Season 8: "Dead Doll" Discussion *SPOILERS*

Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

^^ Interesting. I never caught what Natalie said because to me she was always mumbling.
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

guys, if you watch closely, natalie deflates a bag of air. the car is held up pneumatically, then settles.

I realize its more fun to assume mind tricks, but seriously....
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

llachlan said:
guys, if you watch closely, natalie deflates a bag of air. the car is held up pneumatically, then settles.

I realize its more fun to assume mind tricks, but seriously....

Ok I could buy this. Good theory.
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

Sara4Nick said:
Ok how about Sara comparing loosing her Dad to Ernie and Natalie. Then Natalie talking saying "Ernie loved me more than Grissom could ever love you."

LOL just goes with what some of us believe Grissom and Sara are more like father daughter than lovers.

This is not intended to flame or start a GSR fight just a little thought. Plus I am curious how others say that scene?

I actually got a chuckle out of that, seeing how I'm not a fan of the romance. I did also make the father/daughter comparison from that comment.

And I guess for Natalie to make such a comment, I would think she witnessed more than Grissom brushing a hand down Sara's arm at a crime scene. There were probably more moments she logged away because she knew to look for them. It became clearer that Natalie had been scoping them out for a while, since she got a job there on the cleaning staff.

Anyway, I found her comment humorous at first, but also pretty insightful. Natalie may have been out for revenge, but she was smart and observant. I don't think we should take her comment lightly or merely as a barb at Sara's expense.

She's got a view on the romance that we as a viewer don't have. We couldn't see the romance through Nick's or Catherine's eyes. Not Warrick or Greg. They didn't know. Even when Grissom and Sara had a moment, there wasn't a lot of insight into what things were really like for them. Natalie knows more than we do and in a way, I envy her perspective. If she believes Ernie loved her more than Grissom could ever love Sara, Natalie doesn't have much faith in their relationship. Up until tonight, the only perspective we had on the romance was from the couple involved. At the moment, Natalie's perspective is the most concrete insight we've been given on the romance from someone that isn't Grissom or Sara.

Just something to think about. Looks like in the next episode (and probably for episodes to come), we'll finally get to see what the other characters think of the whole thing.
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

quoth_the_raven said:
Jorja Fox is still credited in the opening credits, and she's actually one spot ahead of Gary now.

Huh? I'm not sure if they have different versions of the opening credits, but it was shown on my tv as Billy, Marg, Gary, George, Jorja, Eric, RDH & Wally.
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

^ Oh! I was probably wrong then, I just heard that somewhere :lol: I was just so happy she was still in the main cast :p
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

Heard it was a total copy of GD *laughs head off* And a pulseless woman brought back to life thanks to holding of hands *gasps for air* And the Harvard graduate is dumb enough to stumble around in the desert in slo-mo (despite having lived plenty of years in a desert state). Sitting by the car would have been ay sane person's decision. Sara is a moron.

Natalie on the other hand is Superwoman to manage to tip the car all on her lonesome - now that's a scientific puzzle that needs investigating. Also how she could affor all that miiature equippment on a janitor's pay is a miracle - I'd love to dig my teeth into that. Was she counterfeiting money? Was she stealing credit cards? Or was she working 24/7 and still had the time to make those miniatures? The questions never end on that one.

Grissom 'seeing' in Natalie's eyes that Sara is under the car? This is a scientist speaking? *wipes tears*

A note to the writers - you lack all skills of creating anything new. Stick to flashes the entire season and don't even try putting together a new eppy. There's plenty of Nick drama Sara can go through 8Stalker, Who are you eg) to keep the soap foaming.

Next great GSR ep will be Hannah stalking Sara and grissom sensing it though ESP.

This is the first ep I won't ever watch of CSI (man told me enough about the incredible stupidity to have me in tears of laughter - and yes, he was laughing too.)

Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

llachlan said:
guys, if you watch closely, natalie deflates a bag of air. the car is held up pneumatically, then settles.

I realize its more fun to assume mind tricks, but seriously....
Thanks! :)
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

ah the joys of the internet, despite being in the UK, I managed to get it watched by 9am this morning ;)


The Good:
1. Very noirish in style, just how I like CSI and very nicely shot in general.
2. Typically cool undestated performance by Billy Petersen. You don't need to be loud and in your face to make an impact.
3. Great performance by Jorja Fox, if she does end up leaving, it'll be a big loss.
4. There was just enough suspense, without being over done.
5. Storyline tied up some little loose ends that where dangling from the finale, like how did Sara know Natalie's name, how was she overpowered. How she got the car the desert and on top of Sara - I think one or two need to look a bit closer, and give up on the ESP madness ;)

The Bad
1. Slight gaping plot hole with the car. The police knew it came from a crime scene, therefore surely they would have known what impound lot it was at. Why did it take Nick to find a phone number written down by someone who probably has a photographic memory, to send Brass on the car's trail. Surely the first thing they would have done would be find out where the car was from, and how it got out of the lot.
2. Not enough Jim Brass

The Ugly:
3. Cath's hat. Seriously, leave the crazy hat wearing to Gilbert.

