Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 3

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sarahvma said:

From what I heard, Billy had already decided back in December that he was staying on board, and that's likely when 7x15 was being written.

For real? Billy is staying on board? :eek: *prays that said information is true* *prances about nervously as she waits for an answer* I really, really hope that is true!!
Check and it's news section.

Keppler is supposed to die in Law of Gravity, but it may have been re-writtn so his character can be a recurring one. We'll have to wait and see.
Destiny how many episodes do we have listed? after 'Meet Market" what's next.. do you have that info.?just wondering if Grissom is in the next one "Fallen Idol" on Feb. 8th ;)
Wojo said:
Check and it's news section.

Keppler is supposed to die in Law of Gravity, but it may have been re-writtn so his character can be a recurring one. We'll have to wait and see.

Thanks a bunch, that puts my mind more at ease reading that article. :D Thanks again Wojo.

And it'd be interesting to see what they plan to do with Keppeler if they decide to not have him kick the bucket...potential for another spinoff? :confused: Be an unusual way to introduce a new character to a new series if the TPTB decided to make that move.
"Law Of Gravity" airing Feb. 8th, Grissom returns from his sabbatical & learns about the friction caused by Keppler while he was away :eek:

Courtesy..Elyse's web-site
That sound interested. I can't wait to see Laws of Gravity. Grissom returned and he is not a happy camper. I'm sure Sara told him about it.
Any word on when we'll see or hear anything of Greg's civil suit? Technically that's supposed to happen before Grissom gets back, at least the deposition part anyway.
desertwind said:
Destiny how many episodes do we have listed? after 'Meet Market" what's next.. do you have that info.?just wondering if Grissom is in the next one "Fallen Idol" on Feb. 8th ;)
"Law of Gravity" on Feb 8, 2007 (Small Snips)

Grissom returns from his teaching sabbatical as Keppler tries to conceal his ties to a double murder case that he and his CSI colleagues are investigating. -- Frank, a retired cop may have had a role in the murders

LOG is the fourth ep in which Grissom returns,
1. Sweet Jane
2. Redrum
3. Meet Market
4. Law of Gravity
labgeekluvr said:
Any word on when we'll see or hear anything of Greg's civil suit? Technically that's supposed to happen before Grissom gets back, at least the deposition part anyway.

If we do, I think it'll be a throw away line at best. That's basically what we got throughout Warrick's marriage and apparently his divorce, too--so I don't expect Greg's lawsuit will be any more prominent than that. He's had his story line, finally, and I think we were lucky to have that at all, but I think the writers are moving on to other stories now. There are a lot of character on this show, and if the writers want to be fair to all of them, they have to let some things go and move on to new story lines.
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