Season 8: "Dead Doll" Discussion *SPOILERS*

Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

I didn't like the lack of science/crime scene stuff tonight, but what makes you look past that is that you know it only for one episode. My roommate compared it to Grave Danger, when they found Nick they actually used forensics, and tonight there were like 2 clues.

If this was any other episode not involving a character in danger, it wouldn't have been good. But for one episode and you know the science will be back next week, wasn't that bad.

And were are all the continuity people that complained the last two seasons for lack of. Tonight was the king of continuity. I feel like Nick finally got his Grave Danger continuity by finding Sara first, especially after his flashback. To long time CSI fans this was as much about him as it was for Grissom.

ETA: Sven, this is a spoiler for this episode alone thread, any spoilers for upcoming episodes should be removed. That implying your sentence about JF and her departure in the future.
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

Okay, I took a couple of hours off to consider, and well... I am glad to see I am not the only one who came out of this disappointed to some extent.

First and foremost in my mind is that this is pretty much the first time the season has opened in pure ship mode. I saw this as a pretty direct attack to get back viewers that had moved over to Grey's last year and lost interest during the summer break.

The good: Sara got some decent character development and exposed her past a little more. Nick got a somewhat emotional scene that didn't require him to be close to death. Hodges got to step up and be a more obvious part of the team.

The Bad: Warrick was light in this episode. Greg, outside of zooming around in the chopper, was pretty invisible. Catherine looked like she didn't really care one way or the other about all of this. Brass just looked a little upset like maybe he didn't get breakfast. Basically, most of the of the characters outside of Sara and Grissom looked like cardboard cutouts. We should be lucky that Jorja Fox showed up with a great performance (considering a pretty lame script) and Natalie the nutjob was wonderfully nutty.

The Ugly: No chance of anyone being blinded by science. Grissom discovering that if you pour water on electronics it stops working was possibly one of the worst moments in CSI history. Bad science, hopelessly melodramatic, and technically he damaged or destroyed evidence (the model surely didn't do well with all that water in it). Obvious errors in the show (footprints versus where Sara went, car lowered into place by magic, the mirror in Sara's hand flashing at Nick, even though she was in the shade and lying passed on out the ground, Sara using he "broken" arm to support herself as she rolled down the dunes). Technically probably one of the weakest episodes I have seen.

Having just watched season 1 episodes 1 & 2 again on Spike, I am sad to see what this has become. If the next couple of episodes continue to kiss up to the shippers, than I know I can find something else to do with my Thursdays.
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

It was about a 7 for me out of 10. I am just glad that it is over (and she lived of course!) and they can move on with the rest of the season...
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

I'll give it a 5. Jorja was fabulous, great acting, and the scene with Nick and the pics was very touching. It just felt like a belobored variation of Grave Danger. What was lacking in substance was made up for in good acting....even if the end kinda sucked.
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

I think is interesting that Nick was the one that found Sara and not Grissom. I think that it has something to do with the fact that he experienced the same thing in Grave Danger. And i think that the producers wanted it to be like that cause its kind of like All the CSI saved nick on Grave Danger now is was Nick's turn to save someone.
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

For serious? lmao This forum is so typical. *snort*
Great ep man, great ep. Totes all about the GSR though, because omg were the other guys in it like at all?!!!1one Like [/sarcasm] lmao

Ahem. Yes.
I liked the Gum Drops flashback, it was a great bit of continuity. Perhaps emphasing how often the CSIs have been in danger, but hey, it's a drama. (Question: Why is no one complaining about the Snickers? He like found her? Cried? For serious? lol)
I'll be watching this ep over and over, it was great. Incredible acting from the Jorja. *big grin*
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

