Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 1

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Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

even as it pains me to see my summer come to an end so quickly, i want new csi epi..and if that means going back to work be it! I find it cute that greggo finds her considering his forever crush on her
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Greg has stop have a crush on her, he know she will never be intersted in him. They just good friend, like a brother and sister.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

desertwind said:
But not actually from Jerry nor CBS nor CSI excutives nor WP nor Jorja.. all spectulation..rumor gossip and innuendos and I'll wait and see! and 'take a breather' could mean so many things! I'll wait and see ;)

Jonathan is a producer for CSI, as well as a worker for CBS. I'm pretty sure this is legit. After all, this was a statement given at the TCA Press Tour.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I don't much care about non-cannon relationships... But, GSR is cannon, and this new information on it "concluding" is not something I'm willing to toss aside.

I know that all spoilers are iffy, but I find that most of them are correct, and the ones that aren't are usually very vague. This one wasn't. So.. I'm thinking it may be true. That, and you have to think, what could they do with the whole GSR thing? I mean, it would be nice to leave them alone and let them be happy.. but that does not make for good drama.

My guess: they will not conclude it as its definitely never coming back, but kind of move away from it and possibly put GSR fans back in this "will they/won't they" stage (as much as that sucks for you guys), and give the people who find GSR revolting a break. This option keeps everyone... a tad happy, and keeps most people coming back. (GSR fans to see the interaction between the two, and everyone else will be glad its over.) It works best for the TPTB.

I do feel sorry for you GSR fans though, because you finally got what you were wanting, and now you may have to taken away from you.. so sorry. For everyone else, congrats.

Of course, this spoiler could be fake, but I'm thinking not. Anyone who wants to hold on to hope, by all means.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

eszmanda_luver said:I do feel sorry for you GSR fans though, because you finally got what you were wanting, and now you may have to taken away from you.. so sorry.

Why many of the fans from the other ships are so reluctant to want their ship canon now, given the way that GSR was handled. I do feel sorry for the GSR fans.

"Dead Doll" intrigues me. I could just mean the end of the MCSK arc (thank god). And personally, I don't want to see another arc like this one. There have been good serial killer arcs in the past (Paul Milander and the Blue Paint Killer to name a couple), but this one... well, dragged. The others were more spaced out and worked, this one... no.

And while I did like the Greg arc, again poorly handled. It was like they forgot about it for a while, then every now and again went "oops, better say something here". What I'd be interested in seeing with Greg is for the James family to still be after him. After Aaron tried to hit him with his car in "Post Mortem" I thought Greg would be getting death threats or have interesting 'accidents' happen. That would have been interesting. I'd still like to see it happen in S8, but I think it might be getting a bit late for that now.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Well, I was certain that Sara will live this season and that the whole thing was just a promo stunt...

But with a first episode called "Dead Doll" and a 2nd one called "Aftermath". I don't know what to think anymore.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Aftermath can mean many things, but that being said it was a tentitive/leaked title that was never confirmed. The first episode title was said to be "Hard Eveidence" but we now know that was wrong since ep 801 is "Dead Doll".

IMO if JF was leaving we would have heard by now, I think it was a stunt as well.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Veze said:
Well, I was certain that Sara will live this season and that the whole thing was just a promo stunt...

But with a first episode called "Dead Doll" and a 2nd one called "Aftermath". I don't know what to think anymore.

Those were titles that were posted on IMDB in mid June, which can be posted by anyone. IMDB is wrong on many occasions.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Why or why, do they do what they do? :mad: only time will tell, does anybody no for sure? 'NO' fans I mean!..... talk about spinning in circles & playing little games:rolleyes: still another 'spoiler' site, and this time fans comments on what they consider to be fact!

Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

I agree I think they are playing games.
Peterson and Fox love working together and have loved doing Sara and Gil's relationship, they have fought for it the enitre run of the show.

Plus Sarah Goldfinger loves Sara and GSR

The writers designed CSI to be like a great novel at least for the characters.

The early years are when you get to know everyone.
They you delve a little into the complexity of their personalities
Season 5 was the turn around It reveal so much but left more questions than answers

Season 6 to me is where the writers started to make the show
more and more about the characters
and Season 7 furthered this and is the middle of the book where things start to be come clear

so it only makes sense that Season 8 is where everything gets crazy complex and interesting!

From a writing stand point it is more fun to have Sara Sidle live
there is so much more potential for stories
if she dies it is depressing and Gil will die with the only thing he ever loved
If she lives you can explore her past
Show the complexities of GSR maybe even some flash backs
have Gil be a great boyfriend and realize that the trama of the car incident
has brought back all Sara's nightmares about her childhood
Warrick can deal with his marriage
Nick gets a girl
Greg grows up maybe goes back to the lab
Catherine deals with her daughter more
and the money she may get from her Dad's death
make Cat the supervisor

Why make Sara so important to everyone?
Why, in fact, make her the ethereal breathing heart and soul of CSI and then kill her off? (That is just bad writing!!)
It will only hurt the show if she dies!!!
They and CBS will loss me as a viewer and I will mail them my CSI DVD's
with a letter.

The new female character could be anyone and there were rumors that Lombard who plays Sophia wanted to leave.

Maybe a love interest for Greg or Nick.

Be my Idol...Don't Kill Sidle!!

If JF was leaving for good we would know because that is a huge deal for CSI
they have not lost a major actor yet

the show is dead without her and Sara Sidle
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Wow. I agree. I think they are playing with us. I truly think Sara will live. It does sound like GSR is breaking up though. *shipper squee*
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

Desertwind, they are not going to break up. They are going to put it to rest, like in the background. They are together, they are not going to break up, because their relationship is out in the open. They are still in the relationship.
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

If they put it the background the show will loss some of that precious
young viewer demographic that so many networks are fighting for.
If they do that CSI will definately loss the battle with GA at least with younger viewers
Now is the time to deal with Sara and her backgroun and GSR
because so many people are upset with GA right now.

I have a few friends who only just got into CSI
because they saw the Meat Market episode.
They loved Sara and
they loved Gil trying to write his feelings out.
They though it was sooo Cute.
My guy friend just loves Sara

Now they come over to watch the older seasons
and my guy friend went and bought season 1

All because they saw the Meat Market episode

Sara Rocks and GSR Rules Forever!!!
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