Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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All I know is the the Futon Critic gets press releases from the networks (or shows) regarding the official signing. I don't know where the other info is coming from so.. But either way this isn't the thread for it, so were better off out of this one on that topic, there is a thread for it.
I don't know if they will cancel CSI because it's still a hot show. But you never know what the mighty Les Moonves may have up his sleeve.
Okay okay moving on now *Waves hand and points at my last post above.* :p
I wonder what everyone's reaction is going to be when GSR is found out... I do hope for a wise crack from Catherine, she can be hilarious sometimes.
Please tell me we are not having another DRAB season finale regarding Sara and Grissom!!! :rolleyes: I mean come on already that was sooo last season of them becoming a couple, and now we get another dumb finale of it coming to light to the team. Don't get me wrong...I think GSR coming out in the open is going to create tension, but it's not season finale material. Oh this really bites. Sorry...but this just really annoys me. Are they trying to flush the show down the drain?!?!?! Anyhow Sara going missing :rolleyes: I hope is a false spoiler.
gsrLOVE said:
I wonder what everyone's reaction is going to be when GSR is found out.

Hard to tell. What I'd personally like to see is an ultimatum issued to Grissom. Either stop dating a subordinate, let Sara work under another supervisor who won't be playing favorites, or have Grissom supervise another shift.

Of course I know that none of that will happen because it would change the whole show, but it's what should happen. I doubt there will be any animosity from any of the team members. They'll probably be shocked, of course, but they'll get over it. Not sure how Catherine is going to take it though. She and Grissom always seemed to have a specially close friendship, at least in the earlier years of the show. Like I said, it's hard to tell.

I'm sure the writers will come up with something that will please some fans and tick off other fans. That's the way it goes.
Toots said:
gsrLOVE said:
I wonder what everyone's reaction is going to be when GSR is found out.

Of course I know that none of that will happen because it would change the whole show, but it's what should happen. I doubt there will be any animosity from any of the team members. They'll probably be shocked, of course, but they'll get over it. Not sure how Catherine is going to take it though. She and Grissom always seemed to have a specially close friendship, at least in the earlier years of the show. Like I said, it's hard to tell.

It's changed the show before. Remember MEA CULPA? The split the teams up. I'm sure they wouldn't mind splitting Sara away from the team.
It's changed the show before. Remember MEA CULPA? The split the teams up. I'm sure they wouldn't mind splitting Sara away from the team.

Yea!!! Maybe Sara will go to days, and her new supervisor will be Ecklie. Hahahah... :D
Waiting said:
It's changed the show before. Remember MEA CULPA? The split the teams up. I'm sure they wouldn't mind splitting Sara away from the team.

Yea!!! Maybe Sara will go to days, and her new supervisor will be Ecklie. Hahahah... :D

Gosh could you even imagine :eek: I wouldn't mind seeing Catherine be Sara's supervisor :lol:
You wouldn't mind Catherine is Sara's supervisor, they will killed each other. I don't think they going to break up the teams. I don't think Nick can handle another break up again. He enjoy working with Grissom and he is happy working under Grissom. You can see that on Laws of Gravity, he stay close to Grissom.
NicknGrissom said:
You wouldn't mind Catherine is Sara's supervisor, they will killed each other. I don't think they going to break up the teams. I don't think Nick can handle another break up again. He enjoy working with Grissom and he is happy working under Grissom. You can see that on Laws of Gravity, he stay close to Grissom.

That's why I put the :lol: face, because it'd be absolutely hilarious to see them on a team like that.

I don't think they'd change the team.. They'd probably just forget about it and move on, or I don't know :( What WILL they do.. I mean, come on.. They must have something really intense up their sleeves, because there are more negatives about this than positives.
don't think they'd change the team.. They'd probably just forget about it and move on, or I don't know What WILL they do.. I mean, come on.. They must have something really intense up their sleeves, because there are more negatives about this than positives.

My thought is this...if GSR comes out as the finale...something WILL have to happen. Ecklie will have a hay day with this. Either GSR will be over...or Grissom or Sara will quit their position. For one, usually in a personel policy dating your subordinates is not tolerated. I can't see CSI acting like Grissom dating one of his staff is going to go by like its nothing...I mean they have kept it from the others for the entire season. Something's bound to give, and hopefully it's not the integrity of the show.
Hopefully catherine or nick will point out how crappy it was for Grissom to lecture everyone on work ethics, then he turns around and does this. If everyone gives them their blessing, and its all happy, i will be pretty mad. I hope they break up...
Hopefully catherine or nick will point out how crappy it was for Grissom to lecture everyone on work ethics, then he turns around and does this. If everyone gives them their blessing, and its all happy, i will be pretty mad. I hope they break up...

I agree with you. Like I said something's got to give. I would think Nick will have the biggest issue with this...just from his reaction from Catherine keeping her team in the dark on the whole reversed forensics thing. Hahaha...then Sara's shoty comment.."Catherine if I have something to say to you...I will do so in private." :rolleyes: What the heck is she doing? Yeah grissom/sara real trust-worthy there. :rolleyes: Their whole relationship has rubbed me wrong simply because they did hide it from everyone, and if you think of the reasons's obvious. I honestly can't see how GSR coming out of the closet is going to go overly 'lightly' with the team. I honestly feel Grissom has lost all his insight as far as his own team is concerned. He has been so distracted this season.
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