that the Las Vegas crew refuses to do anything with the others. It would be great to see a crossover with all of them.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Hey again!

I heard that Vivian is suppose to be a love interest for Greg and she annoys everyone but Greg (especially Catherine).

As for the ship bashing, I think we all need remember the key point they all have in common and that's love. Now I know that sounds totally chessy, but I think we all have to admit that having Grissom happy because he's love with someone we don't love whether it be Sara, Catherine, Sophia, Nick, Greg, Warrick, Brass, Doc Robbins, Hodges, or even Ecklie (I think I got everyone lol) is better than having him not in love at all and being sad. I agree that the show needs to stay a procedural crime drama, but it is nice to get little glimpses to see how each of the character's personal lives are doing. That's all for now!

P.S. I only heard about the WOAT crossover. I didn't think WP would go on CSI:NY because he doesn't like spin-off shows very much.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Sorry if this doesn't go in here :rolleyes: But has anyone else noticed that the title of the first episode of the season, also being the title of the video game that comes out a couple days before the season starts?
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

DJRideout said:
Has anyone ever considered the possibilities that, to keep the GSR supporters AND the non supporters happy (plus jorja if she wishes to leave to pursue other opportunities), the writers may just write her as surviving this ordeal, but transferring her to days or to another branch within LV. She'll have less screen time, but it's a win win situation all around for everyone.

I mean, it is probably a long shot, and a good chance it wouldn't work out this way, but if I were part of the writing staff, it would be a scenario I wouldn't rule out. This would mean...GSR would continue on, subtly, Grissom wouldn't be an emotional wreck throughout season 8, the non GSR supporters wouldn't have to deal with this relationship over and over again on a regular basis, and then Jorja would be free to pursue these other opportunities but her character will still be available to return whenever. Like I said above, it would be a win win situation all around...for ALL the viewers and there would be no loss of viewers of the show.

Well, that is just my personal opinions and views, what do I really know :lol:*shrugs*
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I tried to Quote, but I`m new here... Anyway, that is a really good theory DJRideout. :) I would be satesfied with it like that. Sara would not be gone, but still it is an explenation for the rumors of a new carater coming, to fill in for sara.. oh I can`t wait for the episode :s
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I like the idea of Sara transferring to days or another department. I think Jorja's main objection was having her character killed off. I think everybody remembers the outcry when the Miami writers killed off Speed. If she survives the wreck, I can't picture Ecklie allowing Grissom to have her on his team once Ecklie knows of the romance. It was never said the relationship would end. The person being interviewed just said it would change.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Sphinx said:
I like the idea of Sara transferring to days or another department. I think Jorja's main objection was having her character killed off. I think everybody remembers the outcry when the Miami writers killed off Speed. If she survives the wreck, I can't picture Ecklie allowing Grissom to have her on his team once Ecklie knows of the romance. It was never said the relationship would end. The person being interviewed just said it would change.

Exactly!! No one knows. I mean she could be in the hospital healing for a good part of this new season. Or sara could be recovering- and that might mean the actress does other things.. Just like when Grissom was not on screen for a month- giving William time to do some theater..

Who really knows. The only three people that really knows - are Antony Zuiker, Joja and her agent....

Not even her bank manager knows lol..
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

yamanbaia said:
i think the GSR is one of tv's favorite relationships... just go to , csi has more than 17 thousand fan fictions, and probably HALF of them have some GSR.

This doesn't say much about the GSR fan's social life...but it does say a lot about the public's reaction.

The ratings dropped because there's a lot more "tv crime" option now, when CSI started it was practically the only show with sex, drugs and death; now you have cold case, CSImiami, without a trace, csiNY, bones, etc etc etc

I mean think about that, the people that wanted to watch that kind of show but HATED tha charachters/the town/the music/wanted more sex/wanted less sex , whatever, didn't really had a choise if they wanted to see some guts, now you have a rainbow of options, just change the channel
I agree with what you said when the series started it was a new concept now there are other shows doing the same thing so i think it has maintained excellent viewing numbers for a show going into season 8
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I still think they may make Catherine supervisor of nightshift particularly is she is the one heading the cases early in the season. That would keep our team and wonderful actors working together and having great interaction.
If they break the team again I think it will really destroy the show after they got so close this year
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