Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 1

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Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Well you all can't blame YTDAW for the new rule or any site for them, I mean think about it we get spoilers over here on the news site, it might not be as fast as say a partial spoiler, but it is a summery run down of an ep and not a hit an miss. They might be slow at getting them out, but when they do they do so in as much detail as they are allowed to give even if they do state at the end "Subject to change". Keep in mind all these sites go out and get on average permission to use the spoilers those who don't its unrespectful, therefore sites tend to ask for the respect you would expect as well. -- If you give a spoiler in a summery run down (ie you're own words) thats one thing, a full out Copy and paste thats another.

The titles are also a number one "Subject to change" when it comes to spoilers everything is uncut (ie unedited) so while a scene might be in there that you hear about, something might have been cut out or re-shot, etc. Titles have changed in the past. -- Lets not forget that titles are misleading but only to what you think they might be, it could have to do with the ep, but if you are thinking...
"OMG 'Death' means the character is so going to die!!"
You maybe wrong, its going to be a character it could be someone associated with the investigation (ie the victim). how many times have we thought one thing, it turned the otherway (rhetorical question).

As the saying goes (or at least as I usually say) all spoilers are subject to change and nothing is guarenteed until it airs on you're screen (and even then you might shake your head wondering if what you seen was right or not). ;)
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I'm not on that board.. I got the spoiler e-mailed to me in a fw...from a friend. I just thought that I would share with you guys. As for the other one. I did get that one myself..But I don't want to make anyone mad at me. :( So I can play by the rules. :p
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Okay, you're safe, Snickers01. Pabzi, you don't have to go over there, you can read it over there, but don't bring it over here. They got in trouble last year because CBS and Lawyer got hold of them.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

You know saying Greg is a hero because he finds the car is a bit like saying Catherine is a hero because she found the transmitter in GD.

Just like in GD I bet all of them will play a part in saving Sara.

In GD Sara got information from questioning Kelly, Gil narrowed down the search area with the ants, ect. Everyone found something to help save Nick in GD, and I will bet it will be the same here.

From what I know form the slides - Nick is the one who narrows down the search area, so without that info Greg would not even know where to be looking. I am willing to bet Hodges will find some kind of useful information with the DNA, as well as Brass and Sophia will learn something useful by investigating Natile. Let’s not forget Gil. I am fairly sure he will find some great clue that will help to save the day. After all he is the main star of the show so I am willing to bet if anyone saves the day for Sara it will be Gil.

So while Greg may be the one to see the car, I bet it will be everyone who saves her, not just Greg.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I have to agree with CSI TIME about everybody is going to work how to find Sara. It not just Greg, everybody will work on the case to get Sara back. Nick will figure it out where she is (I got that one from someone who wrote a story.) Everybody is going to work to find her.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Ohhh what story...can you pm me the link to it???
I have been trying to find fanfic from living doll...
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I think I got it from Hockeygoddess, she is a Snickers. Right now, she is on vacation. I can find it for you for you. It was good, it after Living Dolls. This never happened before.

I hope I'm allow this one. Mods. if you think it should deleted, you can go ahead.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Oh no! Greg was getting far too much credit!! :eek:

Haha, joking. I agree with you guys. As much as I would love for Greg to be our hero, the whole team will participate in the finding of our dear Sara. *Sigh* Teamwork is a beautiful thing.

See, I'm just amazed that Greg actually seems to have some screentime in this season opener. I mean, wow. Last time we got him on the computer, but now we get him in a helicopter! And apparently in some scenes with Catherine. I mean, our baby is moving up. I suppose it helps that one of our main players is currently trapped under a hot red car, but you take it where you can get it, right? Haha, of course, spoilers are subject to change which in the case of Greg simply means his scene will now be done by someone else! Why? I don't know!

No, but really. I'm not wanting to shoot myself over these spoilers (Which is more than I can say about Miami's spoilers. But, it is Miami.. :rolleyes:) I can also say that I'm interested in seeing where this whole GSR thing will go now that the cat's out of the bag. They can not possibly bring Sara back when everything is calm again, and act like nothings weird. I mean, I know there will have to be some awkwardness floating around...

Ok, so I have a question for anyone who has read the [Edited]. Am I going insane or did I read one that sounded like Brass got shot? I could have sworn I did. Maybe he was just having a flashback of his date with Death. I don't really know but could anyone confirm this because it has me baffled. And it takes quite a bit to baffle me. At least I'm not flabbergasted, because that would be bad. (Am I the only one that feels certain Roald Dahl created the word flabbergasted?!)

Mucho amor to you all and to all a good night.

