Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

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jordan said:
Omg Danny Bonaduce is guest starring?? OMG I love Danny Bonaduce! Suh-weet. Now I REALLY want September to come. For the first time in my life, I can't wait for September.
I'm kind of excited about school, since I'm going into High School, but not really. I hate homework...Although I do think I'll enjoy my Creative Writing elective and my science two best subjects with two possible careers right there. =P Whoops...not supposed to talk about real life stuff, am I??? That was my bad, appologies to the mods.
But I want September really bad now...only 27 more days you guys. We can do this.

I just started high school as well, but mine starts on August 7, so, I've been in it for a while now. But we are a college prep and I am taking AP as a freshman. So there is a lot of hard work. But you'll make it..

Anways... nunn, eh? Hehe, they go from fannysmackin gangs to nuns... interesting transition.

I know its been discussed already, but i love the Fannysmackin name.. I think its so funny. Living in Florida, we get our fair share of tourists and that turn has been said many times. I don't think its right though... lol whatev
I just started high school as well, but mine starts on August 7, so, I've been in it for a while now. But we are a college prep and I am taking AP as a freshman. So there is a lot of hard work. But you'll make it..{/quote]

I start Sept. 6. I'm taking all College Prep classes, French2, and Creative Writing. I kinda look forward to it.

Anyways, back on topic here. It has been confirmed by a CBS commercial that Gilbert Grissom will indeed have no beard. Whoop Whoop, I'm happy. I see no problem with the beard, it is quite sexy, but I kinda like him without it better. I think that might be cuz his hair/facial hair looks like a zebra..cuz it's like dark, then a little white, then dark again at his beard. Pretty funny, if you ask me. Haha, but I have to problem with it. However, Sara could have. :devil:
Yeah and I met the whole cast. David Cassidy was AWESOME!!!!!!It was a singing group. Boy, did I love to hear them sing. Mainly David Cassidy. LOL
Well in that case, I hope that Nick beats the ever-lovin' crap out of K-Fed. Why would tptb hire a low-class loser like Mr. Spears for their show? I can't imagine anyone wanting to see him in anything, let alone a CSI episode.
OMG!!!!!! are you joking me!!!!!!!that is going to be that best thing ever!!!!1 i personally hate k-fed and his bad singing talent......funny to see nick beat him 26 days!!!!
OMG, please tell me you're kidding. I hate that guy! The only reason he's famous is because he married Brittany Spears. Besides, I thought the gang that's beating people up were 18 to 20 years old? This just sucks! However, IF he has to be in the episode, at least Nick decks him.

EDIT: Ok, I read the interview posted below. And I have to say....I still hate this idea. Sorry to any K-Fed fans out there. But I think he's going to be the weak point in an other wise great episode. Thankfully, my love for Greggo overweights my dislike for him.
What a stupid, cheap publicity ploy! That low-life's appearance mars what would otherwise be a pretty decent episode. If it weren't for Greg, I'd skip this episode.
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