Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 1

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Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I do agree with you one thing, I want to see more of Sara's background and why her mother snapped like that. I do love Grissom, I like to see more of him too, Nick too.

I don't meant the background, I just don't know what it called, They are going to in the relationship and still are. why would they break up, if the writer put them together Way to Go, then they break them up. That don't make no sense.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

and give the people who find GSR revolting a break

:lol: :lol: Thank GOD!!

But it would be really stupid if they just put it in the background and ignored it, now that its in the open. It would definatly be bad continuity, since near the end of last season, both Nick and Cath expressed views being against co-workers being in a relationship. Also, cath pointed out Grissom being a on earth can they keep this going in the background?? This relationship was such a huge mistake, I think they are trying to fix the situation, but it's a bit late...
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

GSR_Sara_Gil said:
If they put it the background the show will loss some of that precious
young viewer demographic that so many networks are fighting for.
If they do that CSI will definately loss the battle with GA at least with younger viewers
Now is the time to deal with Sara and her backgroun and GSR
because so many people are upset with GA right now.

I have a few friends who only just got into CSI
because they saw the Meat Market episode.
They loved Sara and
they loved Gil trying to write his feelings out.
They though it was sooo Cute.
My guy friend just loves Sara

Now they come over to watch the older seasons
and my guy friend went and bought season 1

All because they saw the Meat Market episode

Sara Rocks and GSR Rules Forever!!!

I also agree that we could use a little more bckground, but not so much with the younger viewers wanting GSR. You may be right, but I am a part of that age group and I couldn't care less about romance. I don't really like GSR or any relationship between two main characters, but I'm not against it. I'm just not all that intrigued by who's doing it with who. So.. I'd be more than ok with GSR being put away for now, though it does make for a poorly handled storyline there... Oh well. That's what you get with this show apparently. :rolleyes:

In all honesty, I'm about ready for the less emotional CSI from way back when. Don't get me wrong, we need some character story, but not like it was this season. I guess a little more science is what I want, and instead of having whole episodes to a character, have a few here and there, and otherwize mention things throughout normal episodes.

And on the new character... mind game. Sara will live, I'm almost sure of it. I say that because in that aritcle, Mendelson I believe it was sounded too much like Sara would die, and they would never give that much away. And then you add the GSR concluding... its all to make us think that Sara may die.

And with the description of this new girl, did anyone think of Lab-rat Greg? I mean, Greg was fresh and in his twenties when he came, right? His love interest maybe? A lab tech, possibly? I don't know. As long as they don't make huge deals out of any one thing, I won't mind. And definitely more funny episodes. I miss them.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Don't get me started on ages. In my opinion, not all eople of that age are GSR *ponts to eszmanda_luver* but of the GSR fans, many are that age. Take away GSR, less teenyboppers, happier adults. (no offence eszmanda_luver)
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

We interrupt this Discussion to bring you a tired moderator typing.. PLEASE READ all of this.

*Sigh* I feel the need to quote the rules of the first post on page one and doing so this early makes me hope we don't have to do this in the future. While I recommend reading or re-reading all the rules, the ones I am quoting are due because of specific complaints or questions. (Disclaimer: This is not aimed at anyone person but and overall.)

  • Shipper/ships discussions: The only time any ships moments are allowed to be discussed in here is when it ONLY pertains to said ep, ship or scene, this means should said ep not contain a ship moment then it does not belong in this thread or forum, but rather in the "Shipper Central" forum.
  • Opinions: While everyone is entitled to their opinion and to disagree with the opinions, lets remember this is NOT a debate thread, this goes for Characters, Ships, episode vs episode. In saying that lets remember that this is for future episodes lets not let past eps, or single characters dominate. Remember if you cannot agree then agree to disagree and let it go.
  • Arguements: There comes a time when people who voice their opinions rile others this can lead to arguments and heated debates and or flamming. We do give gentle reminders, we trying to calm down the problem all before any warning is issued but if that doesn't work and it continues take note we will not hesitate to issue that warning. -- The best thing you can do is if you feel yourself getting angry or upset then backup, breath, and then when you are calm come on back. Otherwise see "Opinions" above.
I would also like to say that we understand everyone favors a certain character/s and some not so much but lets remember spoilers give for sometimes one and sometimes more then that. This thread is to share those spoilers and it might mean bringing news on a character you don't care for, spoilers are also about not just the characters but the episode, the evidence, scene, victims, I think you get the point.

It should be about the show and our opinions and not the arguing or strict talk of only a certain character only (and yes GSR or any ship that pertains to the show is considered one), we want Everyone to feel comfortable enough to come in and talk, not feel like its exclusive. I am not saying you can't have a fav or you can't talk about them, I am just saying that expansion isn't a bad thing.

You will be returned to your regularly scheduled :eek: fest, Thank-you!
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

), we want Everyone to feel comfortable enough to come in and talk, not feel like its exclusive


This isn't a shippy board. I can understand (not accept, but understand) why a mod at a shippy site said that non shippers aren't welcome, but here, this is NOT a shippy site (there is a GSRthread somewhere you know, and there are Sara threads and don't get rid of Jorja threads and Greg threads.....