*Edited: to remove a word of a place that is not allowed to be mentioned see first post above under "copywrite" regarding it.*
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

argh! i just typed a really long reply, and the submitted and it threw that error message up at me!!

anyway, will try to remember what i said.

the thing with these spoilers is that they are that vague it is really up to your own interpretation as to what they mean. like Greg finds Sara... it doesn't says he find her alive, but then it doesn't say he finds her dead either.

my thinking is that if Natalie wanted Sara dead, she would have killed her, and the doll would have represented that. I don't think Natalie intends for Sara to die, if she wanted her dead, the doll would be dead to show that, but the doll isn't.

as others have pointed out in other threads, we have nothing to suggest at the moment that, apart from being trapped under the car, she has any life threatening injuries - no blood found at her car etc. though I would probably place money on natalie somehow having drugged sara - how on earth would she have got Sara all the way out to the desert and put her under the car if Sara had been contious - especially as, if i remember correctly, Natalie doesn't drive.

I am really looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds, how and why these murders occured etc.

eszmanda_luver yes I am also eager to see how things within the team are now that it's public knowledge that they are way more than work colleagues, the whole dynamics of the group will change, I am interested to see how Ecklie reacts to it all! while he has never really got on with Sara, he can't be mean to her considering the circumstances (though he'll probably still try!), but then he might be mighty miffed that they were going about behind his back for so long without him realising. though while they have kept their relationship a secret, i don't ever once remember anyone saying the relationship couldn't happen because he's her supervisor, it was always other reasons... so not sure if Ecklie would actually be able to object?

Also, watching clips back, I think there was more on Sara's letter from Grissom than what was read out - it was a LOT longer than what we heard.

I like the chatacter relationships on the show, I think CSI is just as much about the characters as it is about the crimes, if i wanted to just watch crimes, well there are loads of other real life shows out there which show similar crimes but not the personal interactions. I think the GSR relationship is good, and i think it should continue, i think maybe they just made it a little more obvious towards the end in build up to the finale, otherwise it wouldn't have had as much power.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

EVERYONE ATTENTION! We interrupt you're regularly scheduled discussion!

Hello and welcome back to the spoiler lab, we would like to direct you're attention to the first post of this thread, this is the rules, we have revamped the first post rules alittle as of July 16, 2007.

We ask that Each of you review the rules and though we know it will slip the mind sometimes please if you're not sure double check with the rules and if you are still unsure double check with "Myself or Tally", we have faith that you will get use to it and will adjust after a week or two.

We have had to edited a couple posts recently and we don't like doing that it was stated what 'word' was edited out and why. I thank you for taking the time to read this and we appreciate you're understanding in this time of adjusting to the new lab and the excitement of the new season coming up. ;)

We now urge you to see the revamp in the first post and we now resume you're regularly scheduled discussion. :D
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

NicknGrissom said:
Snickersfan01 and Wojo, if you are register over at YDTAW, don't bring the spoiler over here or you will get lock from them and don't bring the spoiler when you got from the other board over to YDTAW and you will get lock out. They got a new rule now. I just warn you from YDTAW.

Thanks for the warning but I no longer get my info from YTDAW.

Well anyway, when I said Greg was a hero I only meant he is the first to find/spot the car/Sara. Greg rarely get's tp play a major role in episodes like this so I am just excited. Relax, I know everyone will help find her.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

LOL. Just venture over to [EDITED URL] for your spoiler fix. The spoilers aren't hidden and we share some pretty good info. :D

*EDITED: At the Request of the Owner of the Site we edited out.*
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Actually I am perfectly relaxed.

I know all the Greg fans are excited, but I was just trying to bring some balance and objectivity into this thread by pointing out that the rest of the cast also have parts in this episode too. Being the season premiere I am willing to bet it will be a fairly even on screen time.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I'm very happy to hear that Sara will live and I hope the GSR continues. I have become a CSI fanatic since last season. I bought and have watched all 6 seasons on DVD and feel that the writers have smartly written the GSR scenes and have developed it to the point that it would have been difficult to drop it. I also thought that I read somewhere that the writers/producers want them to be a source of comfort to each other in future episodes and this would allow it to be dealt with as a mature and stable relationship in the background of the stories. Let the other characters have the drama and angst for a while and let Grissom and Sara be happy.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

re Natalie's interrogation

The police psychiatrist is there for obvious reasons, Sofia is there because Brass realized he wouldn't hold his temper any better than Grissom did, and Hodges is there because he was the one who discovered the one common element in all of the crimes -- the presence of bleach in some form. Grissom probaby observes the interrogation and will definitely be in the first police car to reach the mustang.
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