Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

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I could be wrong, all I saw was the arm and the hospital gown and after what happens to him..him landing in the hospital plus with that spoiler about Sara doing at least some of he processing, and I think Nick taking the pictures, from that spoiler of him showing those at the inquest--he wouldn't show them if he didn't take them--I thought it was him..but like you all said, he has buffed up lately.

I keep forgetting about the woman that got beat up as well, and I should seeing that other spoiler about who Greg was going to see when he walks past the waiting room with family of the person who was run over in it.

I do think that Warrick's and Sofia's opening sequence as well as Greg's do come from Fannysmackin'.
speakerset, you totally made sense. And I could definitely so why you would think that could have been Greg, especially if you were watching it in motion. And wecould still be wrong. Like I said id doesn't really matter either way... But I do think that is Jessica (the girl that gets beat up.. I'm pretty sure thats her name)

But anyways, I definitely agree with you that a lot of the opening credits seem to come from Fannysmackin. It must be a freakin awesome episode!!
I think it Greg because Greg wasn't buffed...yet. I can't wait to see Nick beat the crap of that punk (K-fed.)
Thank you, I swear even with the caps, my brain just went right to Greg, is that woman Jessica going to be on more than one episode or or just that one, will she testify at the inquest? I don't think I've read any other spoilers about her other than the ones that a woman gets beaten and she was the one that Greg was going to see when he was in the hospital.

But I think you all are right, I think that arm does belong to a woman.

And that episode is just going to be fantastic, it's sort of that I do, but I don't thing. You want to see it and you want to see a big storyline for Greg and see Eric just shine in it, but at the same time, you really just don't want to see Greg get hurt.

It's funny, if you watch season 1 then now, you can really see how that role started out small and just grew and grew over time, and it's been just wonderful to see.
I never thought I'd say this but - TWO MORE DAYS! We get to see the previews of "Fannysmackin"! Lordy, I hope they show the previews and my VCR is in working order.
Do we know for sure how long the Greg arc goes for? The incident and inquest are in different eps, right? And do the spoilers say more after that?
i feel slightly sorry for the writers, they try to do something interesting in 'toe tags' and we're all a bit more excited about the prospect of the 'fannysmacking' promo... :D

so, umm... when it's up on cbs (the promo) can someone post a link? cheers.
i'm sure toe tags will be a very interesting episode..

we're just excited for heh..heh... SQUEEE!! TOMORROW WE GET TO SEE THE FIRST CLIP!! *dies of excitment*
you know what would be really funny?
if they didnt show one little hair of Gregs head.....heh heh and everyone will have been waiting for that!
I'd bet they don't show Greg at all, they'd probably have it like a POV thing, with Greg out to the picture but we can see what is happening.

But the only good thing, ET should have something on it before it airs, they always do some great CSI roundups.
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