Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

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I think all spoiler sites say: "Take these with a grain of salt." Sometimes some sites get different information. Sometimes sites get more, sometimes sites give more... I like to look at all the sites, take it in, and take it with a grain of salt.

I, personally, usually defer to YTDAW, but, that's just me. And, remember, whatever site you're dealing with, they're giving you what they have, and they RARELY get full scripts.

Also, YTDAW didn't so no one else was in the ep, but that it was the "Brass, Sofia, Nick, and Warrick show." The others may be in it, just not as much. :)

Grain of salt.

And, interested in this episode, but more from what I read over at Grissaratalk than what I've read anywhere else.
Alyssa said: The mods'll probably say things like this, but since spoilers are popping up all over the net for this ep, please cite your source so we know where they came from! :)
Actually the mods won't say it, because it has been said several times, not to mention its included in the rules on page/post one, and only repeated when needed. :D
eszmanda_luver said:
Ok, so we should believe YTDAW over the sides? Because as I continued to read, I saw Greg and Catherine as well. Or is it a, well we never know if any spoilers are right anyway, so.. either one is as reliable as the other?
Actually while what you say is true, it also isn't true, everyone believes one site is more reliable then another, but in the end no site is 100% reliable since scripts are ever changing. Making the only 100% reliable source your tv screen. :D

Noting the following for anyone else wanting to chime in on this, "Always remember that spoilers are subject to changes and should only be considered as a guide to what could be happening in that episode, and not what will happen."
This is from the new TV Guide with Billy and Jorja on the cover (Sept 25 - Oct 1, 2006). I'm not going to reprint the whole article because it's too long. But here are some highlights:

Exec producer Carol Mendelsohn came clean. This promises to be the most personal season of CSI yet. Good thing, too, since it's now going up against TV's sudsiest smash, Grey's Anatomy. "The bones of Season 7 will be the toll the job has on our CSIs," she says. "The sin in Sin City is beginning to wear on them."
Next, we talked to exec producer Naren Shankar: "We're not turning into a soap opera but we're going to see anger with the world, and them reaching out to each other."
Then they really sang like canaries: Turns out all the CSIs will get roughed up this season, in one way or another.
Take Catherine Willows. After a night out with Nick Stokes in the two-part opener, the cool redhead finds herself a crime victim who has "suffered a loss she never expected," Mendelsohn says. Nick blames himself for her troubles. Then Greg Sanders is faced with a life-or-death decision that Shankar says "will cost him dearly - emotionally, physically and spiritually." And Warrick Brown finds his marriage is in more trouble than a murder suspect without an alibi.

Sounds like great stuff to me. I love it when our stars are conflicted. I especially love the Greg stuff, and am going crazy trying to figure out how he will cope with the emotional, physical and spiritual aftereffects of his beating and accidentally killing that bad guy.
This is just a wild guess on my part, but I'll bet one of these days Greg will no longer tolerate Hodges insults and will clock him a good one.
I guess that song of John Mayer's really fits this season..their worlds are changing, I had a feeling about Warrick's marriage, but Greg's spoiler, that one is just a killer for me, emotionally, physically and spiritually, the only thing I can think of, is that what happens is obviously going to effect him emotionally (and I'm going to include psychologically as well, that has sort of been implied with the trouble sleeping), it has to, and we have the physical part, the spirtual one, I'm thinking that that may be his questioning himself or where he is empathetic, it makes him question how people can act the way they do. This season really is going to be a stellar one for Greg, I'm dying for the premiere, but really, now I can't wait for October, there are going to be some FANTASTIC Greg scenes.

And yet, it's still going to be hard to watch him question himself and his beliefs so much.
Weird enough, I'm not too depressed reading Greg's spoilers. I'm thrilled, maybe, that finally Eric's given a chance he deserves, to really show his talent. :) I've been waiting for a Greg-centric episode since FOREVER! GO ERIC!!! :D

Too bad I'm not gonna be able to watch S7 as soon as others who's in US :( Oh well, there's always the spoilers ;)
I'm with you though, I'm happy that Eric will get a chance to shine, and shine I think he will, it's going to be a great chance to really show his stuff.

