Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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i have to put my 2 cents of speculation in this JF debacle. JF is a feminist - yay for her! - how do you think she's reacting to being demoted to someone's girlfriend on the show? I'd be majorly pissed. I can't agree that's she'd had less airtime than the rest of the regular cast, it's the storylines that have sucked majorly this year. Sara's been there, attached to Griss.

And in the supposed finale it looks like she's the victim because of her realtionship with Griss. That's now a character development I appplaud.

I do understand if she wants to leave because the decline of the show - but of course she can't say that.

If this finale goes down the way the spolers predict, it's a not the show she signed up for, and I totally understand her not wanting to be part of it.

If it's a publicitiy stunt - well heck, this finale needs a lot of that but emebering last year's publicity stunts and the way they backfired I doubt TPTB would taket hat road again. A 20% drop should tell them something about earlier mistakes.
That ET interview, Marg stated "Season 8 - ANYTHING is possible, lets just put it that way" (Talking about Catherine and Grissom) hehe, that was kind of cute. I always love the interaction between those two off set. "Only time I get to kiss her is on ET" :lol:
i am just very happy that there is going to be a season eight...and as for what will happen in the finale, well we will just have to wait and see
S_Bright said:
i have to put my 2 cents of speculation in this JF debacle. JF is a feminist - yay for her! - how do you think she's reacting to being demoted to someone's girlfriend on the show? I'd be majorly pissed. I can't agree that's she'd had less airtime than the rest of the regular cast, it's the storylines that have sucked majorly this year. Sara's been there, attached to Griss.

And in the supposed finale it looks like she's the victim because of her realtionship with Griss. That's now a character development I appplaud.

I do understand if she wants to leave because the decline of the show - but of course she can't say that.

If this finale goes down the way the spolers predict, it's a not the show she signed up for, and I totally understand her not wanting to be part of it.

If it's a publicitiy stunt - well heck, this finale needs a lot of that but emebering last year's publicity stunts and the way they backfired I doubt TPTB would taket hat road again. A 20% drop should tell them something about earlier mistakes.

Every interview with Jorja I have read, she is really pro GSR. How did she not expect this to happen? I knew exactly what would happen if they did GSR on the show...they could have done it way better, but I knew that it would be like this. That is why I always wanted Sara away from Grissom, because it seems like she has to be with him to be happy. Why would she want a storyline, but then want to leave because to show is going downhill?

I mean, there is no good way to end this. The possibilities for the finale are:

1. Keep the relationship (that I think is one big chiche mess...I wish it was done more like Mac and Payton on NY, that would have worked better) --> this will drive away viewers that are getting sick of the storyline

2. End the relationship, but keep Sara and Grissom working the same shift --> this will drive away some of the GSR fans, and also the drama would be a nightmare.

3. Kill Sara or make her leave --> This will drive away Jorja's fans, also it will make Grissom depressing, and will take away from his character. He is too normal now, please don't make him even more normal!

They have really dug a big hole on this storyline...its going to be messy.

Interesting how many people are threatening to quit watching if she leaves. I got slammed for threatening to quit if GSR was revealed. "OH...MAH...GAH...IF U RLY LYKD THE SHOW AND U WER A RULL FAN U WULD WATCH IT 4 THE CAYSES!"

:lol: :lol: LOL!! I got plenty of those lectures...
And, because Jorja is so pro-GSR, I can't help but not believe anything that really says she'd rather quit than play the storyline.

Although my opinion is bias, I do think this is one of their more better seasons. And, in the first what.. 8, 9 episodes - how much did we actually SEE of Sara? Not a whole lot, so I don't see what the hell everyone is always complaining about "OMG, THERE WAS 33 seconds of GSR again.. I'm gonna puke.", or "DAMN IT. they were working a case again. he's not allowed to talk to Catherine, that's bullcrap. The writers suck, this season sucks" Yeahhh, I saw 20 something minutes of Grissom and Catherine, I put up with it. The show must go on.

Go buy the DVDs and sulk in them, that's what I do when I find the show is getting a little dull - it livens it back up for me, and makes me remember the reason why I am a fan of the show.