OMG, I just watched it.. unbeliveable on a scale of 1-10..20 :eek:spectatular, :eek:engrossing..exhilarating..stupendendous.. dazzling.. and other adjectives that lose me right now..loved the flashbacks.. showing the love they've alway had, Jorja Fox
riveting performance, and I loved that they showed how she was subdued in the parking garage.. I always wondered about that.. and the whole team so focused on finding her. the whole team.. and Nick reminising on when she found him, and now he found her.. good job Nick.. so dynamic and I'd say the best ep ever.. of course I said that about "GRAVE DANGER" and now I see the correlation between the two, he was in danger, in a box, and she was in danger alone out in the friggin' desert.. I liked that part, because I've always thought when I drive out here, if I got disoriented, I'd be wandering around in 100 degree temp. and die.. and the strong love between Grissom and Sara, again, he'd be lost without her, & visa versa, & nothing and or no one can ever come between them.. the cute endearing term Gilber, showing what they say when alone.. the whole team was on top of this..they were dynamite ;) and if I ever meet the writers of this fantastic show, I will bow down and kiss their feet and hug them all for delivering always super excellent episodes the best show on TV ;)
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

Yayyyyyyyyyy! She's ALIVE! :D :p

One thing that disturbed me is how she got to put that car on Sara :confused: She was alone in the desert -we can see that when she leaves. No crane, no truck ... did she have an accomplice?

xfcanadian: I have to agree with you about those rocks. First time we see rocks piled up, Griss understands it's Sara ... why did they have to stop to observe every single rock she stacked up after that?? Enough with the rocks, move! move!
The body they find: we don't care who that guy is, go look for Sara for God's sake!!

I liked the scene in the helicopter.

About the preview for next week's epi: to Ecklie's question when did their relationship start

Grissom: 9 years ago
Sara: 2 years ago

LMAO :lol:
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

I'm going to be wise today and not respond to several flames in this thread, because I'm not in the mood to get into an argument. I'm way too pleased and happy for that. :D

Tonight's episode left me speechless. Yes, I'm thrilled Sara lived, as are all Sara/Jorja fans. But that wasn't the only reason I'm still shaking from watching the episode. It was a variety of things. The acting, the character reactions, POV, flashbacks, the music, the lighting, the atmosphere, the writing... to me, personally, it was flawless. I could not have asked for anything better. I was not disappointed at all. It was like TPTB read my mind.

This episode just showed how strong Sara's will to survive is. She didn't stop after she broke her arm trying to get out from under the car. She kept walking in 110 degree weather using the remains of her shirt as protection and brought the mirror with her as a weapon. When she was in the middle of the desert--totally disoriented, dehydrated and exhausted, she recited math to keep herself oriented.

That's kick-ass.

Or when she managed to get herself out of the trunk on her own even when bound and unconscious in a small confined space. She could've fallen out of the trunk but didn't because she knew Natalie would've noticed. Instead she snuck through into the backseat and tried to run her off the road. And even when her head was thrown through a window and she found herself back in the trunk, she was still a fighter.

Catherine's line "She's a survivor" definitely has meaning my friends.

I loved how they revisited Sara's back-story. I had hoped there would be a scene where she was talking with Natalie about it, and praise the heavens there was. Foster child to foster child, two peas in a pod (except one was psycho).

Jorja was phenomenal tonight and I honestly believe this was her best performance to date. TPTB made the right choice not killing her off, because that was amazing. She has just the right skill to show all sorts of emotion-- that's her gift. Anguish, despair, desperation, pleading, anger, triumph (loved her little laugh when she got her arm out from under the car). It was amazing.

Even if Jorja leaves after a few episodes (which I still kind of doubt she will), I'll definitely follow her wherever she goes. This was just... wow.

PS: I also noticed Wallace Langham is now a series regular. Congrats Wallace! :D But when you think about it, Jorja Fox is still credited in the opening credits, and she's actually one spot ahead of Gary now. If she was leaving after a few episodes, she should be guest starring instead of being a regular. Just some thoughts.
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

Is there an echo in here? LOL! I loved this episode, and to those who didn't-chill! The acting was fantastic and insightful and kept me on the edge the whole time!
Jorja's survival instincts...McGyver's got competition! There was quite a bit of science in this-contrary to the anti-GSR sentiments expressed by the grouchy ones! What do you think Hodges did? And Warrick? And Nick?
Also the way Sara kept moving-normally I would agree about staying put. But she was afraid...coyotes might do that to you! And by moving...she ended up being found!
Okay-there was a wonderfully wordless scene between Grissom and Sara...two people acting human. It worked.
This was a ten...and even with the "Ecklie" scene in the can't take away the smile I had at the way Nick-and the team found Sara. It was almost worth the angst and the wait!
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

I watched it twice (thanks, Canada!) and it was much better the second time because I could actually enjoy the pacing rather than just sitting there going, "Does she live? Does she live?"

