Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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I've been through/seen some real tough things with my job, and have learned how to suck it up and show up for work anyway...but it's a tough fight! I usually collapse at home, or take it out on a punching bag...I see all that the writers have put that boy through and I think "lord, he has GOT to break soon!" At least he's got some friends/hobbies. Sara's the one that is headed for a complete break since she only seems to have the job!
Man I hope the finale is not just about GSR...or Sara being kidnapped. :rolleyes: I don't care for sara when she is over dramatic. Sorry, don't mean any offense, but that just makes for a snooze for a finale. I rather it deal with something regarding Warrick, Catherine, Greg, Or Nick...I'm just really sick of GSR...and personally I feel that has been strung out for too long. I guess we all know it's there, but yet its idle almost...boring. And finally they want to make something of it?!?!?! Just seems a bit late is all. That should have happened back in the beginning of this season...not the ending.
Can't they just handle it the way Grissom once said his leaving would be handled i.e: no cake in the break room, they just go off into the sunset quietly?! :D
That was the old (good) Grissom. *misses Gil*

However I think they made the wrong decision for this finale.
But I'm not saying this because I don't like Sara. I would have said this for any character. it just sounds too much like Grave Danger.
Too bad this time Tarantino won't be there.

I really don't know what to think, but I'm not too enthusiast about it.
It’s not fair! Why Sara? She is my favorite character and if she dies the show will not be any good! And why her again? I mean there is her bad childhood, then hers awful love life, and she was hurt in the lab explosion, and held hostage by madman, that almost slit her throat! Those writers have something against Sara and Nick! Why this MCSK can’t take Grissom instead? Nothing bad ever happen to him… NOT FAIR!!!!! :( :mad:
Not sure how Catherine is going to take it though.
I think she will be jealous (maybe it's not the right word) . Don't get me wrong , not the love jealous kind of thing . More like she just lost her alpha female status.

And if Sara goes missing (and she is not out buying beer and donuts without her cell phone) what are they doing with Grissom ? Technically he is a suspect . They always suspect the boyfriends/husbands ...
I think she will be jealous (maybe it's not the right word) . Don't get me wrong , not the love jealous kind of thing . More like she just lost her alpha female status.

I disagree with this...She didn't lose her alpha female status...hahaha :lol: funny though. See this is where Sara might have an issue with Grissom. Grissom will always see Catherine as the superior.
shanniegirl said:
I'm wondering if perhaps the Jorja-contract issue isn't tied to the fact that she's in peril for the finale. Maybe they've not disclosed if she's signed back on because they want there to be some suspense to the story line. I mean, if we all know she's coming back next season, there's not much to worry about because we know she's coming out of this episode more or less okay. But with us all not sure, there is the actual possibility of her character dying, which makes the situation much more intense for the viewers.

I'm gonna have to agree with you there. I think the writers have finally caught onto the fact that we tend to know what happens long before the episode ever premieres. Although I do spoil myself most of the time, I like to have a little suspense and surprise now and then. If this is why they haven't come forward with the info regarding her contract, props to them! I think that will make for a very intense and awesome season finale.

Hey, do we know for sure if Sara is kidnapped? Or does she just sort of disappear of her own free will? I wasn't quite sure with the way you guys were throwing around speculations.
Apparently she has "mysteriously" disappeared. We don't know under what circumstances yet, and we probably wont hear much more about the episode until it airs. But you never know.
Part of me says theres no way she will die because that just seems so wierd, but on the other hand, its possible. I don't know. I'm not at all excited about this finale. I was hoping it wouldn't have anything to do with GSR (at least not as a main storyline.)

But maybe she wasn't kidnapped. Maybe shes the MCSK and then low and behold she's running away from everyone. Haha because that is justso likely. Ugh.. either way this whole someone must get hurt or kidnapped or shot.. its all old.

I really hope this won't turn out how it seems right now.
EricaSJ said:
When will they stop using one of the main characters becoming the victim storyline as a finale stunt? :(
Since GD was such a hit, I guess they just thought it would be a hit everytime.

I am beginning to get excited for the episode. Keeping my positive thoughts that Sara remains intact by the end, of course.
Hey csikicksurass, I haven't see you in the Snickers Thread in a while. Do you watch Empty Eyes last Thursday night? It was Snickers episode except the end.

I know and i feel terrible, the website hasn't really been working for me, i am lucky if a get a post, it always seems to go weird when i go into the shipper thread, maybe someone has spamed and it has done something to my computer i dont know? but i do get to read :D

And i hope Sara doesn't die, i started with the characters and will end with ALL of the characters.
I wouldn't wish that any CSI 'DIES" that's harsh :(, and anyone that leaves, will be a part of CSI dying, their all phenomenal & unique in their own special way.. greatest cast ever on TV.. in my opinion!! here's an article about "Lady Heather' on the May 10 ep. and some insight from Melinda Clarke.. not what you think ;)


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