I think it's pretty outstanding that they are 7 years into this hit show. The fact that they come up episodes every week, they have cases, they are intelligent, they still have their one-liners, they have their main cast, they pull in viewers, they draw old viewers back, and yes they have made long time, and short time fans leave... It all must count for something?
what ever happens, or who ever is dating who, there will always be people that complain. sure there are thing i enjoy more than others on the show, but i dont go all crazy when i see 10 secs of something i dont like. I just like the show...what ever happens...
100 G's an ep? That would make it, per episode, about commeasurate to a not-elite-but-superstar NBA player salary. (I think I worked it out to 8.2 million/season, which isn't Dirk Nowitzki territory, maybe Jason Terry... :lol: )

I had a friend who was a player on a pro baseball team. he explained to me that part of the reason professional athletes push for such high salaries is that after their playing career is done - that's it. I think he quoted me 4.3 years average for a MLB career...then you go back to selling cars, coaching high school athletics, whatever. In some cases, the player doesn't last that long in the big leagues. In other cases, they excel and have a long, lucrative career. (Ironically, my friend, though he only had a slightly-longer-than-average and not star-level playing career, is still head coach of a MLB team...30 years after this discussion!) At any rate, that's what I'm saying - they "make hay while the sun shines".

Granted, actors have a longer career potential since the profession isn't as grueling on their bodies and their abilities aren't as subject to decline with age. But in most cases, they, too, have to take advantage of the fat years, because those fat years can turn lean as they get older (unless you're a Bill Petersen, Anthony Hopkins, Sean Connery, etc.). Also, they have to deal with: Taxes (on THAT kind of salary? :eek: ), agent (what is their cut now, 15% still?), manager, publicist, in a lot of cases attorney's retainer fee, accountant, transportation, (as someone else correctly observed) exorbitant L.A. area rents/house notes (a modest 1-bedroom apartment in my very non-Beverly-Hillsesque neighborhood goes for close to a thousand a month) and cost of adds up. (Ever watch the "Behind The Music" about TLC? That gives you a GREAT indication of it from the music end of the biz...)

But say someone's making a hundred large an episode, and everyone assumes they're living like Bill Gates. Mmmmmm...not so much.

Again, I don't put much credence in anything the New York Post writes - to me, they're maybe one rung up the journalistic food chain from Weekly World News. Now - before Destiny or one of the other mods collars me and reads me the riot act ;) , how this all fits in with the actual subject matter of this thread...

Have any of you (and I'm talking to a lot of you veteran TV-philes like me out there...) ever...EVER...seen so much information floating around about the specifics of how a show's season is going to end? Yeah, yeah, this is the "information age"...but this is also Hollywood, and those folks have lots of Net-savvy people on their staffs. I will be extremely surprised if more than one or two of the specifics of the season finale as currently in the rumor mill actually pan out. Maybe Jorja's leaving, maybe not. If so, maybe her character will be killed off, maybe not. I'm just real, real suspicious of the volume of spoiler material that's being leaked. Honestly, I think we're getting a nice, deluxe "red herring" salad to tide us over until the 17th. And SOMEBODY in the high rent offices at CBS/Alliance Atlantis is reading this and laughing their tailfeathers off.

Could the rumors be true? Sure - every once in a while even the National Enquirer gets it right. :lol: But anyone who cites the freakin' STAR as their source...what's next, Robert David Hall was raised by space aliens?

Just sayin'. Re-shoots may have been necessary for some reason - shooting more than one finale denouement's been done before. Jorja MAY have raised some doubts about the precise direction of the script. Again - wouldn't be the first time, by the first actor, not even on "CSI". Maybe she was unable to show up on a specific filming date for some reason. There are a couple of flus going around out here currently. Could have been a family emergency. Or the whole NYP article could be complete bu...fabrication. :D

Just sayin'. Don't flip out. Not yet, anyway. I believe the non-specific spoilers about the ep, but as far as exactly where it ends up, I'm thinking all bets are off...
how much did we actually SEE of Sara? Not a whole lot, so I don't see what the hell everyone is always complaining about "OMG, THERE WAS 33 seconds of GSR again.. I'm gonna puke.", or "DAMN IT. they were working a case again. he's not allowed to talk to Catherine, that's bullcrap. The writers suck, this season sucks"

it isn't bullcrap, its peoples views and opinions. Just because it doesn't favour your own opinion, doesn't make it less credible. We have ever right to be critical of our favorite show, you can't tell people not to complain.

