Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

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yeah and none of us said that we won't watch this episode.i'm sure everyone here will,with or without this guy!
I thought it was a bad joke, hopefully this episode won't turn in another "Poppin Tags".
And K-Fed (god, what a stupid name), I think TPTB are totally crazy now, couldn't they get a real actor for that, maybe someone who really is a teenager and not a 28 years old wannabe singer/actor.
Go, Nicky "Hit him baby one more time" and again... :lol:
bine said:

Go, Nicky "Hit him baby one more time" and again... :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks, you just made my day!!!

*** I just went to and scrolled down to the feeback link and told them exactly what I think about this big mistake in casting they are making. SUGGEST OTHERS DO THE SAME!***
that's a good idea.We should all do that before they make other mistake like this.Who know what they could do?hire jessica simpson to play a smart girl in the show?
ach so what if Kevin Federline is in the episode. it's not like it's going to ruin it for us is it? fair enough I pretty much loathe ghe guy as well, but i don't see how it was a "mistake" to hire him. CBS aren't that stupid, so i'm not gonna give them any feedback until I actually see the episode.

i'm looking forward to the episode even more now actually. Originally i was excited about it, and about Nick punching the guy, but now that it's "K-Fed" it should be even better :D
While it is true everyone has a right to their opinion, and a person can disagree with that opinion, no one has the right to attack the person themselves for having that opinion.

Now in saying that, you don't like a guest star? thats fine, voicing your opinion regarding that is fine, but there is a fine line between voicing an opinion and just out right attacking the guest star (and or family) which isn't tolerated anymore then attacking the regular stars of the show, I suggest that folks watch for that line and keep this in mind. Thank you.
Mine too! In fact I remember watching the Monkees when I was 5 yrs old!!!

Sorry Destiny. Ive disliked B. Spears for a long time. It's hard not to badmouth her. Won't happen again.
Wojo said:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks, you just made my day!!!

I'm glad that I could make you happy. :lol:

And Destiny , I don't know if you meant my comment, but I'm sorry, if I got a little mean in it. Maybe I could use different words the next time :D, but I meant what I said.

I just saw a new promo for the season opener and I'm not very happy what I see on Nicky's head. You'll see what I mean. :(
Omaetoy has the clip on her site.
Never a dull moment in CSI land! Hmmm...Nicky kickin' butt, huh? This should be interesting. He's been rather...docile.. since Gum Drops! :D

Now....I'm hyped for Greg! I'm wonderin' how this event will change Greg? Can't wait to be yelling at the Tv and telling Greg to hang in there!

I will say one thing, TPTB are good for shocking us with guest stars. Danny Bondauce? Oh...I just realized how old I really am! :)
I've been wondering when we were going to see the new promo. Thanks for providing the link cathsaralover.

What can I say about Nick's hair...or lack of? Awful doesn't quite describe it.
Darnnn, I can't watch it. My computer is old and needs to download new crap to watch it. I don't feel like waiting. Was it by any chance on CBS??
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