But at the same time, what gets us there, it's just that the character of Greg is just so, well, he's such a good guy, you don't want to see anything bad happen to him, then there is the other layer of, things happen to people and it's how the deal with it that matters and I wondering how they are going to have Greg deal with it.

Bottom line though Eric is going to be FANTASTIC in these episodes and it's really about time that he gets more storyline.
Toots said:
This is from the new TV Guide with Billy and Jorja on the cover (Sept 25 - Oct 1, 2006). I'm not going to reprint the whole article because it's too long. But here are some highlights:

Exec producer Carol Mendelsohn came clean. This promises to be the most personal season of CSI yet. Good thing, too, since it's now going up against TV's sudsiest smash, Grey's Anatomy. "The bones of Season 7 will be the toll the job has on our CSIs," she says. "The sin in Sin City is beginning to wear on them."
Next, we talked to exec producer Naren Shankar: "We're not turning into a soap opera but we're going to see anger with the world, and them reaching out to each other."
Then they really sang like canaries: Turns out all the CSIs will get roughed up this season, in one way or another.
Take Catherine Willows. After a night out with Nick Stokes in the two-part opener, the cool redhead finds herself a crime victim who has "suffered a loss she never expected," Mendelsohn says. Nick blames himself for her troubles. Then Greg Sanders is faced with a life-or-death decision that Shankar says "will cost him dearly - emotionally, physically and spiritually." And Warrick Brown finds his marriage is in more trouble than a murder suspect without an alibi.

Sounds like great stuff to me. I love it when our stars are conflicted. I especially love the Greg stuff, and am going crazy trying to figure out how he will cope with the emotional, physical and spiritual aftereffects of his beating and accidentally killing that bad guy.

I am soo happy..warrick's marriage is probally over. =] wow I am like crying happy tears.. but the loss for Catherine I hope is NOOTOTOTOOTT Lindsay. That would suck sooo freaking bad. Cause I heard that she insistes on finding her daughter and not letting paramedics help her because all she wanted was to find her daughter.. she wouldn't even let warrick hug her sympathetically. So I read.. but we all know that she really wants too.=] I don't know if I read some of that info on here or not.. Im not really thinking straight. so Whoever found that out Kudos to you. =]
Wojo said:
7x08 -- Happenstance

Like parent trap style. Twins separated at birth and reunited at death. (feel free to add to this if any one knows more)

They're doubling up on filming because they are behind schedual So only Brass, Sofia, Nick, and Warrick appear in this episode. :(

I tend to like the eppys where they cut down the cast a bit and I love anything with Warrick and Nick, thats awesome news. This means that we'll have the other half in the next eppy so its all balanced.
Hey everyone I'm back! It's been a long 3 months away from the boards!! I don't know if anyone ahs said this yet but, doesn't it seem like the season is going according to the picture that they gave to us in May. I mea, if u look at the promo for Season 7 they show a hotel being torn down and they show a chip in Warrick's hair, etc. So, was the picture for this season or what because to me it seems pretty likely...
eszmanda_luver said:
Because as I continued to read, I saw Greg and Catherine as well. Or is it a, well we never know if any spoilers are right anyway, so.. either one is as reliable as the other?

Yeah Greg was there, he's working with Warrick. Grissom, Catherine, Nick, Sofia, Brass and even Wendy is in the episode.
The spoilers only contain the info about the cases though, there are no character storylines yet.
eszmanda_luver said:
Its not Lindsey. Its Sam. He gets shot!!

O well then... who cares? I surely dont.. as long as it isn't any of the team.. ESPecially Warrick.. or lindsay or Catherine herself then its fine by me. =]
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