Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 3

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^It's curious. I've been wondering about that too, because they're supposed to also bring up Warrick's marriage trouble's soon as well.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see. :rolleyes:
Carmine Giovinazzo (danny messer)csi:ny
Play`s in the third part of csi:LV season 7!!!!!!
He look very nice hahah
Dutch_CSI said:
Carmine Giovinazzo (danny messer)csi:ny
Play`s in the third part of csi:LV season 7!!!!!!
He look very nice hahah

No, he doesn't. RTL 4 stopped airing season 7 after 2 episodes here and this one thats on now is the first episode of season 3.
Anyone know when Warrick's grambling is gonna become an issue??

I have a feeling that it was probably going to be some throwaway line in one of the earlier scripts with it being clear that Warrick has been in a casino lately or something, and got cut.

But you never know. They do re-use a lot of stuff.
They're supposed to bring that back up later on? Along with his marriage troubles? Seems like this season is going to be rough on all the characters. The only ones that haven't (or might not have) a bad time are Nick and Sara, unless I've missed something there.

So they're going to be playing reruns until January now? That really sucks. I didn't like BTK, it was just boring IMO. As far as the MCSK goes, I'd rather he have more time this season, because they just didn't tell you everything about that. What about that doll? What was that about? What did Penny Garden have to do with anything? (I may have just missed this tidbit, if I did, let me know, please). I mean, was she random?
Do you think Nick and Warrick will each get a story line this season? Greg finally got something spaced out across 2 episodes, although that appears to be over and done with now. Sara hasn't really had anything, either, except for the few GSR scenes here and there, so I wonder what the rest of this season will bring for the peripheral CSIs?
Ok, so I just read some sides for Law of Gravity (don't know which one that is) But, this is what I got from the sides (Note: none of it could be true, but based on them, this is what I got. Take it however you want it):

* Everyone was mentioned in the 8 (?) sides that I read. Everyone EXCEPT Grissom (of course) and Greg. (Very bad for me and other Greg fans, but I'm sure he'll be stuck in the background somewhere. Like always)

* Nick seems to have a pretty good bit, and Warrick did too. Catherine was there as well, but that's no suprise, now is it?

* For anyone wanting character drama, this seems to be a good episode for it. Unfortuneately, its with the character that no one knows about. Thats right. Keppler has something going on with some stripper named Amy or her dad or something. (Sound familiar?) I don't really know.

* Wendy has some scenes with Keppler. Sounds flirty, but I could be wrong.

Oh no, I have found myself guilty of being critical of this episode that is still a ways away, and also of this character, of whom no one has seen. I guess I just find it funny that he takes Grissom's place and automatically gets a nice storyline. I suppose its needed. I also suppose that the time of day (or morning I should say) has left me a bit grouchy. The funny thing is, all of this could be untrue. Oh well.

But, hey:

That's life.
No Greg means no Greg and Nick working on a case together. Does anyone else here miss their interaction? Some of the best scenes in seasons 1-4 were between the two of them. Thus far season 7 (or most of 6 for that matter) have the two of them worked a case together. It's annoying.

And no word yet over whether or not Warrick will still be married come seasons end?
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