I think its bullcrap that GSR fans complain about posts that they are not understanding correctly...yeah, we know they are 30 second scenes, duh. Its the overall affect we are arguing about. Plus when something REALLY annoys you, 30 seconds of it is awful.

30 second scenes in every eppy for a relationship in CSI is a lot. And I consider any scene with Grissom and Sara a GSR scene. Sara has been in this season a lot. And she has worked with Grissom almost every eppy. You can't say that the viewpoint that Grissom isn't interacting with Catherine isn't vaild, its an observation that has been made...and its true, they may have had a lot of screentime, but not very much together, compared to other seasons. Also its the WAY they interact that is different. And of course Marg gets more screentime than Jorja, she is the leading female.
I didn't say it was bullcrap, what I said was:

"DAMN IT. they were working a case again. he's not allowed to talk to Catherine, that's bullcrap. The writers suck, this season sucks"

A quote, not directed to any one person. Just had to clarify that.
I would like to clarify that I hadn't meant in my post that Jorja hadn't worked a lot this season. What I had meant was that she wasn't the lead, didn't seem to have much to do. While I personally would've preferred to see much, much more of her, I recognize that she had a decent amount of screentime. I know some of my other favorite shows have had my favorite characters on the backburner, giving 15 seconds an episode to said person, and CSI has definitely given her more material than that.
*cough*warrick*cough* If there's one thing I am seriously hating about this season is the fact that they just... DON'T show Warrick, at all. Maybe a minute here, or there... But what happened to the cases where we would have all three guys (Grissom, Warrick, Nick) and the two girls (Cath, Sara) working two seperate cases!? I want to see that again.
OMG, i might miss the last 2 eppys :eek: I am working up north at a resort, leaving saterday...I will have a tv, but not sure about my schedule. I might have to wait 4 months to see them...yikes.

It does look like I will NOT have any internet. Er, how do you live without the internet?? :confused: Well, bad news for me, good news for others :lol:
xfcanadian said:
OMG, i might miss the last 2 eppys :eek: I am working up north at a resort, leaving saterday...I will have a tv, but not sure about my schedule. I might have to wait 4 months to see them...yikes.

It does look like I will NOT have any internet. Er, how do you live without the internet?? :confused: Well, bad news for me, good news for others :lol:

Nah! I like discussing episodes with you, as well as every other person here! The love on this board is huge :lol: (And not talking about the ship :p)

Four months until you MAY see the last few episodes? Honestly, I'm dying not knowing if I am going to miss TONIGHT's CSI or not :lol:

ETA: Instead of just creating a new post - I just thought I'd add that talking about the two seperate cases with the guys and girls.. I think Sara and Catherine are working together in TGTBTD - and I'm looking forward to it.. They're both amazing together, and their sense of humour is great :p
WHat the heck...I come on here and have tons of posts to read that don't really contain anything about spoilers. Then I read Destiny's post asking us to please stay on topic otherwise this thread with be deleted. Guys...I don't want this thread to be deleted! :eek:

I get that the news regarding JF could be huge...I sort of got mixed up in that last night! But it seems salaries are still being talked all honesty who really cares. I'm just wondering if this is really true how is it going to effect the remainder of the season...has anyone heard anything about rewrites regarding the finale?

The thing is we have gone under the assumption that it was sara under that car...just because we are told so by spoilers. The way the finale has been over displayed with spoilers...I'm wondering if its going to be much bigger than what we assume is going to happen.
The only mention of re-writes was in the New York POst/Star article that started this whole discussion. It stated that they had to re-wite the ending but that has not been confirmed by CBS or anywhere else that's legitimate. If I had realized that they got their info for Star magazine I would NOT have posted it at all, it's not the type of mag I consider credible.

I think we wait and see, if the finale turns out differently from the spoilers then it was true, if not then it wasn't. The point is we won't know for sure until we see it.

I don't want this thread closed either, I know it's hard to stick to spoilers when there's nothing new but...

Lady Heather returns next week!
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