Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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The ET interview actually has me interested. Marg says These next four episodes will keep the fans happy, because they are all unique and lead to the big finale." Well, we know that the return of Lady Heather will keep the fans happy, but what other things are they going to pull out that we haven't heard about? More Warrick, Greg and Nick would keep myself and a few others happy, I know that.

Now I'm curious...
Next weeks preview could be misleading. I thought they were asking where Lady heather was...and Grissom says...she was here with me....

Then catherine know I would slap you right now, but then you'd probably enjoy it.

I'm wondering if they were really asking where Sara was...and then it flashed to Grissom saying...she was here with me. Can't wait til next week!
Waiting said: Then I read Destiny's post asking us to please stay on topic otherwise this thread with be deleted. Guys...I don't want this thread to be deleted! :eek:
Closed, not deleted we don't delete unless its so bad (ie sexual harassment), otherwise it gets closed. We are keeping an eye on it, it seems to have worked itself out, sometimes it does without us stepping in, and sometimes we need to just step in for a bit, it just depends.
Wojo said: I don't want this thread closed either, I know it's hard to stick to spoilers when there's nothing new but...

Lady Heather returns next week!
Umm As said above lol, and adding in, if we haven't put up a discussion thread for it, its still a future episode, rehash the spoilers for the new folks so they can feel involved. The spoilers come fast and so far ahead there are times when you could be 2 or more eps ahead of the currently airing one that its sometimes good to go back a bit and just being in the reminder.

Thank you both for popping up the reminder of what I said, thought for a moment that folks went blind to the post I made there, but since it slowed and settled itself and folks did get the point its good to know. ;)
it looks like he spent the night at Lady Heather's place...if i were sarah i wouldnt be too happy about that especially after catherine tells her that she is the only woman that has ever rattled grissom.....trouble trouble....
it looks like he spent the night at Lady Heather's place...if i were sarah i wouldnt be too happy about that especially after catherine tells her that she is the only woman that has ever rattled grissom.....trouble trouble....

If that is the case...then that means Cath knows about Grissom/Sara...and she is sticking up for Sara. this could explain why Sara goes missing altogether. Which why in the heck do they even need to have her kidnapped? Unless CSI was going to actually kill her off the show?
What's with the old western themeing in next week's ep? It seems they keep having some weird things with the show lately. This week lizards that are aliens, next week Old Western looking flashbacks?
Motojoe_23 said:
ok.... why is that not working? Is BBCODE not turned on here?

It says it is........ now im confused about being confusededded

just one of the board rules, to post a picture in a reply a user has to have 100 posts ;)
Motojoe_23, I have edited you're post to make it a clickable URL so that it will just take them to the site to see that. As allmaple said until you reach the 100 posts mark, you won't be able to post pics unless you do it by URL linkable.

Also please note that double posting is a nono, but due to the confusion it will be allowed this time, but just remember this for the future. ;)
GOtcha...... I guess I should read the rules LOL.

wahts funny is I am a super mod on (motorcycle forum) and I get so agravated at people who dont know the rules :lol. That is a rule I have never seen though :O
No problem we are all new at some point, and thats why we have the "Help Guide" in this forum, it takes away from the overwhelming feeling and allows you to catch up, as well as refresh older members to.
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