I enjoyed it. It was a little avant-gard for CSI but I think they did a really good job. I was literally on the edge of my seat the whole time, and it made me only the more eager for next week
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

I'm not sure where to start....

CSI wouldn't be the same without Sara

But I found this episode sort of anti-climatic. I'm not totally into spoilers, I knew some of what would happen but... MEH... :(
It's not the GSR that made me think that, and it wasn't Jorja's preformance either. That I liked. :)

It's just.... something was missing....

I'm still confused on how Natlie got the car on top of Sara :eek:
Natalie drugged Sara but how do you get a car on top of her. Yes the guy from the tow yard towed it there, there was no mention of him doing anything else with the car. That part of the episode baffles me still... :confused:

What I did like is that Nicky found her first. I think that kept the Gris/Sara drama down to a minimum
I did like that Grissom kept his cool and acted calmly
I liked the Sara/Nick flasback scenes.
Yeah, this episode was kinda like Grave Danger but not enough to have that 'spark'.
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

Ok, add me to the list of people disappointed. The story line was ok, however I have read fanfic with more agnst and interesting science.

Things I enjoyed and did not were:

Nick having the flashback to Gumdrops, though then suddenly finding the info for the car took away from the scene. It was saying see it is not her day to die cause Nick did not die.

Sara talking to Natalie in the car.

Nick finding Sara was wonderful. However if you do not have a pulse you would start CPR. The pulse should have been either tachy (very fast) or bradicardic (very slow) or irregular or faint. I am a nurse and I just hate when medical info is totally unrealistic.

Also there is no way they would have allowed Grissom on the medvac. There is barely enough room for the Nurse and the Patient. They would have also hooked her up to the equipment the heart monitor and pulse ox etc. The IV should have been also running at wide open speed it was not moving. Ohhh I could go on and on.

Though we know now that Sara is 35 years old.

I would have like to seen that rapid fast DNA on the blood on the windshield.

How about testing the dirt on the car to get the isotopes of course in record time also.

They could have done a lot with the episode. Hopefully they will get off the GSR kick after this next episode and get back the the friendships we had in the first couple seasons.

Also what was the deal with the Crime Solve Score Board? Warrick and Nick had 9 a piece listed Sara had 1 and Catherine had 5 and Joe had 5. What is that about?

Also at one point it was a little weird to go from Sara touching Grissom to Natalie being touched in the exam. Both made me go ewwww.

My rating would be a 6/10 for the storyline
Jorja and George both were great they get a 10!!!

Watching a second time to see what I missed the first:)
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

O.k. overall I'd give it a 4/10 if I'm being honest.

I knew Sarah wasn't going to be killed off so there wasn't much drama there for me.

It was o.k. but not on the calibre of Grave Danger IMO. I was always wondering about Nick during that.

I will say I liked the scene with Nick breaking down and flashing back to Gum Drops. That was a well played out scene. The connection was there. Only real highlight for me.

The continuity issues bugged me: the address would have already been in the report so why did it take so long to get to the junkyard. Not enough Warrick and Greg. How was the car placed on Sara. There was zip in science unless you count Hodges with his pollen experiments.

I knew it would be Nick that would find Sara. I also figured that the mirror would help with a reflection. Predictable for me.

I wasn't a fan of the MCSK storyline last season. I hope tonight's episode was the end of that arc.

I wanted to see it to get an idea how CSI is going to be this season. It's a couple of hours since I've watched it and honestly I'm still not sure. :( :(

JMHO on the episode. Sorry it isn't all warm and fuzzy.
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

Ok how about Sara comparing loosing her Dad to Ernie and Natalie. Then Natalie talking saying "Ernie loved me more than Grissom could ever love you."

LOL just goes with what some of us believe Grissom and Sara are more like father daughter than lovers.

This is not intended to flame or start a GSR fight just a little thought. Plus I am curious how others say that scene?

Also with what little water did take in whatever that was it was very powerful.