Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

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iilovecsii: Just a friendly reminder that double posting is discouraged. You can hit the "Edit" button and edit your post up to 24 hours after posting it. Otherwise, it's considered spamming. Just a headsup so the mods won't get on you!

The new season looks promising, it's all about whether or not the writers/producers can balance the storylines and the continuity to hold viewer attention and keep them from switching the channel. :)
ooo I thought that it was triple posting cause I accidently did that once and they told me bout that. which is it double or triple cause I double alot.
iilovecsii: Double posting typically qualifies as spam. So, please edit your posts.

Also, guys, the mods discourage chatting in these forums. If you wish to talk rapidly back and forth, you can take it to AIM or MSN Messenger, or any form of chatting you prefer. Hope that helps!
Is it on yet?

I neeeeeeed to know what happens its not gonna be on here till you guys have finished watching it....

*pulls up chair and waits*
AHHHHHH I'll be back In an hour.. or in between commercials.. I would watch from here and update like a loser but this tv sucks. =p I LOVE YOU ALL =*]
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