This is a TEAM place. Any new spoilers? I've been looking...went to E online, notheing except for the WAT crossover...
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I really feel Littman meant what he said
that all the characters are going to get to breathe and go on journeys

I think they are going to go into everyone's background
starting off with Sara because of the trauma from the abduction
but this trauma for the CSI's leaves a window open to explore them all

you can put GSR in the back because they are happy
and focus on cases
and all the characters backgrounds second

which i think will satisfy all the demographics
because that is what the early CSI's did
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

It's quite possible that the writers currently have nowhere else they can go with the GSR storyline at the moment. S7 almost revolved around it, the writers covering a lot of ground, and now they need to further the storylines of other characters before they can move on with it.

I'm hoping for more episodes about the other characters. I'd like to see more about Warrick and his marriage, and the repurcussions Nick, Greg and Jim are still having after what happened to them (what happened to Ellie?). I'd be intrigued to see one of the after detectives be the central feature of at least one episode, just to mix things up.

CSI revolutionised crime drama when it first kicked off, but currently the show is static. It needs something to kick it back into motion, get the viewers back that it's lost over these last two (possibly 3) seasons. There used to be a spark to the show, and here's hoping they get it back.

Maybe they need to steal the writers from CSI:NY. They had a good last season. And the writers from 'Two and a Half Men' should add something as well. Fingers crossed that by S8 TPTB will have worked all the bugs out of the system.

Oh, and they are messing with us. I think they get some sort of twisted pleasure out of it.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Thaks a lot for the interruption, Destiny. I was just going to post something like "Gosh, can we please keep the ship talks to a minimum?!" I don't mind people talking about the ship as long as it is related to the spoilers, but keeping praising it as if it was the only good thing on this show is just too much.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

But its not only just ships, its about individual characters as well, okay I have to use the example this thread isn't strictly about what will happen to Sara, its not strictly about Greg, etc.

Clairification, while you can talk about individual characters lets remember that there are others, if you find a spoiler for instance that tells about Warrick or Nick and you don't like them, but in that same spoiler you find one on Greg or Catherine and you do like them (or vice versa) we are asking that both spoilers be given even if you don't like the character. Alot of new folks don't know how to find spoilers, some spoiler sites (as stated in the rules or on their sites) can not be given out for reasons.

We are asking that everyone come together and help others out, in the past it had the tone of "If you want to know find it yourself" thing is that isn't what this thread is about its about bring spoilers (even if we dislike the character/s) here and discussing them like rational people.

Granted GSR is a current ship of the show and whether or not we like it, it's there until they change it. if you don't like the ship state it, its your opinion and people can feel free to disagree, same with individual characters but just please do not bash that just causes fighting and you all know the difference.

Those rules I quoted and post I posted above had to be made I have had more then one person write me saying they are afraid to give an opinion as they might be attacked, this kind of thing has been getting bigger and bigger and we try to let you all work it out on your own but ultimately we have had to step in and do something.

Most of you who are not new or have lurked for a while know our rules regarding if you feel there is a problem. Now I re-point out the post I made above (my post before this one) and ask that you all read it closely, and this one as well we all want the samething and using the LV show as an example when you pull together you find you it, you can discuss it and get something out of it.

Thank you. *Going back to first cup of coffee*
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Backgrounds? No no no, not if it isn't relevant to the case. What are these people thinking?

Ok CM needs to go, she so obviously does not have what it takes to produce a show for thinking adults. And there are tons of shows for the soap-audience, and this bracket does not have the money the older brackets of the audience have! Most want at least one show aimed to the more mature audience, the ones with the money who the big buck ads are aimed to. There are too many teeny shows for CSI to compete with - it's just stupid to transform a series aimed to one audience to a teeny soapshow in it's 7th and 8th season. Plain idiotic.

Let CM go back to produce soap ala Melrose Place where the main focus is on the love-interests and teh growing up of the characters. In CSI it was solving crimes and science, and the human factor in solving these crimes. The different perspectives each character brought to solve the cases - that is all gone now.

And another member when the cast is already too gloated? WTF are these producers thinking?

*shakes head*

We will now have possible 7 CSIs if Sara doesn't die, which I doubt. And the new CSI will probably be Greg's love interest - oh yeah the old CSI is so coming back. *cackles insanely*

Somebody please fire CM - she's the one that drove the good writers off and took in the soapy ones. Somebody please!!!!
If they hire this late it means they really have no idea where to go with the show yet- and there's probably another war behind the scene. Go soap or bring back the old, more mature show. Looks like CM and the soap is winning.

I'm gonna laugh when the ratings drop even further, because they will with this direction being taken.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

hey every1 new to this site! i was just reading something on tvguide which suggests that sara sidles character will be replaced with a young 20 something female cop! i really hope jorja doesnt leave! what does everyone think to this?
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

If Jorja is leaving (which I doubt)I don't mind another character but I really hope this person is NOT a CSI. More than 6 CSI's is way over the top as far as screentime goes. Another lab tech I can live with that.

The Spoiler came from Carol M, and her spoilers rarely amount to anything, some of us think TPTB are playing with our heads.

Welcome loulou19!
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

oh thanku! i feel a little better now! i think that season 8 of csi comes out in feb 2008 (i live in the uk) arrrrrr thats too long to wait!
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