Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 3

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I had a feeling that was going to happen. Is it just me who feels like bringing Keppler in was really unnecessary? I would have much rather they used the time to have a storyline with one of the others trying to fill Grissom's place or something, even if it was only a four episode character arc. Still, I guess I'll wait and see how this pans out before really ripping into it. :D
Sometimes all these spoilers can be really misleading. Catherine lying to the team could really be anything, it doesn't have to be this huge lie, and Keppler could very easily have died in a car crash instead of something like a shootout. Maybe it won't even happen, maybe its a near death thing or something. You just never know what you're getting.
vegaslights said:
Just because he dies, doesn't mean he can't be the MCSK. Even though it is unlikely. :/

That's true. I have no idea if he is or isn't, but most of the serial killers have died eventually. Usually at their own hand.

I'm really bummed by the new spoilers about the team splitting up again, this time by choice. I hope you guys are right about it looking worse than it actually will be when it airs.
LOL. Poor Keppler.
As for the MCSK... it's an interesting case -maybe the most interesting in the history of CSI - but I don't think he's the MCSK because he comes from Boston (BOSTON?!), and he wasn't even related to the Vegas team when this case started. I highly doubt the MCSK is someone from the team... well, we will see.
Brass lives, where do you hear that about the team break up again? I didn't hear nothing about it. Ecklie better not break them up again. If they do, Nick better stay with Grissom. along with Sara.
NicknGrissom said:
Brass lives, where do you hear that about the team break up again? I didn't hear nothing about it. Ecklie better not break them up again. If they do, Nick better stay with Grissom. along with Sara.

I didn't hear anything about them breaking up either. I think they are just SO much better as a team. I didn't like it at all when they were broken up because it was all of them working with the same people all the time. If they were broken up, though, I don't think Grissom and Sara would be allowed to stay together on the same team... I always thought that if the team ever broke up, it would be because Grissom was involved with Sara, and they couldn't stay on the same team. Hopefully this rumor is wrong though, and they all get to live happily ever after. Except for all the murders and stuff, of course.
I think this is because of the video on Where Nick, Sara,Warrick, and Greg come together because they feel they can't trust Catherine. That is what is meant by team split and it most likly sounds worse than it is.

Scroll up or back a page to read more. No worries.
Destiny said: ATTENTION, guys lets take a peek again at the "Help Guide" tacked up in this forum, reference the following topics in the list.

1. Episode Linking, Proxies, Allowed/Not Allowed
2. Fan Video's

Both will be informative of what is allowed to be linked to and what is not, if you are not clear please feel free to pm and ask about it. Hopefully this will help.

Also note that that the site has made a determination regarding the use of "Scripts" from casting sides, ect. The determination is that they will not be allowed to be used, this means you can not copy and paste scripts in whole or in part or link to them. What you are allowed to do is summerize them in your own words, what said episode is about, and discuss it from there. I have posted this in the "Help Guide" under "Scripts Used For Spoilers".
Were still not sure about the "" Until we are we go with the better safe then sorry. Yep this mod has her reasons behind it. :D
yeah that's what i think too. the team doesn't get split up by the department, they just think catherine isn't honest anymore and so they kinda rebel against her
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