Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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Mhm. We should start a petition that we want Warrick and Vartann. I think that there are many who will agree. Maybe a bit less screentime for Sara? I think that would help. And a bit less for Sofia...then there will be space for Warrick and Vartann!
Warrick has turned into the token black guy who shows up just enough so people don't complain that there isn't diversity on the show. That is stupid, he is a great character!
xfcanadian said:
Warrick has turned into the token black guy who shows up just enough so people don't complain that there isn't diversity on the show. That is stupid, he is a great character!

For once.. we agree.
HHH well well well look what I started... :D

I was saying that [although I seriously doubt Vartann is actually in the episode ] I can see him being in it trying to talk to one of the 'alien people'.
It reminds me of his scene in Bloodlines where he was talking to one of the Coombs brothers who refused to give his DNA in fear the government would use it.. you know.. blah blah blah...

That's why I brought up Vartann

As for Warrick, I agree there too.. too little screen time for that wonderful actor :)
I also thought of that. Him only being there to show that there is someone black on the show. It sucks that he has so little screentime. He is an excellent character. What else has Gary been doing besides his (not so great) role in Perfect Stranger, that prevents Warrick from being on the show? I miss Warrick.
canadians....not all of us though....i tried to enter this contest and because i am from quebec....we cant enter.....we are blocked...and it really makes me angry....
Maryse said:
canadians....not all of us though....i tried to enter this contest and because i am from quebec....we cant enter.....we are blocked...and it really makes me angry....

The Regie des Loteries et Courses du Quebec requires really long preparation times and fees for approval. They have their own set of regulations and most companies would rather exclude the province than deal with the hassle.
The Episode discussion thread for "Leapin' Lizards" is now up all discussion for that episode should be done in there as this is for future eps.
There is a youtube promo up "Grissom and Sara Exposed?"

This has mainly been addressed in the GSR thread, but it is nevertheless a spoiler (And Nick is in it) It may be for Leapin' Lizards, but we don't know (Some say it isn't, some say it is) Since we've been scared to show it off in here (And by we, I mean me, at least) I figured you are all gonna see it eventually on the T.V. So to those that hate GSR so much, warning you! :)
That was short! I think it is from leapin lizzards, although, you know what they do with promos...Nick may not be saying it about Gris and Sara. He may be saying it about a case. Maybe Sara thinks its about her.
gsrLOVE said:
There is a youtube promo up "Grissom and Sara Exposed?"

This has mainly been addressed in the GSR thread, but it is nevertheless a spoiler (And Nick is in it) It may be for Leapin' Lizards, but we don't know (Some say it isn't, some say it is) Since we've been scared to show it off in here (And by we, I mean me, at least) I figured you are all gonna see it eventually on the T.V. So to those that hate GSR so much, warning you! :)

THNK'S gsrLOVE I was going to post this.. but glad you did.. pretty intense.. and moving on..I just wanted to say that the dynamics of CSI have changed since the S/6 finale.. when Grissom put his priorities in order.. I also loved him and Cath working together. but who would he rather work with his paramour, or his co-worker/friend? who actually encouraged him to make nice and sat and smiled when He called and ordered her a plant, many moons ago! so this is not to hard to figure out.. he's moved on and Cath should too ;) also she's a bar-scene gal, and they never partied socially..when have you ever seen Grissom in a bar? like never, unless is was working on a case!! we can't go back to past seasons, and he had his little dalliances with Terri Miller.. she blew him off, and his brief flirtation with Lady Heather, she also blew him off, and Sara, with that A..hole Hank.. and then they got it together..Grissom and Sara, who's stood faithful.. loyal, honest & and true.. the show has just moved in a different direction.. I like that it has.. it's still fantastic, just a bit changed. to me, for the better! and Cath and him still work great together. that will never change! he's got a good camraderie with all his team mates and Sara does too! how fabulous ;)
desertwind said:
THNK'S gsrLOVE I was going to post this.. but glad you did.. pretty intense.. and moving on..I just wanted to say that the dynamics of CSI have changed since the S/6 finale.. when Grissom put his priorities in order.. I also loved him and Cath working together. but who would he rather work with his paramour, or his co-worker/friend? who actually encouraged him to make nice and sat and smiled when He called and ordered her a plant, many moons ago! so this is not to hard to fugure out.. he's moved on and Cath should too also she's a bar-scene gal, and they never partied socially..when have you ever seen Grissom in a bar? like never, unless is was working on a case!! we can't go back to past seasons, and he had his little dalliances with Terri Miller.. she blew him off, and his brief flirtation with Lady Heather, she also blew him off, and Sara, with that A..hole Hank.. and then they got it together..Grissom and Sara, who's stood faithful.. loyal, honest & and true.. the show has just moved in a different direction.. I like that it has.. it's still fantastic, just a bit changed. to me, for the better!

See it's crap like this that annoys me. Were the heck is the spoiler information. And why all the bad talk about Catherine...calling her a bar gal...that needs to move on. So she goes out from time to time... Though what exactly does she need to move on from? A friendship? How can you say Grissom put his priorities in order...What the heck? That makes him sound soooo...I don't know unprofessional especially when you claim he rather work with his lover.
^ I cannot agree with you more, Waiting. Usually it's something like that that triggers me to post a snarky reply. They're dating now. Fine. You win. However, is it that hard not to feel so smug and brag and make other characters look low? Each one of them has had their own shares of crappy storylines. No one is better than the others.

America has it's own equivelant of the Quebec thing; they're always leaving out Alaska and Hawaii (anyone know how come?)

About the fake spoilers, I've seen it before; one possibility is the writing of two different endings. Angel did that for its 100th ep to try and keep the fans in the dark about the ending but somehow the actual ending still leaked before air :( I wonder if CSI has done similar now and I kinda hope that's a fake ending 'cause I hate being left hanging all summer long.
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