As for Grave Danger comparissons, I am probably in a minority of CSI fans, but as much as I like GD, it isn't one of my favourites. I actually found it too in your face and OTT. For me Grissom was out of character in that with the cringe worthy 'Pancho' scenes at the end. How he was in this episode was far more in keeping with his character, which made it a better show for me.

Also the critisism of Sara wondering the desert. It was something I thought as well, and I'm not sure it was a particularly good plot to follow. But I'll give the benefit of the doubt to the writers, and put it down to being injured, scared and dissorientated. In a position like that, you may well end up searching for a road rather than staying put. Plus she wasn't to know Natalie was in custody, and may have believed she could come back.

All in all, I liked it a lot, far more than I liked the season 7 finale. :cool:
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

Does anybody know of a site that I can download the episode from? I'm in the UK
Thank you =]
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

BloodSugar said:
Does anybody know of a site that I can download the episode from? I'm in the UK
Thank you =]

I sent you a message

no offence taken pabzi :) And for all you know, itunes etc is what I may have been messaging about!
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

No downloading talk here, no offense, but can talk about Itunes or innertube...I think Amazon sells them like Itunes...

I'd say 7. It was good, but something was missoing, There was GSR mush, which I hate, but as much as I hate to admit it, It I huess had its place there. Natalie was great.
I felt like there was some filler, and it was a bit slow, but there WAS something kinda real about it...Warrick was THERE! David was in the CREDITS...(I missed it-the credits- cause I came over to the com for a minute, but I'll see it later...taped it)
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

GameFace said:
ah the joys of the internet, despite being in the UK, I managed to get it watched by 9am this morning ;)


The Good:
1. Very noirish in style, just how I like CSI and very nicely shot in general.
2. Typically cool undestated performance by Billy Petersen. You don't need to be loud and in your face to make an impact.
3. Great performance by Jorja Fox, if she does end up leaving, it'll be a big loss.
4. There was just enough suspense, without being over done.
5. Storyline tied up some little loose ends that where dangling from the finale, like how did Sara know Natalie's name, how was she overpowered. How she got the car the desert and on top of Sara - I think one or two need to look a bit closer, and give up on the ESP madness ;)

The Bad
1. Slight gaping plot hole with the car. The police knew it came from a crime scene, therefore surely they would have known what impound lot it was at. Why did it take Nick to find a phone number written down by someone who probably has a photographic memory, to send Brass on the car's trail. Surely the first thing they would have done would be find out where the car was from, and how it got out of the lot.
2. Not enough Jim Brass

The Ugly:
3. Cath's hat. Seriously, leave the crazy hat wearing to Gilbert.

As for Grave Danger comparissons, I am probably in a minority of CSI fans, but as much as I like GD, it isn't one of my favourites. I actually found it too in your face and OTT. For me Grissom was out of character in that with the cringe worthy 'Pancho' scenes at the end. How he was in this episode was far more in keeping with his character, which made it a better show for me.

Also the critisism of Sara wondering the desert. It was something I thought as well, and I'm not sure it was a particularly good plot to follow. But I'll give the benefit of the doubt to the writers, and put it down to being injured, scared and dissorientated. In a position like that, you may well end up searching for a road rather than staying put. Plus she wasn't to know Natalie was in custody, and may have believed she could come back.

All in all, I liked it a lot, far more than I liked the season 7 finale. :cool:

Hmm at last a possitive and thoughtfull response.

I am also in the Uk. Well regarding the 'episode', hmm when i was watching it, sorry to say it felt like a movie, a telvison movie at that.

The car moving by itself was amazing- I agree about the Natalie comment, how did she move that all by her self? Maybe she borrowed her powers from the guys over at Heroe's or something.

Now, being English and all that, I understand that season openers are also about money and beating its rival. I think that with all the fancy camera angles etc might've cost them a fair few bucks.

However CSI did on the hold manage to do what we have all thought. The show managed to keep us guessing over the summer and towards the end of Season 7. So for that I give it a 7 out of ten.

I will also give it a 7 out of ten for the drama and it was in some parts horrific.... When Sara's arm is broken under the car and hearing it crunch good bit of drama there. Sara being a fighter and not giving up... This does happen to be one of her strongest episodes to date, (albeing Commited early on in the show's history)

As a shipper of Nick and Greg for screen time of the remanding characters, I give it a 6.

We get to see joint screen times of Greg, Brass Warrick, Nick and Catherine. However no Doc nor his assitant...

I also give it a 8 for including FINALLY David Hodges as a main star, good for him!!!!! I love his sarcasm...

The flashback to Gum Drops, I will give it a 7- because its a Nick flashback and im biased. LOL.

Over all for the opening of the drama season i shall give it a 8.

Saying that, if CBS Did make a CSI movie then this would've been a really good one to make, but not all about Sara...

The 'true' opener starts next week, when I hope normal season really kicks off...
Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

Shame I didn't see the whole episode but I did manage to see parts of it somewhere and I am just thrilled to see that my girl lives :)

By the look of it (for as far as I have seen most of it) it looks like great episode and I can't wait to see it completly